Amit Raj Sharma, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae

Research Statement
My research is focused in the field of Theoretical/Computational Atomic Molecular Physics, Atomic and Molecular Chemical Kinetics, Computational Molecular Ro-Vibrational Spectroscopy, Spectral Line Shapes, and in the area of First Principle Computational Material Research. I also work on modeling non-linear processes in ionospheric plasmas in collaboration and funding from Sensors directorate at Air Froce Research Laboratory on Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
Students Advised
- Nathan Zechar (Started Fall 2019) Title “TBA” (IASM PhD,), Wright State University
- James Serna (ASK student) ASK Undergraduate Research Mentor Training
- Sudip Acharya (Started Fall 2019) Title “Development of Embedded Atom Method Interatomic Potentials for Ge-Sn-Si Ternary and Constituent Binary Alloys for Modelling Material Crystallization” (M.S. Thesis), Wright State University.
- Richard Vanderburg (Started Fall 2019) Title “One-Dimensional Kinetic Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Various Plasma Distributions” (M.S. Thesis), Wright State University
- Truong Nguyen (Graduated Summer, 2019) Title “Development of Numerical Methods to Study Ionospheric Plasma Turbulence and Early-Stage Cancer Cells Invasion” (Ph.D. Thesis), Wright State University.
- Joseph Wilson (Spring 2018) Title “Using the FDTD Method to Model Electric Field Propagation through Various Materials”, (Senior Thesis), Wright State University.
- Ashok Gurung (Summer 2018) Title “Molecular Dynamics Study Of Hydrogen Trapping And Helium Clustering In Tungsten” (M.S. Thesis), Wright State University.
- Kevin Scheiman (Spring 2018) Title “A Parallel Spectral Method Approach To Model Plasma Instabilities” (M.S. Thesis), Wright State University.
- Thanh Nguyen (Spring 2017) Title “Atomistic modeling of Helium diffusion and clustering in Tungsten”, (Senior Thesis), Wright State University.
- Jonathan Troville (anticipated completion Spring 2017) Title “Carbon Nanotube synthesis and modeling” (M.S. Thesis), Wright State University.
- Tony Kim (graduated in January 2017) Title “Interaction Of Very Low Frequency (Vlf) And Extremely Low Frequency (Elf) Waves In The Ionospheric Plasma And Parameteric Antenna Concept” (Ph.D. Thesis)
- Jeremy Adkins (Spring 2016) Title “First principles prediction of alloyed properties using large super-cell approach”, (Senior Thesis), Wright State University.
Education History
- PhD in Computational Physics (2008) Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany
- M.S. in Physics (1997) School of Studies in Physics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, India
- B.S. in Physics and Mathematics (1995) St. Thomas College, India
- 2019 - Associate Professor – Wright State University, Department of Physics
- 2013-2019 Assistant Professor – Wright State University, Department of Physics
- 2010-2013 Research Associate – Argonne National Lab, Chem. Sci. Eng. Div.
- 2008-2010 Post Doctoral Associate – Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation, Emory University, Department of Chemistry
- 1998-2005 Research Scientist – Institute For Plasma Research, India
- PHY1010 Undergrad PHY Seminar II
- PHY 2400 General Physics I
- PHY 2400R General Physics I Recitation
- PHY 2410 General Physics II
- PHY 2410R General Physics II Recitation
- PHY 2420 Modern Physics
- PHY 4600/6600 Quantum mechanics I
- PHY 4610/6610 Quantum mechanics II
- PHY 4830/6830 Statistical Mechanics
- PHY 4940 Senior Project
- PHY 6990 Special Topics in Physical Science for Teachers
- ISM 8500 Applications of parallel computers
- PHY 7990 Minor Problems
- PHY 8000 Physics Seminar
- PHY 8990 Research
- ISM 8300 Independent research
- ISM-8400 Dissertation research
- E. Mishin, V. Sotnikov, N. Gershenzon, and A. R. Sharma, “Whistler Waves in the Plasmasphere Boundary Layer: Nonlinear Parametric Excitation”, Geophysical Research Letters, 46. (https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2019GL083432 ) (DOI: 10.1029/2019GL083432)
- A. R. Sharma and D. E. Weeks, “Interatomic Potentials for Ground and Excited states of Ar + He”, Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 194302 (2018) (https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5049661)
- A. R. Sharma and D. E. Weeks, “Excited Interatomic Potential Energy Surfaces of Rb + He that correlate with Rb terms 52S through 72S”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 29274-29284. (DOI:10.1039/C8CP05550E)
- A. R. Sharma, L. B. Harding, S. Klippenstein, and A. Jasper “Anharmonic effects in kinetic predictions for the CH3 + O2recombination reaction”, Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physics, Submitted.
- L. A. Blank, A. R. Sharma, D. E. W., 2018, “Influence of basis-set size on the , ,and, potential-energy curves, vibrational energies, and D1 and D2 line shapes of Rb+He,” Physical Review A 97, 032705 (2018) . DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.032705
- Jonathan M. Smith, Matthew Nikow, Jianqiang Ma, Michael J. Wilhelm, Yong-Chang Han, Amit R. Sharma, Joel M. Bowman, and Hai-Lung Dai, “Chemical Activation through Super Energy Transfer Collisions”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 1682−1685, 2014. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja4126966
- S. Carter, A. R. Sharma, and J. M. Bowman, “First-principles calculations of rovibrational energies, dipole transition intensities and partition function for ethylene using MULTIMODE,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 137, no. 15, p. 154301, Oct. 2012.
- Y. Han, A. Sharma, and J. Bowman, “Quasiclassical trajectory study of fast H-atom collisions with acetylene,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, Jan. 2012.
- A. R. Sharma, J. M. Bowman, and D. J. Nesbitt, “Large-amplitude dynamics in vinyl radical: The role of quantum tunneling as an isomerization mechanism,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 136, no. 3, p. 034305, 2012.
- S. Carter, A. R. Sharma, and J. M. Bowman, “Multimode calculations of rovibrational energies and dipole transition intensities for polyatomic molecules with torsional motion: application to H2O2.,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 135, no. 1, p. 014308, Jul. 2011. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3604935
- J. M. Bowman, B. J. Braams, S. Carter, C. Chen, G. Czakó, B. Fu, X. Huang, E. Kamarchik, A. R. Sharma, B. C. Shepler, Y. Wang, and Z. Xie, “Ab-Initio-Based Potential Energy Surfaces for Complex Molecules and Molecular Complexes,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 1, no. 12, pp. 1866–1874, Jun. 2010.
- R. Warmbier, R. Schneider, A. R. Sharma, B. J. Braams, J. M. Bowman, and P. H. Hauschildt, “Ab initio modeling of molecular IR spectra of astrophysical interest: application to CH4” A&A, vol. 495, no. 2, pp. 655–661, Feb. 2009. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:200810983
- S. Carter, A. R. Sharma, J. M. Bowman, P. Rosmus, and R. Tarroni, “Calculations of rovibrational energies and dipole transition intensities for polyatomic molecules using MULTIMODE,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 131, no. 22, p. 224106, Jan. 2009.
- A. R. Sharma, B. J. Braams, and S. Carter, “Full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface and vibrational configuration interaction calculations for vinyl,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 130, no. 17, p. 174301, 2009.http://link.aip.org/link/?JCPSA6/130/174301/1
- A. R. Sharma, R. Schneider, and U. Toussaint, “Hydrocarbon radicals interaction with amorphous carbon surfaces,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 363, pp. 1283–1288, 2007. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.01.180).
- A. R. Sharma, J. Wu, B. J. Braams, S. Carter, R. Schneider, B. shepler, and J. M. Bowman, “Potential energy surface and MULTIMODE vibrational analysis of C2H3+,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 125, no. 22, p. 224306, Dec. 2006.
- A. Sharma and S. Chaturvedi, “3‐D Time‐Dependent Neutronics‐Linked Hydrodynamics Calculations for Inertial Fusion Targets,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Jan. 2005. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1945287).
- A. Sharma, S. Ganesan, and A. Trkov, “SIGACE Code for Generating High‐Temperature ACE Files; Validation and Benchmarking,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Jan. 2005. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1945056).
- A. R. Sharma, D. Chandra, S. Chaturvedi, S. Ganesan, and H. Wienke, “Re-investigations of integral neutron multiplication experiments with 14 MeV neutrons in lead,” Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 501–512, Sep. 2001. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0920-3796(01)00220-4).
- Ganesan, S., Sharma, A. R., & Wienke, H., “New investigations of the criticality property of pure 232U”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 29(9), 1085–1104, 2002. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0306-4549(01)00097-4
- A. Sharma, D. Chandra, and S. Chaturvedi, “Analysis of Integral Benchmark Experiments with Latest Evaluated Nuclear Data,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(sup2), 1151–1154, 2002.http://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2002.10875306.
- A. R. Sharma and S. Ganesan, “Integral Validation And Use Of Improved Nuclear Data In Fusion Blanket Studies”, IAEA report, 1st March 2002. Research contract number 302-F4-IND-11566.
- S. Carter, J. M. Bowman, A. S. A. C. Proceedings, 2012, “The‘MULTIMODE approach to ro-vibrational spectroscopy,” aip.scitation.org
- A. R. Sharma, B. Braams, S. Carter, R. Schneider, B. Shepler and J. M. Bowman , “Multimode Vibrational Analysis Of C2H5+Using Full Dimensional Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface And Dipole Moment Surface”, Journal of chemical physics.
- R. C. Agrawal, R. K. Gupta, M. L. Verma, A. R. Sharma ,“POLARIZATION/SELF-DEPOLARIZATION STUDIES ON Ag+ ION CONDUCTING QUENCHED [0.75agi: 0.25agcl] MIXED SYSTEM SOLID SOLUTION”, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 37 (4): 235-238, Apr 1999 (Masters Thesis work).
Book Chapter:
- INTRODUCTION TO MOLECULAR DYNAMICS, R. Schneider, A. R. Sharma, A. Rai, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 739, 2008, XVI, 780, Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-74685-0, Computational Many-Particle Physics, (Ed.) H. Fehske, R. Schneider and A. Weisse, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 3-40, 2008, Wilhelm & Else Heraeus Summer school (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74686-7).
- Invited to present at the “Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR)”, 25th - 29th, June 2018 in Incheon/Seoul, South Korea.
- Invited to present at “Joint ICTP-IAEA School and Workshop on Fundamental Methods for Atomic, Molecular and Materials Properties in Plasma Environments at the ICTP”, 16 April 2018 to 20 April 2018.
- Invited to present at the “Workshop on GeSn and GeSiSn” organized by Optoelectronic Technology Branch of Air Force Research Laboratory. 10th January 2018.
- Amit. R. Sharma, "MD and Adaptive Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Hydrogen and Helium Diffusion/Trapping/Clustering in First–Wall Tungsten", 16th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components (16th PFMC), Düsseldorf, Germany, from May 16th - 19th, 2017.
- Amit. R. Sharma, “Adaptive Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Hydrocarbon Diffusion/Trapping in First– Wall and Amorphous Hydrocarbon Flakes”, Joint ICTP-CAS-IAEA School and Workshop on Plasma- Material Interaction in Fusion Devices, CAS Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Hefei, Anhui Province, China, 18-22 July 2016.
- Adrienne Traxler, Beth Basista, Amit R. Sharma, “Interactive Engagement Calculus-based Physics”, Teaching for Student Success Symposium, Wright State University, August 23, 2016.
- Truong (John) Nguyen, Amit R. Sharma, Mohamed Sulman, “Development of Efficient Solver for LH Plasma Turbulence Coupled Equations” IASM Retreat, Wright State University, August 26, 2016.
- Amit. R. Sharma, “Effective Cyberinfrastructure for Scientific Computation”, Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium2016, Sep 20-21 2016
- G. Kozlowski, A. Sharma, R. Kleismit, S. Rana, A. Fletcher, J. Shugart, M. Braydich, J. Boeckl, N. McDonald, J. Van Nostrand, and D. Telesca, “Covetics – a new class of materials containing high carbon concentration”, 2015 MRS Fall Meeting, November 29-December 4, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
- Amit. R. Sharma, Lawrence B. Harding and Stephen J. Klippenstein, “Kinetics of methyl peroxy formation”, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Dallas TX, March 16-20, 2014, Type (Oral).
- Amit. R. Sharma, QE Workshop, Penn State, June 16-20, 2014, Type (Oral).
- Amit R. Sharma, Lawrence B. Harding, and Stephen J. Klippenstein. KINETICS OF METHYL RADICAL OXIDATION AT HIGH PRESSURE. 22nd International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, 2012. Boulder Colorado, June 18-22.
- Amit R. Sharma, Lawrence B. Harding, and Stephen J. Klippenstein. ROLE OF RADICAL-COMPLEX INTERMEDIATES IN HIGH-PRESSURE CHEMISTRY. Gordon Research Conference on Atomic & Molecular Interactions, Stonehill College, Easton, MA, July 2012.
- Amit R. Sharma, Lawrence B. Harding, and Stephen J. Klippenstein. A THEORETICAL STUDY OF THE RADICAL-COMPLEX MECHANISM FOR CH3 + O2 AT HIGH PRESSURE. 7th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 10-14, 2011.- WON BEST POSTER AWARD
- Amit R. Sharma, Yuri. Georgievskii, Lawrence B. Harding, and Stephen J. Klippenstein. KINETIC STUDY OF METHYL RADICAL OXIDATION WITH MOLECULAR OXYGEN. 7th US National Combustion Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 2011.
- Amit R. Sharma, Joel M. Bowman, and Stuart C. Carter. REACTION PATH STUDY OF TUNNELING SPLITTING IN FLOPPY MOLECULES. Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association (SETCA), 2010.
- Amit R. Sharma Bastiaan J. Braams, and Joel M. Bowman. VINYL RADICAL POTENTIAL ENERGY SURFACE: HYDROGEN MIGRATION AND VIBRATIONAL TUNNELING SPLITTING. Gordon Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer (GRCOMET), 2009.
- Amit R. Sharma, Joel M. Bowman, and Stuart C. Carter. REACTION PATH STUDY OF TUNNELING SPLITTING IN FLOPPY MOLECULES. Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association (SETCA), 2008.
- Amit R. Sharma, Bastiaan J. Braams, and Joel M. Bowman. High-accuracy spectral lines for radiation transport in stellar atmospheres. 10th HITRAN Conference, Cambridge MA, 2008.
- A. R. Sharma, S. Ganesan and A. Trkov, "SIGACE CODE FOR GENERATING HIGH TEMPERATURE ACE FILES; Validation and Benchmarking", AIP Conference Proceedings no.769, 2005
- A. R. Sharma and S. Chaturvedi, “3-D NEUTRONICS-LINKED HYDRODYNAMICS CALCULATIONS FOR INERTIAL FUSION TARGETS”, AIP Conference Proceedings, May 24, 2005, Volume 769, pp. 1493-1496, International conference on nuclear data for science and technology
- A. R. Sharma, "MCNP- Speedup calculations on Beowulf cluster at IPR", "DAE meeting on Parallel computing and its application in science and Engineering (PASE)", November 27-28, 2003, Mumbai, India.
Under construction
NSF funded HPC cluster configuration
Hardware Configuration
1 x Head & Storage - Pinnacle 2X3603H8
Model: Pinnacle 2X3603H8
Base System: 2U Dual Xeon system with 8x 3.5" drive bays
Processor(s): 2x Intel Ten Core Xeon E5-2640v4 2.4GHz - 90W
Memory: 128GB - 8x 16GB DDR4 2400MHz
Storage configuration: Hardware SAS/SATA RAID controller
Raid controller: Dual-core 12Gb/s hardware RAID controller (levels 0,1,5,6,10,50,60) RAID controller cache: Flash backup for RAID controller cache
Storage: 8x 6TB SATA 12Gb/s Enterprise Hard Drive 7200RPM w/ 256MB Cache Boot / OS drives: 2x 240GB Data Center SATA 2.5" Solid State Drive
Boot / OS drive location: Two 2.5" hotswap drive bays in rear of system Networking: 2x RJ45 10Gb ethernet ports
Expansion Slot(s): Single port FDR (56Gb) QSFP InfiniBand adapter
Management: Remote iKVM with dedicated management RJ45 ethernet
Power Supply: Dual 1100W PSU (redundant)
12 x Compute Block 128GB Node E5v4 204
Model: Compute Block Node E5v4 204
Base System: Compute Block Node for Xeon E5-26XXv4 series
Processor(s): 2x Intel Ten Core Xeon E5-2630v4 2.2GHz - 85W
Memory: 128GB - 8x 16GB DDR4 2400MHz
Storage configuration: 4x 2.5" hot-swap drive bays
Storage: 240GB Data Center SATA 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: 1TB SATAII 6Gb/s Enterprise 2.5" Hard Drive 7200RPM w/ 128MB Cache Networking: 2x RJ45 1Gb ethernet ports
InfiniBand: 1x on-board FDR (56Gb/s) InfiniBand QSFP port
Expansion Slot: Empty Low Profile 16x PCI-e Gen 3.0 slot
Management: Remote iKVM with dedicated management RJ45 ethernet
22 x Compute Block 64GB Node E5v4 204
Model: Compute Block Node E5v4 204
Base System: Compute Block Node for Xeon E5-26XXv4 series
Processor(s): 2x Intel Ten Core Xeon E5-2630v4 2.2GHz - 85W
Memory: 64GB - 8x 8GB DDR4 2400MHz
Storage configuration: 4x 2.5" hot-swap drive bays
Storage: 240GB Data Center SATA 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: 1TB SATAII 6Gb/s Enterprise 2.5" Hard Drive 7200RPM w/ 128MB Cache Networking: 2x RJ45 1Gb ethernet ports
InfiniBand: 1x on-board FDR (56Gb/s) InfiniBand QSFP port
Expansion Slot: Empty Low Profile 16x PCI-e Gen 3.0 slot
Management: Remote iKVM with dedicated management RJ45 ethernet
1 x 128GB Pinnacle GPU 2XG3602
Model: Pinnacle GPU 2XG3602
Base System: 2U Dual Xeon GPU ready system with 8x 2.5" drive bays
Processor(s): 2x Intel Ten Core Xeon E5-2640v4 2.4GHz - 90W
Memory: 128GB - 8x 16GB DDR4 2400MHz
Storage configuration: Onboard SATA controller (software RAID only)
Storage: 240GB Data Center SATA 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: 1TB SATAII 6Gb/s Enterprise 2.5" Hard Drive 7200RPM w/ 128MB Cache Networking: 2x RJ45 1Gb ethernet ports
GPU Expansion Slots: 2x NVIDIA Tesla P100 PCI-E 12GB GDDR5 Passive Single GPU Expansion Slot: Single port FDR (56Gb) QSFP InfiniBand adapter
Management: Remote iKVM with dedicated management RJ45 ethernet
Power Supply: Dual 2000W PSU (redundant)
1 x FDR InfiniBand networking
Model: FDR InfiniBand networking
Used IB ports: 36x ports
Oversubscription: 1:1 No-oversubscription
IB switch: 36 port IB FDR single PSU switch w/o chassis management - QSFP ports
1 x Network System - Gigabit
Node communication is provided through an Ethernet network.
This is accomplished through one 1U Netgear 48-port managed gigabit switch.
Netgear M4300 Series - 48-port Gb L3 managed switch with 2x 10Gb SFP+ and 2x 10Gb Base-T ports
1 x Software
Model: Software
ACT dir is Advanced Clustering's compilation of the best open-source software and tools, created by Advanced Clustering for high-performance computing.
ACT dir includes:
Cloner - Our image replication and node installation software.
ACT Utils - Our set of command line utilities to easy cluster administration and management. Multiple message passing (MPI) libraries supporting both Ethernet and Infiniband
Job queuing / scheduler system
Benchmarking/Diagnostic tools