
Wright State University has created as a central location for contact directory and profile services. It is open to all faculty, staff, and students with an active CAMPUS user account.

For help getting started with your profile, see the Create Your Profile page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was it created?

Faculty, staff, and students at Wright State have not had a definitive, well-integrated, easy-to-use method for making profiles of the professional work at Wright State.  This type of information includes teaching histories, biographies, published works, research or other projects, and more.  Departments often maintain completely isolated silos of this information on their Web sites or faculty have to set up a Personal Web Page.  Because of the time and technical skill involved, these pages often fall out of date. provides integrations into the university's content management system so that individual departments and persons have less of a maintenance burden; and since the data is all in one place, if someone's data is wrong, it's wrong everywhere and gets noticed and fixed.

How does compare to social media? Personal Web Pages? Pilot? does not have the status update or sharing features that most social media sites have. It is more akin to a guided "about me" page that automatically pulls in your contact information.

Personal Web Pages is offered by CaTS, and allows users to host their own web sites on university servers, for example, provided the user is familiar with HTML and SFTP, or a tool such as Dreamweaver. aims to make maintaining a professional profile simple, as it requires you only to log into a Web page and enter your information into guided fields, after which your information is just a click away from the university directory. is not replacing Personal Web Pages; if you have a Personal Web Page you can still maintain it or set up a new one.  We believe that as we get the kinks worked out of, many in the university community will find it to be the quickest and most straightforward way to publish their professional profile.

Pilot should be used for course materials and communication. is not designed for hosting course files or announcements, and is meant for more generic information such as lists of courses taught.

Who can use it?

Any Wright State faculty, staff, or student with an active CAMPUS account (w001abc) and who is currently listed in the university directory can login and edit their profile.  Those who have explicitly instructed Human Resources or the Registrar to unlist them will not be able to create a profile.  Anyone in the world can search the directory that is part of and view anything you put on your profile, such as your picture, unless noted otherwise on the edit page.

How did my info get on here?

Your name, title, phone, and email are provided automatically by Human Resources and the Registrar, and has always been available as part of the directory on the university Web site.  Any additional fields, such as your photo or a biography, were likely added by your department as part of a recent Web site remodel.

What if my info is wrong or I want to be removed from this directory?

If you would like to change profile information (photo, biography, education history, ...), just log in above to go to your profile and edit it.

To request your profile be deleted, use the "Web Support" link in the footer and we'll remove any profile information you've created. Note that this will not remove your directory information.

If directory information (name, email, phone, title, ...) is incorrect or you want to be hidden from this directory, please use the following contacts:

Is it secure?

All users who log into the site are forced to use SSL (HTTPS), which provides end-to-end encryption between you and this server.  You login using your CAMPUS credentials (w-name), but is not shown publicly. Your UID is not collected. You may see a long number resembling a UID in certain URLs, but this is only an internal identifier that cannot be used to login or otherwise impersonate you.