Andrew W Froehle, PhD
Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health (primary)
Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (secondary)
Program Co-Director for Academic Advising, Sports Science BSEd
Director, Wright State Motion Analysis Laboratory
Orthopaedic Residency Program Research Director
Education History
Wright State University, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2011-2013, Lifespan Health Research Center
University of California, San Diego, Ph.D., 2011, Anthropology
University of California, San Diego, M.A., 2004, Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.A., 2001, Anthropology
HPR 2430: Motor Development and Learning
KNH 2530: Kinesiology
KNH 4890: Evolution of Human Movement
KNH 4890: Evolutionary Perspectives on Diet and Exercise
KNH 7500: Scientific Foundations of Conditioning
KNH 7800: Research Methods and Program Evaluation
Advising undergraduates, graduate students, medical students, and Orthopaedic Surgery residents on research design and project completion.
Research Statement
Dr. Froehle is a human biologist with training in biomechanics, bioenergetics, exercise physiology, musculoskeletal anatomy, and evolutionary anthropology. His research centers on changes in physical performance and function across the lifespan, with a particular focus on the effects of hormonal and metabolic shifts (e.g., during puberty and aging) on functional outcomes. In terms of clinical relevance, Dr. Froehle’s work treats abnormal physical function and changes in performance as potential indicators of underlying disease or disorder. His research also examines physical performance profiles as risk factors for subsequent injury or development of disease. Current research programs include:
- Normal maturation of walking gait during puberty.
- Pubertal development, walking gait biomechanics, and risk for anterior cruciate ligament injury.
- Longitudinal changes in walking gait with aging and knee osteoarthritis progression
- Bioenergetics of human movement and subsistence behavior
Selected Publications
- Edwards B, Froehle AW, Fagan SE. 2021. Trends in college student-athlete mental health in the National College Health Assessment (NCHA), 2011-2019. J Athl Train. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34902857
- Brueggeman DA, Via GG, Froehle AW, Krishnamurthy A. 2021. Orthopaedic surgery residency candidates and program directors prefer in-person interviews: a survey study of virtual interviews in the era of COVID-19. JBJS OA 6(3):e21.00034. PMID: 34386687
- Edwards B, Froehle AW. 2021. Examining the incidence of reporting mental health diagnosis between college student athletes and non-athlete students and the impact on academic performance. J Am Coll Health. Online ahead of print.
- Froehle AW, Cox JT, May JH, Grannis KA, Duren DL. 2020. Effect of age at menarche on anterior cruciate ligament injury incidence and anterior knee laxity in collegiate athletes. J Sport Med Allied Health Sci 6(2):1-11. DOI: 10.25035
- Whale C, Henningsen JD, Huff S, Schneider AD, Hijji FY, Froehle AW. 2020. Effects of the Ohio Opioid Prescribing Guidelines on total joint arthroplasty postsurgical prescribing and refilling behavior of surgeons and patients. J Arthroplasty 35:2397-2404. PMID: 32418742
- Steffensmeier A, Lamont S, Metoyer G, DiPaolo Z, Froehle AW. 2020. Relationship between age at adult height and knee mechanics during a drop-vertical jump in young adult males. Orthop J Sports Med 8(8):1-11. PMID: 32874998.
- Froehle AW, Wells GK, Pollom TR, Mabulla AZP, Lew-Levy S, Crittenden AN. 2019. Physical activity and time budgets of Hadza forager children: implications for self-provisioning and the ontogeny of the sexual division of labor. Am J Hum Biol 31:e23209. PMID: 30576026
- Wallace KD, Nahhas RW, Khalil N, Froehle AW. 2018. Age but not BMI predicts accelerated progression of knee osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Ohio Journal of Public Health 1:1-5. [Full text]
- Kiskaddon EM, Wright AL, Meeks BD, Lubitz M, Gould G, Froehle AW, Prayson MJ, Horne BR. 2018. A biomechanical cadaver comparison of suture button fixation to plate fixation for pubic symphysis diastasis. Injury 49:1993-1998. PMID: 30241733
- Meeks BD, Kiskaddon EM, Burton MG, Froehle AW, Crosby LA, Laughlin RT. 2018. Update on misrepresentation of research publications among orthopaedic surgery residency applicants. J Bone Joint Surg 100(18):e121. PMID: 30234629
- Dorweiler M, Boin M, Froehle AW, Lawless M, May J. (2018). Improved early postoperative range of motion in total knee arthroplasty using tranexamic acid: a retrospective analysis. J Knee Surg. E-pub ahead of print. PMID: 29534269
- Kiskaddon EM, Lee JH, Meeks BD, Barnhill S, Froehle AW, Krishnamurthy A. 2018. Hospital discharge within 1 day following total joint arthroplasty from a Veterans Affairs hospital does not increase complication and readmission rates. J Arthroplasty 33:1337-1342. PMID: 29275116
- Banerjee T, Peterson M, Oliver Q, Froehle AW, Lawhorne L. 2018. Validating a commercial device for continuous activity measurement in the older adult population for dementia management. Smart Health, 5-6:51-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smhl.2017.11.001
- Deister J, Cothern BG, Williams CG, Froehle AW, Laughlin RT. 2017. Factors predicting length of hospital stay and extended care facility admission following hindfoot arthrodesis procedures. J Foot Ankle Surg 56:805-812. PMID: 28633782
- Boin MA, Narayanan S, Duren D, Dorweiler M, Lee J, Froehle AW, Laughlin R. 2017. Factors predicting admission to extended care facility after distal femoral fracture. Curr Orthop Pract 28:388-392. 10.1097/BCO.0000000000000521
- Meeks BD, Meeks NM, Froehle AW, Wareing E, Bonner KF. 2017. Patient satisfaction following biceps tenotomy. Orthop J Sports Med 5:1-7. PMID: 28596975
- Froehle AW, Grannis KA, Sherwood RJ, Duren DL. 2017. Relationships between age at menarche, walking gait base of support, and stance phase frontal plane knee biomechanics in adolescent females. PM&R 9:444-454. PMID: 27485675
- Froehle AW, Laughlin RT, Sherwood RJ, Duren DL. 2016. Gait patterns after bariatric surgery. In: Rajendram R, Martin C, Preedy VR, editors. Metabolism and pathophysiology of bariatric surgery: nutrition, procedures, outcomes and adverse effects. London: Reed Elsevier. pp 553-562. [E-book]
- Holton N, Alsamawi A, Yokley T, Froehle AW. 2016. The ontogeny of nasal shape: an analysis of sexual dimorphism in a longitudinal sample. Am J Phys Anthropol 160:52-61. PMID: 26823241
- Froehle AW, Laughlin RT, Teel DD, Sherwood RJ, Duren DL. 2014. Excess body weight loss is associated with non-pathological gait patterns in women 4 to 5 years after bariatric surgery. Obes Surg 24:253-259. PMID: 24008625
- Froehle AW, Dollin N, Laughlin RT, Teel DD, Sherwood RJ, Duren DL. 2014. Bariatric surgery: effects on patient gait and function. Lower Extremity Review, March, 2014. [Full text]
- Holton NE, Yokley T, Froehle AW, Southard TE. 2014. Ontogenetic scaling of the human nose in a longitudinal sample: implications for genus Homo facial evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:52-60. PMID: 24318941
- Duren DL, Šešelj M, Froehle AW, Nahhas RW, Sherwood RJ. 2013. Skeletal growth and the changing genetic landscape during childhood and adulthood. Am J Phys Anthropol 150:48-57. PMID: 23283664
- Froehle AW. 2013. Postmenopausal health and disease risk from the perspective of evolutionary medicine. Anthropology and Aging Quarterly 34:61-86. [Full text]
- Froehle AW, Yokley TR, Churchill SE. 2013. Energetics and the evolution of modern humans. In: Smith FH, Ahern JCM, editors. The Origins of Modern Humans, Biology Reconsidered, 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp 285-320. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118659991.ch8
- Froehle AW, Hopkins SR, Natarajan L, Schoeninger MJ. 2013. Moderate-to-high levels of exercise are associated with higher resting energy expenditure in community-dwelling postmenopausal women. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 38:1147-1153. PMID: 24053522
- Froehle AW, Nahhas RW, Sherwood RJ, Duren DL. 2013. Age-related changes in spatiotemporal characteristics of gait accompany ongoing lower limb linear growth in late childhood and early adolescence. Gait Posture 38:14-19. PMID: 23159678
- Froehle AW, Churchill SE. 2009. Energetic competition between Neandertals and anatomically modern humans. Paleoanthropology 2009:96-116. PA20090096
- Froehle AW. 2008. Climate variables as predictors of basal metabolic rate: new equations. Am J Hum Biol 20:510-529. PMID: 18461599
- Froehle AW, Schoeninger MJ. 2006. Intraspecies variation in BMR does not affect estimates of early hominin total daily energy expenditure. Am J Phys Anthropol 131:552-559. PMID: 16941603