Awad Halabi, Ph.D.
Ph.D. - University of Toronto, 2006
M.A. - Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, 1993
B.A. - University of Toronto, 1991
Modern Middle East History
European Colonialism and Expansion in the Middle East
Islamic Religious Tradition and Ritual
Palestinian Rituals of Identity: The Prophet Moses Festival in Jerusalem, 1850-1948 (University of Texas Press, January 2023)
"The Transformation of the Prophet Moses Festival in Late Ottoman Jerusalem (1850-1917): From Traditional Pilgrimate to Civil Ritual," Journal of Ritual Studies, 32 (2) 2018: 1-13
“Liminal Loyalties: Ottomanism and Palestinian Responses to the Turkish War of Independence, 1919-1922,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring 2012, Vol. 41 No. 3:19-37.
“Islamic Ritual and Palestinian Nationalism: al-Hajj Amin and the Prophet Moses Festival in Jerusalem, 1921 to 1936,” in Jerusalem Interrupted: Modernity and Colonial Transformation 1917-Present, ed. Lena Jayyusi. (Northampton, MA: Interlink Publishing: 2013).
“Symbols of Hegemony and Resistance: Banners and Flags in British-ruled Palestine,” Jerusalem Quarterly, Winter 36 2009: 66-78.
"Tradition and the Tombs of the Prophet Moses: The Medieval islamic Period," Saints and the Sacred: Proceedings of a Saint Michael's College Symoposium , (New York, 2001), 25-34
Current Project:
"The Political Career of Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir al-Muzaffar: A Modern Islamic Activist and Arab Nationalist in Palestine, 1900-1948"