David Petreman

Dr. David A. Petreman (B.A. Illinois Wesleyan University, M.A., University of Iowa, Ph.D., University of Iowa)

I was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin and grew up in Illinois on the State Line between those two states. I went to
Lakeview School in Zion, Illinois from kindergarten through 6th grade, then to Central Junior High School for two
years and Zion-Benton Township High School for four years. It was then on to Illinois Wesleyan University where
I obtained my B.A. in Spanish in 1970. I began graduate school at the University of Iowa, but due to the intelligence
of the U.S. Congress, graduate school deferments were eliminated and I got drafted into the Army during the
Viet Nam War. I spent two years in the Army and another two years of unemployment and temporary jobs before
returning to Iowa in 1975. I received my M.A. in Spanish (Golden Age Literature and Cervantes) in 1976. I received
my Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy) in Latin American Literature in 1984. I had taken a job at Wake Forest University
as an ABD in 1981, so it took me an extra three years to complete the Ph.D., what with a full-time job, a wife and
two little kids and a great distance from Iowa City. I worked at WFU for five years before accepting a tenure-track
job here at Wright State University. I have been here for 30 years.

Dr. Petreman has just published another book, his ninth, called "El témpano de Coloane". (2014) The publisher, Talleres Atelí
is located in Punta Arenas, Chile, where legendary writer Francisco Coloane lived much of his youth.

Petreman has traveled to Chile eleven times, twice for seven-month stays when he had years of sabbatical. He has been to
Spain three times, Mexico twice, Italy, France, , Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and, I guess we should count it,
Canada three times. Chile has been his second home and really, his destiny.


Petreman has published nine books:


"El témpano de Coloane" (Talleres Atelí, Chile, 2014)

"Candlelight in Quintero" Bilingual Edition (Dos Madres Press, Ohio, 2011)

"Francisco in the Days of Exile" (Finishing Line Press, Kentucky, 2008)

"Candlelight in Quintero" (English version, Dos Madres Press, Ohio, 2007)

"Luz de vela en Quintero" (Spanish version, Dos Madres Press, Ohio, 2007)

"Cape Horn and Other Stories from the End of the World" (2nd edition, Latin American Literary Review Press, Pittsburgh, 2003)

"Los rostros de la lluvia/The Faces of Rain" (LOM Ediciones, Chile, 2001)

"Cape Horn and Other Stories from the End of the World" (1st edition, Latin American Literary Review Press, 1991)

"La obra narrative de Francisco Coloane" (Editorial universitaria, Chile, 1988)


Please check out some of my books. Just click on the book link below.










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