Arnab K. Shaw, Ph.D.
Dr. Arnab K Shaw obtained his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees, all in Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur University, India, Villanova University, PA, and the University of Rhode Island in 1979, 1983, and 1987, respectively. Since 1987, he has been a faculty member at Wright State University, before retiring in December 2021 at the rank of Professor. Between 2014 and 2021 he served as the Graduate Program Director for the Electrical Engineering Department overseeing the MS and Ph.D. programs. He has 40+ years of research experience in Sensor signal/image exploitation, System Identification, filter design, and Digital EW receiver technologies. His recent research interests include Digital Beamforming, Moving Target Detection, Automatic Target Recognition using classical machine learning and Deep Learning AI, MIMO-based target detection, SAL autofocusing, Laser Vibrometry for Vehicle recognition, and Array Signal Processing. Dr. Shaw has authored more than 100 technical publications. Over the years, his research has been supported by NSF-ICURC, DARPA, AFOSR, the Department of the Navy, and several branches of the Air Force Research Lab. One of his papers on open-set target recognition using HRR data received the Best Paper Award at SPIE-2017. He received the Chief Scientist’s Award from the Sensors Directorate, AFRL for his collaborative research on Cognitive Radio in 2006. He was recognized with the Excellence in Research award by the College of Engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University in 1993-1994. Dr. Shaw’s total External funding expenditure exceeded $1.7M. Dr. Shaw is a member of Tau Beta Pi and he has been a past President, Vice-President, and Secretary of the Dayton Chapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing between 1998 and 2004. He has also served in various capacities at multiple international conferences. Dr. Shaw was the co-founder and Executive VP of Gitam Technologies, Inc, a Dayton-based small business conducting DOD research on multiple Phase-1 and Phase-2 SBIR contracts. Recently, he has founded and serves as the President and CEO of Innovtech LLC, pursuing DOD research opportunities.
Education History
University of Rhode Island Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 1987
Villanova University, Pennsylvania Electrical Engineering M.S. 1983
Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India Electrical Engineering B.E. 1979
Recently Taught Courses
EE 3210/5210 Linear Systems I
EE 3260/5260 Random Signals and Noise
EE-4000/6000 Linear Systems II
EE 7010 Linear Systems
EE-7150 Digital Image Processing
EE 7610 Random Processes
EE 7620 Detection, Estimation, and Optimal Filter Theory
Recent Publications
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K., “Improved Moving Target Detection in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Clutter With Limited Secondary Data Using Unit Circle Roots Constraints,” in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 5052-5071, Oct. 2023.
- Smith, J. and Shaw, A., “Exploiting Unit Circle Roots for Improved Radar Moving Target Detection in Low-Rank Clutter With Limited Secondary Data,” in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 5568-5587, Oct. 2023.
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K., “Exploiting Unit Circle Roots for Moving Target Detection in Low-Rank Clutter with Low Sample Support,” ASILOMAR, Oct-Nov, 2022.
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K., “Moving Target Detection in K-Distributed Clutter using Unit Circle Toeplitz Rectification with Limited Secondary Data,” ASILOMAR, Oct-Nov, 2022.
- Shaw A. K. and Smith, J., “Spatial Domain Proof of Unit Circle Roots Property of MVDR and Improved Performance Results," 2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22), pp. 1-6, March, 2022.
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K., “Improved Moving Target Detection by Modified Unit Circle Roots Constrained Adaptive Matched Filter,” 2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22), 2022, pp. 01-06, March, 2022.
- Shaw A. K., Smith, J. and Hassanien A., Unit Circle Roots Constrained MVDR Beamformer for Uniform Linear Arrays, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69. pp. 6116-6130, Oct., 2021.
- Shaw A. K. and Smith, J., “Unit Circle Roots Constrained MVDR Beamformer,” ASILOMAR, Oct-Nov, 2021.
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K., “A New Approach to Moving Target Detection using Unit Circle Roots Constrained Adaptive Matched Filter,” ASILOMAR, Oct-Nov, 2021.
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K., “Unit Circle Roots Property for Sensor Array Signal Processing,” NAECON, August, 2021.
- Smith, J. and Shaw A. K. “Moving Target Detection using Distributed MIMO Radar in Non-Homogeneous Clutter with Limited Training Data,” ASILOMAR, Nov, 2020.
- Depoy, R. and Shaw, A. K., “An algorithm to overcome atmospheric phase errors in SAL data”, Applied Optics, Vol. 59, Issue 1, pp. 140-150, January 2020.
- Irkhis, L. A. and Shaw, A. K., “Compressive Chirp Transform for Estimation of Chirp Parameters,” EUSIPCO-2019, La Coruna, Spain, September 2019.
- Depoy, R. and Shaw, A. K., “Mitigating Atmospheric Phase Errors In SAL Imagery Using Model Based Reconstruction”, Proceedings of the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON '19), July, 2019.
- Irkhis, L. A. and Shaw, A. K., "Wideband directions of arrival estimation of chirp sources using compressive sensing", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 10633, 106331F, 2018.
- Roos, J. and Shaw, A. K., "Probabilistic SVM for open set automatic target recognition on high range resolution radar data", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 10202, 102020B, 2017. (Best Paper Award)
- Wilkins N., Shaw A. K., and Shaik, M., "True Time Delay Beamspace Wideband Source Localization," IEEE ICASSP, Shanghai, China, March 2016.
- Shaw, A. K., “Improved Wideband DOA Estimation using Modified TOPS (mTOPS) Algorithm,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, Issue 12, pp. 1697-1701, Dec., 2016.
- Smith, A., Shaw, A. K., Clouse, S., Sigmund, K., and Velten, V., “Remote Vibrometry Vehicle Classification,” Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR VI, SPIE-2015, Baltimore, MD, April 2015.
- Smith, A., Shaw, A. K., Goley, S., Clouse, S., and Velten, V., “Effects of Fundamental Frequency Normalization on Vibration-based Vehicle Classification,” Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXIV, SPIE-2015, Baltimore, MD, April 2015.
- Smith, A., Mendoza-Schrock, O., Kangas, S., Dierking, M., and Shaw, A. K., “An End-to-End Vehicle Classification Pipeline using Vibrometry Data,” DS111-13, SPIE-2014, Baltimore, MD, pp. 90790O-1 - 90790O-1, April 2014.
- Shaw, A. K. Paul, A. S. and Williams, R., “Eigen-Template based HRR-ATR with Multi-Look and Time-Recursion,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 2369-2385, Oct., 2013.
- Wilkins N. and Shaw, A. K., “Beamformer Bank Optimization for True Time Delay Beam-Space Processing,” SAM 2012 - The 7th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing, Rutgers, NJ, pp. 441-444, June 17-20, 2012.
- Shaw, A. K., Rahn, D. and Depoy, R., “Fusion of UHF-SAR and LIDAR Elevation for Precise Buried Object Detection,” Defense and Security Symposium, SPIE-2012, Baltimore, MD, pp. 83571F-1- 83571F-12, April 2012.
- Wilkins N. and Shaw, A. K., “Multiple Source Resolution for True Time Delay Beam-Space Processing,” SAM 2012 - The 7th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing, Rutgers, NJ, pp. 517-520, June 17-20, 2012.
- Simmons, D., Kerekes, J., Rahn, D., Shaw, A. K. and Medford, J., “Hyperspectral Imaging Phenomenology of Genetically Engineered Plant Sentinels,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS’10. Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 3386-3389, 25-30 July 2010.
- Shaw, A. K., and Wilkins N., “Frequency Invariant Electro-Magnetic Source Location Using True Time Delay Beam Space Processing,” 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology, Waltham, Massachusetts, pp. 998-1003, October 12-15, 2010.
- Kerekes, J., Pogorzala, D., Parkes, J., Shaw, A. K., Rahn, D., "Hyperspectral Target Detection Using Multiple Platform Cuing,” First IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Grenoble, France, 26-28 August 2009.
- Chakravarthy, V., Wu, Z., Shaw, A., Temple, M., Kannan R., and Garber, F., “A General Overlay/Underlay Analytic Expression Representing Cognitive Radio Waveform,” IEEE Waveform Diversity & Design Conference, Pisa, Italy, pp. 69-73, June 2007.
- Shaw, A. K., Medford J., Antunes M., McCormick W. S., and Wicker D., “Hyperspectral Exploitation with Plant Sentinels,” Defense and Security Symposium, SPIE-2007, Orlando, FL, 65540S-1 -65540S-12, April, 2007.
- Vongsy, K., Karimkhan, S., Shaw, A. K., and Wicker D., “Change Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery,” Defense and Security Symposium, SPIE-2007, Orlando, FL, pp. 656516-1 -656516-12, April, 2007.
- Karimkhan, S., Vongsy, K., Shaw, A. K., and Wicker D., “Automated Recognition and Detection of Dismounts and Vehicles using Close-in Urban Hyperspectral Images,” Defense and Security Symposium, SPIE-2007, Orlando, FL, pp. 65650X-1-65650X -12, April, 2007.
- Chakravarthy, V.; Nunez, A.S.; Stephens, J.P.; Shaw, A.K.; Temple, M.A.., “Adaptive Waveform Having Spectral Sharing Capability,” AFRL Technology Horizons, pp. 8-11, Vol. 7, No. 5, Oct. 2006.
- Shaw, A., Jamali, M. and Wilkins, N., “Toward Bandwidth Invariance of Spatial Processing in the Non-Cooperative Receiver,” (Paper#: S05.9), Fourth IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-Channel Processing, Waltham, MA, pp. 556-560, Jul 12-16, 2006.
- Lewis, T, Mitra, A. K. and Shaw, A. K., “An Iterative Approach for SAR Moving Target Detection and Geolocation in SAR,” SPIE-2006, Orlando, FL, pp. 62370W-62370W-12, April, 2006.
- Chakravarthy, V.; Nunez, A.S.; Stephens, J.P.; Shaw, A.K.; Temple, M.A.., “TDCS, OFDM, and MC-CDMA: A Brief Tutorial,” IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol 43, Issue 9, pp. S11-S16, Sep. 2005.
- Lewis, T., Gorham, L., Mitra, A. K., and Shaw, A. K., “An Iterative Method for SAR Moving Target Detection and Geolocation for Staring Radar Applications,” SPIE-2005, Orlando, FL, pp. 86-94, March, 2005.
- Chakravarthy, V., Stephens, J. P., Shaw, A. K. and Temple M. “Cognitive Radio – An Adaptive Waveform with Spectral Sharing Capability,” IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), vol. 2, pp. 724-729, March 2005.
- Mitra, A. K., Shaw A. K., and Lewis T., “Rank-Order Filters for FOPEN Target Detection,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 93-96, February, 2004.
- Mitra, A., Lewis, T, LaRue, J. P., and Shaw, A. K., “Ultra-wideband Radar Target Detection for Sloped and Diffuse Scattering Environments,” SPIE-2004, Orlando, FL, pp. 155-163, April, 2004.
- Roy, A., Shaw, A. K. and Kerrick, A., “Colored Petri Net Simulation and Modeling of Air-to-Ground Targeting,” SPIE-2004, vol. 5410, Orlando, FL, pp. 143-154, April-2004.
- Kerrick, A. and Shaw, A. K., “A Kill Chain Architecture for Prosecution of Ground Targets,” SPIE-2004, Orlando, FL, pp. 133-142, April-2004.
- Paul, A.S. and Shaw, A.K., “Robust HRR Radar Target Identification by Hybridization of HMM and Eigen Template Based Matched Filtering,” Automatic Target Recognition XIII, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 5094, Orlando, FL, pp. 278-289, April 2003.
- Mitra, A. K., Paul, A. S., and Shaw, A. K., “Self-Training Algorithms for Ultra-wideband Radar Target Detection,” SPIE-2003, Orlando, FL, pp. 254-264, April-2003.
- Paul, A. S., Das, K., Shaw, A. K., and Mitra, A. K., “Improved HRR-ATR using Hybridization of HMM and Eigen-Template based Matched Filtering,” ICASSP-03, Hong Kong, pp. II-397-400, April-2003.
- Mitra, A., Lewis, T, Paul A. S. and Shaw, A. K., “Ultra-wideband Radar Data Models and Target Detection with Adaptive Rank-Order Filters,” SPIE, Orlando, FL, pp. 112-121, April, 2002.
- Brungart, D. S., Kordik, A. J., Das, K., and Shaw, A. K., “The Effects of F0 Manipulation on the Perceived Distance of Speech,” 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-2002), Denver, CO, pp. 1641-1644, Sept. 16-20, 2002.
- Shaw, A. K., and Naishadham, K., "ARMA based Time-Signature Estimator for analyzing resonant structures by the FDTD method," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 327-339, Mar., 2001.
- Shaw, A. K., Vashist R., and Williams, R. W., “HRR-ATR using Eigen-Templates with Noisy Observations in Unknown Target Scenario,” SPIE, Orlando, FL, pp. 467-478, April 2000.
- Blasch, E., Westerkamp J, Hong, L, Layne, J and Shaw, A. K., “Identifying Moving HRR Signatures with an ATR Belief Data Association Filter,” SPIE, Orlando, FL, pp. 479-488, April 2000.
- Shaw, A. K., Rakshit T. and Welsh, B. M., “Maximum-Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of Rectangular Cavity Dimensions from Scattering data,” SPIE, Orlando, FL, pp. 140-151, April 2000.
Students Advised
- Jared Smith Ph.D.-EE, "Unit Circle Root Constrained Sensor Array Signal Processingr," 2022 (Dissertation Director)
- Randy Depoy Ph.D.-EE, "Mitigating Atmospheric Phase Errors in SAL Data," 2020 (Dissertation Director)
- Luay A. Alirkhis Ph.D.-EE, "Chirp Signal Estimation using CS with DLCT and DCFT as Sparse Transformation," 2018 (Dissertation Director)
- Nathan Wilkins Ph.D.-EE, "Signal Subspace Processing in the Beam Space of a True Time Delay Beamformer Bank," 2015 (Dissertation Director)
- Vasu Chakravarty Ph.D.-EE, “Evaluation of Overlay/Underlay Waveform via SD-SMSE Framework for Enhancing Spectrum Efficiency,” 2008 (Dissertation Director)
- Bassirou Seck MS-EE, "Display and Analysis of Tomographic Reconstructions of Multiple Synthetic Aperture LADAR (SAL) Images," 2018 (Thesis Director)
- Douglas Preston MS-EE, "Last Two Surface Range Detector For Direct Detection Multisurface Flash LIDAR in 90nm CMOS Technology," 2017 (Thesis Co-Director)
- Jason Roos MS-EE, "Utilizing the Probabilistic SVM to Perform Open Set Automatic Target Recognition on High Range Resolution Radar Data," 2016 (Thesis Director)
- Majid Shaik MS-EE, "Direction of Arrival Estimation using Wideband Spectral Subspace Projection," 2015 (Thesis Director)
- Ashley Smith MS-EE, "End-to-End Classification Process for the Exploitation of Vibrometry Data," 2014 (Thesis Director)
- Kandarp Patel MS-EE, "Analysis Of Human Echolocation Waveform For Radar Target Recognition," 2013 (Thesis Director)
- Randy Depoy MS-EE, "UHF-SAR and LIDAR "Complementary Sensor Fusion for Unexploded Buried Munitions Detection," 2012 (Thesis Director)
- Karmon Vongsy MS.-EE, “Change Detection Methods for Hyperspectral Imagery,” 2007 (Thesis Director)
- Sivaram Bandaru MS.-EE, “Turbo-Coding and Space-time Wireless Communication,” 2004 (Thesis Director)
- Anindya Paul MS-EE, “Improved Target Recognition and Target Detection Algorithms using HRR Profiles and SAR Images,” 2003 (Thesis Director)
- Koel Das MS-EE, “Perceived Distance of Synthesized Speech and Automatic Speaker Recognition using F0 Manipulation,” 2002 (Thesis Director)
- Radhika Prakash MS-EE, “Feature-based HRR-ATR using HMM of Wavelet Coefficients,” 2001 (Thesis Director)
- Titash Rakshit MS-EE, “Physics-Based Modeling of Dispersive Scatterers,” 2000 (Thesis Director)
- Rajesh Vashist MS-EE, “Automatic Target Recognition using Wavelet Basis," 2000 (Thesis Director)
- Vijay Bhatnagar MS-EE, “Automatic Target Recognition using High Range Resolution Data,” 1998 (Thesis Director)
- Imtiaz Mohamed MS-EE, “Efficient Architectures for Signal Processing Algorithms,” 1996 (Thesis Director)
- Srikanth Pokala MS-EE, “`Two-Dimensional Filter Design using Structured Matrix Approximation,” 1995 (Thesis Director)
- Wei Xia MS-EE, “Angles-Of-Arrival and Radio Frequency Estimation in the Digital Electronic Warfare Receiver Design,“ 1994. (Thesis Director)
- Shubhasish B. Kundu MS-EE, “Linear and Nonlinear System Identification,” 1992 (Thesis Director)
- Richard A. Mitchell MS-EE, “Speech and Speaker Recognition with a Time Delay Neural Network,” 1990 (Thesis Director)
- Best Paper Award. SPIE. Jason Roos, and Arnab K. Shaw, "Probabilistic SVM for open set automatic target recognition on high range resolution radar data", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 10202, 102020B, 2017.
- Chief Scientist’s Award, The Sensor’s Directorate, AFRL, WPAFB, Dayton, OH. (For the work on Cognitive Radio in collaboration with Drs. Vasu Chakravarty and James Stephens), 2006
- Excellence in Research, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University, 1993-1994.
- Transcom Research Fellow, for pursuing Ph.D. studies at University of Rhode Island, 1984-1987.