Anand Jeyaraj, Ph.D.
Anand Jeyaraj is Professor of Information Systems in the Raj Soin College of Business. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration (with emphasis in Information Systems) from the University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA. He also holds a Master of Science degree in Management Information Systems (MIS) from the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Bishop Heber College, India.
He has taught a variety of courses including programming courses such as Visual Basic.NET and Java; technical courses such as data structures and algorithms, operating systems, systems programming, computer networks, and computer graphics; and behavioral courses such as systems analysis and design, management of information systems, and information technology outsourcing. He also teaches specialized courses such as geographic information systems (GIS), supply chain information management, and business data analytics.
His research interests include the diffusion and adoption of information systems; success and payoff of information systems; and methodologies and applications of information systems. His research appears in leading publications such as Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Information & Organization, International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly.
He has also presented his research at various conferences including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology (DIGIT), and the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AoM).
2024 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2024 Brage Golding Distinguished Professor of Research, Wright State University
2023 Outstanding Scholarly & Creative Activity Award, Wright State University
2023 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2022 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2021 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2020 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2020 Ranyard Medal for Best Paper published in the Journal of Business Analytics, The Operational Research (OR) Society, United Kingdom
2018 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2016 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Raj Soin College of Business
2011 University System of Ohio Faculty Innovator Award, Ohio Board of Regents
2009 Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Technology Award, International Conference on College Teaching and Learning
2009 Alpha Iota Delta Honor Society
2008 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, Southwestern Ohio Council of Higher Education (SOCHE)
2007 Junior Faculty Consortium (MIS Camp), Americas Conference on Information Systems
2005 Doctoral Consortium, Americas Conference on Information Systems
2004 Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society
2004 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
MIS 1150 - Introduction to Business Programming (using VB.NET)
MIS 2150 - Information Systems Applications Development (using Java, VB.NET)
MIS 3150 - Data and Information Management (using Oracle Apex)
MIS 3810 - Introduction to Business Data (using Excel, Access, Python, SPSS)
MIS 3840 - Data Visualization for Business (using Tableau)
MIS 4300 - Business Analytics (using AI Studio, RapidMiner, Excel)
MIS 4500 - Business Processes and Enterprise Systems (using Oracle e-Business Suite)
MIS 4600 - Geographic Information Systems for Business (using ArcGIS)
MIS 7150 - Advanced Database Management (using MySQL Server, Teradata, MongoDB)
MIS 7400 - Information Technology Outsourcing and Partnerships
Journal Publications
Sheng, Z., Fu, J., Jeyaraj, A., and Sun, Y., 2025, "Altruistic and Egoistic Behaviors on Enterprise Social Media Platforms: Analysis using PLS-SEM and fsQCA," Journal of Business Research, 186, 114939.
Rakshit, S., Jeyaraj, A., Paul, T., and Mondal, S., 2025, "Social Networking Technologies in SMEs: A Bibliometric Analysis," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 65(2), 141-158.
Sun, Y., Fang, S., Jeyaraj, A., and Zhu, M., 2025, "Mitigating Perceived Overload of Communication Visibility: The Role of ESM Policies," Internet Research, 35(1), 448-475.
Sun, Y., Zhu, M., and Jeyaraj, A., 2025, "How Enterprise Social Media Affordances affect Employee Agility: A Self-Determination Theory perspective," Information Technology & People, 38(1), 87-115.
Raj, A., Kumar, R.R., and Jeyaraj, A., 2024, "Antecedents and Outcomes of Big Data Adoption in Supply Chain: A Meta-Analytic Investigation," American Business Review, 27(2), 775-797.
Lin, P. and Jeyaraj, A., 2024, "The next chapter of AI Empowerment: What CPAs need to know about Generative AI?," CPA Journal, accepted for publication.
Jeyaraj, A., 2024, "Scaffolding for Business Analytics Education: Using Python for Web Scraping," Journal of Information Systems Education, 35(4), 438-450.
Gayathri, M., Kavitha, V., and Jeyaraj, A., 2024, "Forecasting Air Quality with Deep Learning," International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 1-11.
Gupta, P., Hooda, A., Jeyaraj, A., Seddon, J.J.M., and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2024, "Trust, Risk, Privacy and Security in e-Government Use: Insights from a MASEM Analysis," Information Systems Frontiers, in press.
Jeyaraj, A., 2024, "Assessing Omitted Variables Bias in Intention-Behavior Linkages: Mitigation Strategies and Research Implications," International Journal of Information Management, 78, 102809.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Jeyaraj, A., Hughes, L., Davies, G.H., Ahuja, M., Albashrawi, M.A., et al., 2024, ““Real Impact”: Challenges and Opportunities in Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice - Making a Difference in Industry, Policy, and Society,” International Journal of Information Management, 78, 102750.
Mishra, N.K., Raj, A., Jeyaraj, A., and Gupta, R., 2024, "Antecedents and Outcomes of Blockchain Technology Adoption: Meta-Analysis," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 64(3), 342-359.
Rakshit, S., Jeyaraj, A., and Paul, T., 2024, "SME Performance through Blockchain Technologies," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 64(2), 204-218.
Sun, Y., Zhong, Y., Jeyaraj, A., and Zhu, M., 2024, “The Impact of Enterprise Social Media Affordances on Employees' Thriving at Work: An Empowerment Theory perspective,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 198, 122983.
Lin, P. and Jeyaraj, A., 2023, "A Roadmap to Technology Agility for CPAs: Meeting the Challenges of the IT-based Workplace," CPA Journal, 93 (Sep/Oct), 59-63.
Jeyaraj, A., Dwivedi, Y.K., and Venkatesh, V., 2023, "Intention in Information Systems Adoption and Use: Current State and Research Directions," International Journal of Information Management, 73, 102680.
Hooda, A., Gupta, P., Jeyaraj, A., and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2023, "Clarifying the role of e-Government Trust in e-Government Success Models: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling Approach," Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 27, 1-22.
Sethi, V., Sethi, V., Jeyaraj, A., Duffy, K., and Sethi, N., 2023, "Using Cascade Theories to explain the spread of Fake News in the Asian context," Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 24(1), 55-72.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Kshetri, N., Hughes, L., Slade, E.L., Jeyaraj, A., Kar, A.K., et al., 2023, “‘So what if ChatGPT wrote it?’ Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications of Generative Conversational AI for Research, Practice, and Policy” International Journal of Information Management, 71, 102642.
Jadil, Y., Jeyaraj, A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P., and Sarker, P., 2023, "A Meta-Analysis of the Factors associated with S-Commerce Intention: Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions as Moderators," Internet Research, 33(6), 2013-2057.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Ismagilova, E., Sarker, P., Jeyaraj, A., Jadil, Y., and Hughes, L.D., 2023, "A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model for understanding Social Commerce Adoption," Information Systems Frontiers, 25, 1421-1437.
Jeyaraj, A., 2023, "Task Dependence and External Control constraints in Technology Acceptance," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(6), 1517-1530.
Prashar, A., Gupta, P., Jeyaraj, A., and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2023, "Expectation-Reality Gap in Information Technology Discontinuance Intention," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(5), 1057-1069.
Jeyaraj, A., Ismagilova, E., Jadil, Y., Sarker, P., Rana, N.P., Hughes, L.D., and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2023, "Mediating role of Social Commerce Trust in Behavioral Intention and Use," Information Systems Management, 40(4), 354-370.
Jeyaraj, A., 2023, "Models of Information System Use: Meta-Review and Research Directions," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(4), 809-824.
ZareRavasan, A. and Jeyaraj, A., 2023, "Evolution of Information Systems Business Value Research: Topic Modeling Analysis," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(3), 555-573.
Raj, A. and Jeyaraj, A., 2023, "Antecedents and Consequents of Industry 4.0 Adoption using Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) Framework: A Meta-Analysis," Annals of Operations Research, 322(1), 101-124.
Roberts, N., Jeyaraj, A., and Pullin, J.E., 2023, "Assessing the connections among Top Management Support, IT Assimilation, and Business Value of IT: A Meta-Analysis," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(1), 107-135.
Swani, K. and Jeyaraj, A., 2022, "Buyers apping? Determinants of Current and Future Use of Sellers' Business-to-Business Mobile Apps," Industrial Marketing Management, 107, 276-286.
Zadeh, A. and Jeyaraj, A., 2022, "A Multistate Modeling Approach for Organizational Cybersecurity Exploration and Exploitation," Decision Support Systems, 162, 113849.
Hooda, A., Gupta, P., Jeyaraj, A., Giannakis, M., and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2022, "The effects of Trust on Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior within E-Government Contexts," International Journal of Information Management, 67, 102553.
Jeyaraj, A., 2022, "A Meta-Regression of Task-Technology Fit in Information Systems Research," International Journal of Information Management, 65, 102493.
Jeyaraj, A., 2022, "Models of Information Systems Habit: An Exploratory Meta-Analysis," International Journal of Information Management, 62, 102436.
Sun, Y., Wu, L., and Jeyaraj, A., 2022, "Moderating role of Enterprise Social Media Use in Work Engagement," Information Processing & Management, 59(1), 102793.
Jeyaraj, A. and Zadeh, A., 2022, "Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Cybersecurity," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 62(4), 680-693.
Gupta, S. and Jeyaraj, A., 2021, "Online-to-Offline (O2O) Commerce in Emerging Markets: Analysis of the Retail Sector," Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 22(4), 260-278.
Dissanayake, I., Jeyaraj, A., and Nerur, S., 2021, "The impact of Structure and Flux of Corporate Boards on Organizational Performance: A perspective from the Information Technology Industry," Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 30(2), 101667.
Jeyaraj, A., 2021, "Rethinking the Intention to Behavior Link in Information Technology Use: Critical Review and Research Directions," International Journal of Information Management, 59, 102345.
Zhu, M., Sun, Y., Jeyaraj, A., and Hao, J., 2021, "Impact of Task Characteristics on Employee Agility: The Moderating Effect of Enterprise Social Media Visibility," Internet Research, 31(3), 931-960.
Duffy, K., Jeyaraj, A., Sethi, V., and Sethi, V., 2021, "Drivers of Information Technology Choice by Individuals," International Journal of Information Management, 58, 102320.
Jeyaraj, A., Zadeh, A., and Sethi, V., 2021, "Cybersecurity Threats and Organizational Response: Texutal Analysis and Panel Regression," Journal of Business Analytics, 4(1), 26-39.
Zadeh, A., Jeyaraj, A., and Biros, D., 2020, "Characterizing Cybersecurity Threats to Organizations in support of Risk Mitigation Decisions," e-Service Journal, 12(2), 1-34.
Jeyaraj, A. and Zadeh, A., 2020, "Institutional Isomorphism in Organizational Cybersecurity: A Text Analytics Approach," Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 30(4), 361-380.
Jeyaraj, A. and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2020, "Meta-analysis in Information Systems Research: Review and Recommendations," International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102226.
Jeyaraj, A., 2020, "DeLone & McLean Models of Information System Success: Critical Meta-Review and Research Directions," International Journal of Information Management, 54, 102139.
Jeyaraj, A., 2020, "Variation in the Effect of System Usage and Individual Impact: A Meta-Regression of Empirical Findings," Information & Management, 57(6), 103242.
Sun, Y., Wang, C., and Jeyaraj, A., 2020, "Enterprise Social Media Affordances as Enablers of Knowledge Transfer and Employee Creative Performance," Telematics & Informatics, 51, 101402.
Jeyaraj, A. and Zadeh, A., 2020, "Evolution of Information Systems Research: Insights from Topic Modeling," Information & Management, 57(4), 103207.
Sethi, V., Jeyaraj, A., Duffy, K., and Farmer, B., 2020, "Embedding Robotic Process Automation in Process Management: Case Study of using taskt," AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, 5(1), 1-18.
Sun, Y., Zhu, M., and Jeyaraj, A., 2020, "Motivations of Enterprise Social Media Feature Set Usage," Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120(7), 1421-1438.
Fu, J., Shang, R., Jeyaraj, A., Sun, Y., and Hu, F., 2020, "Interaction between Task Characteristics and Technology Affordances: Task-Technology Fit and Enterprise Social Media Usage," Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 33(1), 1-22.
Mangalaraj, G., Jeyaraj, A., and Prater, E., 2020, "Differential Effects on Assimilation Stages for Supply Chain Management Information Systems," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60(1), 34-48.
Sun, Y., Zhou, X., Jeyaraj, A., Shang, R., and Hu, F., 2019, "The Impact of Enterprise Social Media Platforms on Knowledge Sharing: An Affordance Lens Perspective," Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 32(2), 233-250.
Jeyaraj, A., 2019, "Pedagogy for Business Analytics Courses," Journal of Information Systems Education, 30(2), 67-83.
Haran, V. and Jeyaraj, A., 2019, "Organizational E-Mentoring and Learning: An Exploratory Study," Information Resources Management Journal, 32(1), 58-72.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P., Jeyaraj, A., Clement, M., and Williams, M.D., 2019, "Re-examining the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Towards a Revised Theoretical Model," Information Systems Frontiers, 21(3), 719-734.
Zadeh, A. and Jeyaraj, A., 2018, "Alignment of Business and Social Media Strategies: Insights from a Text Mining Analysis," Journal of Business Analytics, 1(2), 117-134. [2020 Ranyard Medal for Best Paper, the Operational Research Society, United Kingdom.]
Zadeh, A., Akinyemi, B.A., Jeyaraj, A., and Zolbanin, H.M., 2018, "Cloud ERP Systems for Small-and-Medium Enterprises: A Case Study in the Food Industry," Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 20(4), 53-70.
Jeyaraj, A., 2018, "Transformative Learning in Designing Algorithms for Reporting Information Systems," Education and Information Technologies, 23(4), 1699-1717.
Sethi, V., Sethi, V., Jeyaraj, A., Duffy, K., and Farmer, B., 2017, "Enabling Context-Based Learning with KPortal Webspace Technology," Journal of Effective Teaching, 17(3), 38-58.
Sethi, V., Sethi, V., Jeyaraj, A., Duffy, K., and Farmer, B., 2017, "Education Dashboards for Enhanced Learning: A Singapore Experience," Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 18(4), 262-274.
Roberts, N., Gerow, J., Jeyaraj, A., and Roberts, S., 2017, "A Meta-analysis of Organizational Learning and IT Assimilation," Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 48(4), 51-68.
Sabherwal, R. and Jeyaraj, A., 2015, “Information Technology impacts on Firm Performance: An extension of Kohli and Devaraj (2003),” MIS Quarterly, 29(4), 809-836.
Duffy, K., Jeyaraj, A., Farmer, B., and Sethi, V., 2015, “Organizational Engagement with Supply Chain Integration: Achieving a Tangible Strategy,” Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, 5(1), 1-7.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sauter, V., 2014, “Validation of Business Process Models using Swimlane Diagrams,” Journal of Information Technology Management, 25(4), 27-37.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sabherwal, R., 2014, “The Bass Model of Diffusion: Recommendations for Use in Information Systems Research and Practice,” Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 15(1), 5–32.
Sun, Y. and Jeyaraj, A., 2013, “Information Technology Adoption and Continuance: A Longitudinal Study of Individuals’ Behavioral Intentions,” Information & Management, 50(7), 457–465.
Jeyaraj, A., 2013, “Teaching Design of Optimal Business Information Systems,” International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 4(1), 57–69.
Barelka, A.J., Jeyaraj, A., and Walinski, R.G., 2013, “Content Acceptance Model and New Media Technologies,” Journal of Computer Information Systems, 53(3), 56–64.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sethi, V., 2012, “Implementation of Information Systems Infrastructures for Supply Chain Visibility in Organizations,” Journal of Information Science and Technology, 9(1), 1–21.
Matta, V., Koonce, D., and Jeyaraj, A., 2012, “Initiation, Experimentation, and Implementation of Innovations: The Case for Radio Frequency Identification Systems,” International Journal of Information Management, 32(2), 164–174.
Jeyaraj, A., 2010, “Business Process Elicitation, Modeling, and Reengineering: Teaching and Learning with Simulated Environments”, Journal of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 253–264.
Shaw, N.G., Sethi, V., Jeyaraj, A., and Duffy, K., 2010, “Modeling User Training and Support for Information Technology Implementations: A Bayesian Test of Competing Models,” Information Resources Management Journal, 23(2), 20–32.
Jeyaraj, A., Balser, D., Chowa, C. and Griggs, G., 2009, “Organizational and Institutional Determinants of B2C Adoption under Shifting Environments,” Journal of Information Technology, 24(3), 219–230.
Sethi, V., Sethi, V., Jeyaraj, A. and Duffy, K., 2008, “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in a Global Subsidiary Organization: Lessons Learned,” Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 9(4), 373–394.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sabherwal, R., 2008, “Adoption of Information Systems Innovations by Individuals: A Study of Processes involving Contextual, Adopter, and Influencer Actions,” Information & Organization, 18(3), 205–234.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sauter, V., 2007, “An Empirical Investigation of the Effectiveness of Systems Modeling and Verification Tools,” Communications of the ACM, 50(6), 62–67.
Sabherwal, R., Jeyaraj, A. and Chowa, C., 2006, “Information System Success: Individual and Organizational Determinants,” Management Science, 52(12), 1849-1864.
Jeyaraj, A., Rottman, J.W. and Lacity, M., 2006, “A Review of the Predictors, Linkages, and Biases in IT Innovation Adoption Research,” Journal of Information Technology, 21(1), 1–23. [Reprinted: Jeyaraj, A., Rottman, J.W. and Lacity, M., 2006, “A Review of the Predictors, Linkages, and Biases in IT Innovation Adoption Research,” Major Currents in Information Systems (Volume IV), Lacity, M.C. (Volume editor), Willcocks, L.P. and Lee, A.S. (Series editors), Sage Library in Business & Management, Sage Publications, London, 2008, 200–236.]
Sharma, S.K., De, R., Jeyaraj, A., and Raman, R., 2022, "Guest Editorial: Re-imagining Diffusion and Adoption of Emerging Technologies," International Journal of Information Management, 102541.
Book Chapters
Jeyaraj, A. and Sabherwal, R., 2013, “Diffusion of Information Technology Innovations,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Management (3/ed), Vol. 7, 65–72.
Sabherwal, R., Hirschheim, R. and Jeyaraj, A., 2009, “A Knowledge-based View of Information Systems Planning and its Consequences: Review and Propositions,” Advances in MIS [Volume: Planning for IS], 123–155.
Jeyaraj, A., 2024, "Advanced Applications Development using Visual C#.NET".
Jeyaraj, A., 2023, "VB.NET Programming for Business Applications". [Previous editions: 2021]
Jeyaraj, A., 2022, "Information Systems Development for Business Applications using VB.NET". [Previous editions: 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017]
Jeyaraj, A., 2016, "Information Systems Development for Business Applications: Designing and Implementing Data Structures and Algorithms in Java". [Previous editions: 2014, 2013, 2010]
Invited Presentations
Jeyaraj, A., "Transforming Business Capabilities with Information Systems," KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India, November 2023.
Jeyaraj, A., "Handling Generative AI Technologies in Business and Society," Keynote @ International Conference on Recent Trends in Data Science and its Applications, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur–Chennai, India, March 2023.
Jeyaraj, A., "Applying Meta-Analysis Methods for Research Synthesis," XLRI: Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur, India, December 2020.
Jeyaraj, A., "Applying Meta-Analysis Methods for Research Synthesis," School of Management, Swansea University -- Bay Campus, Swansea, United Kingdom, November 2020.
Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, N.P., and Jeyaraj, A., "Re-examining the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Towards a Revised Theoretical Model," SIG: e-Business and Government, British Academy of Management, February 2018.
Conference Proceedings
Swani, K. and Jeyaraj, A., “Determinants of Buyers’ Current and Future Use of Sellers’ Business-to-Business Mobile Apps,” Industrial Marketing Management summit, online, January 2022.
Sun, Y., Fan, Z., and Jeyaraj, A., “Task Characteristics and Participants’ Creative Performance in Crowdsourcing Contexts,” HCI International, Washington D.C., USA, July 2021.
Sun, Y., Li, X., and Jeyaraj, A., “Enterprise Social Media Communication Visibility and Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Role of Impression Management Motivation,” International Conference on Management Science and Big Data Application, Hangzhou, China, March 2021.
Sun, Y., Wang, C., Jeyaraj, A., Nie, K., “A Model Construction for Investigating the Impact of Enterprise Social Media Affordances on Employees’ Perceived Creativity,” the Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB), Wuhan, China, May 2020.
Sun, Y., Zhu, M., Jeyaraj, A., Zhu, M., and Wu, L., “Impact of Enterprise Social Media Affordances on Thriving at Work: A Perspective from the Psychological Empowerment Theory,” the International Conference on E-Commerce and Internet Technology (ECIT), April 2020.
Jeyaraj, A., “Facilitators and Inhibitors in the Assimilation of Complex Information Systems,” the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) 8.6 Working Conference, Bangalore, India, June 2013.
Matta, V., Jeyaraj, A., and Frost, R., “Motivations for Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communications by Top Reviewers,” Workshop on e-Business (WEB), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2012.
Jeyaraj, A., “Pedagogical Materials for an Undergraduate Course on Business Intelligence,” the Business Intelligence Congress 3, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2012.
Jeyaraj, A. and Duffy, K., “Acceptance and Use of the ‘Digital Measures’ System in an Organized Anarchy,” the International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2012.
Raghavan, V., Zhang, X. and Jeyaraj, A. “Implementation Success of Clinician Information Systems in Healthcare Contexts,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 2010.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sethi, V., “Implementation of Information Systems Infrastructures for Supply Chain Visibility,” the Southern Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 2010.
Jeyaraj, A., “Diffusion of Complex Information Systems across Organizations,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, California, USA, August 2009.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sethi, V., “Implementation of Information Systems for Supply Chain Collaboration with Geographically-Dispersed Partners,” the Southern Association for Information Systems, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, March 2009.
Jeyaraj, A., Sengupta, A., and Sethi, V., “Stages in Adoption of RFID Innovations by Organizations: Identifying Facilitators and Inhibitors,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada, August 2008.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sethi, V., “Traditional and Modern Methodologies in ERP Systems Implementation using Microsoft Dynamics –GP,” the Southern Association for Information Systems, Richmond, Virginia, USA, March 2008.
Jeyaraj, A., “Accommodating Differences in the Uniformity and Stability of Information Systems Artifacts,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado, USA, August 2007.
Jeyaraj, A. and Duffy, K., “Missing in Action: The Information System Artifact in Information Systems Adoption and Use,” the Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 2006.
Mangalaraj, G., Jeyaraj, A., and Prater, E., “Technology Adoption in Supply Chain Management: A Meta-Analysis of Empirical Findings,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, August 2006.
Jeyaraj, A., “Universal or Conditional Measures of System Use?” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, August 2006.
Jeyaraj, A. and Sauter, V., “Information System Development Methodologies as Learning Systems,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, August 2005.
Jeyaraj, A., Rottman, J.W., and Lacity, M.C., “Understanding the Relationship between Organizational and Individual Adoption of IT Innovations: Literature Review and Analysis,” the Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology, Washington D.C., USA, December 2004.
Jeyaraj, A., Balser, D., Chowa, C., and Griggs, G., “Institutional Factors influencing E-Business Adoption,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, USA, August 2004.
Jeyaraj, A. and Janson, M., “The Evolving E-Business Strategy: Lessons Learned,” the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Tampa, Florida, USA, August 2003.
Professional Activities
Editorial Board, Journal of Information Systems Education
Guest Editor, "The Dark Sides of Digital Technology Adoption and their Impacts on Business and Society," Special Issue, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
Guest Editor, "Meta-Analysis Applications in Information Systems Domains," Special Issue, International Journal of Information Management
Guest Editor, "Re-imagining Adoption and Diffusion of Information Systems in the Age of Cutting-edge Technologies," Special Issue, International Journal of Information Management
International Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Information Management
Editorial Review Board, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2025), Amman, Jordan
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024), Paphos, Cyprus
Program Committee Member, IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference (2023), Nagpur, India
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), Kristiansand, Norway
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022), Timisoara, Romania
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), Marrakech, Morocco
Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020), Hyderabad, India
Program Committee Member, IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference (2020), Tiruchirappalli, India
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), Marrakech, Morocco
Program Committee Member, IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference (2019), Accra, Ghana
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden
Program Committee Member, IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society (2018), Hawally, Kuwait
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), New Orleans, USA
Program Committee Member, IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference (2018), Portsmouth, UK
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018), Portsmouth, UK
Program Committee Member, IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society (2017), New Delhi, India
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017), Boston, USA
Track Chair, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), Guimaraes, Portugal
Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016), Dublin, Ireland
Program Committee Member, IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society (2016), Swansea, UK
Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2016), San Diego, USA
Track Chair, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016), Istanbul, Turkey
Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2015), Fort Worth, USA
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015), Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Track Chair, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Münster, Germany
Program Committee Member, Wirtschaftsinformatik (2015), Osnabrück, Germany
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), Savannah, USA
Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013), Milan, Italy
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Chicago, USA
Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013), Utrecht, Netherlands
Program Committee Member, IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference (2013), Bangalore, India
Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), Orlando, USA
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012), Seattle, USA
Track Chair, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Barcelona, Spain
Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011), Detroit, USA
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011), Detroit, USA
Associate Editor, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011), Brisbane, Australia
Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010), Lima, Peru
Mini-Track Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009), San Francisco, USA
Program Chair, Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology (DIGIT 2008), Paris, France
Reviewing, Journals
Behavior and Information Technology
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Computers & Education
Database for Advances in Information Systems
Decision Sciences
Enterprise Information Systems
European Journal of Information Systems
Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Information & Management
Information Systems Frontiers
Information Systems Journal
Information Systems Management
Information Systems Research
Information Technology & People
International Journal of Business Information Systems
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
International Journal of Consumer Studies
International Journal of Information Management
Internet Research
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
Journal of Management Information Systems
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Management Research Review
Management Science
MIS Quarterly
Organizational Research Methods
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Project Management Journal
Reviewing, Conferences
Academy of Management (AoM)
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology (DIGIT)
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
IS One World
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
SIGDSA Analytics Symposium
Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS)
AIS Special Interest Group: Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
Association for Information Systems (AIS)