Chasity O'Malley, Ph.D.
Medical Education - BSOM
Associate Professor and Vice Chair of the Foundations Phase
White Hall 290 H, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Stewart, A. & O’Malley C.B. (2023). The Histo Kitchen. HAPSEducator, Accepted for Summer 2023.
- Lockard B S, Dallara M, O’Malley C (2023). A Short Report on the Impact of Judo on Behaviors and Social Skills of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cureus 15(7): e41516. doi:10.7759/cureus.41516
- Prasad, S., O’Malley, C.B., Levy, A., & Griffin, D. (2023). Inclusive LGBTQI+ Healthcare: An Interprofessional Case-Based Experience for Cultural Competency Awareness. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.993461
- Prasad S. & O’Malley, C.B. (2022). An Introductory Framework of PBL and Perspectives on Enhancing Facilitation Approaches. HAPS Educator, Vol 26 (3), pp. 52-58. https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2022.016
- O’Malley, C.B., Levy, A., & Griffin, D. (2022). The Hormone Project: Application of Art to Engage Critical Thinking for Undergraduate Medical Education. HAPS Educator. Vol 26 (3), pp. 43-51. https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2022.015
- Tucker, Z., & O’Malley, C. (2022). Mental Health Benefits of Breastfeeding: A Literature Review. Cureus, 14(9). https://doi.org/10.7759/CUREUS.29199
- Cocuzzo, B., Wrench, A., & O’Malley, C. (2022). Effects of COVID-19 on Older Adults: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, and Financial Problems Seen and Unseen. Cureus, 14(9). https://doi.org/10.7759/CUREUS.29493
- Levy, A., Mitchell-Williams, J., Payne-Jameau, Y., Wallace, E., O’Malley, C., Coetzee, S., & Rajput, V. (2022). Racial Identity and Relevance in Teaching Clinical Skills and Diagnostic Medicine: A Small/Pilot Focus Session to Engage Medical Educators. Cureus, 14(11). https://doi.org/10.7759/CUREUS.31288
- O’Malley, C. (2022). What the Flip? A Pilot Study Perspective on the Flipped Classroom for Medical School Physiology. HAPS Educator, 26(2), 14–18. https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2022.006
- O’Malley, C. B. (2022). The Power of Conflict in Healthy Living. Be Still, 6(1). https://nsuworks.nova.edu/bestill/vol6/iss1/23
- Levy, A., Prasad, S., Griffin, D. P., Ortega, M., & O’Malley, C. B. (2021). Attitudes and Knowledge of Medical Students Towards Healthcare for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Seniors: Impact of a Case-Based Discussion With Facilitators From the Community. Cureus, 13(8). https://doi.org/10.7759/CUREUS.17425
- O’Malley, C. B., Ross, K. T., Hull, K., Hood, S., Page, O., & Jensen, M. (2021). Implementation of a Metacognitive Learning Strategies Session in an Online Asynchronous Human Anatomy and Physiology Course. HAPS Educator Journal of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, 25. https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2021.013
- Cocuzzo, B., Wrench, A., & O’Malley, C. (2020). Balancing Protection from COVID-19 and the Need for Human Touch in Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68(12), 2749–2751. https://doi.org/10.1111/JGS.16861
- O’Malley, C., Ross, K., Hull, K., Page, O., Hood, S., & Jensen, M. (2020). Infographic for Implementation of a metacognitive learning strategies session to improve students’ metacognitive skills and course performance in human anatomy and physiology. Journal of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, Special Conference Edition.
- O’Malley, C., Doll, J., Taylor, C., Leal, M., van Hoy, S., & Granier, E. (2019). Case Studies in The Instruction of Human Anatomy and Physiology. HAPS Educator, 23(3), 506–515. https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2019.023
- Bazan, H. A., Hatfield, S. A., O’Malley, C. B., Brooks, A. J., Lightell, D., & Woods, T. C. (2015). Acute Loss of miR-221 and miR-222 in the Atherosclerotic Plaque Shoulder Accompanies Plaque Rupture. Stroke, 46(11), 3285–3287. https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.010567
- Coleman, C. B., Lightell, D. J., Moss, S. C., Bates, M., Parrino, P. E., & Woods, T. C. (2013). Elevation of miR-221 and -222 in the internal mammary arteries of diabetic subjects and normalization with metformin. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 374(1–2), 125–129. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.MCE.2013.04.019
- Coleman, C. B., Allen, P. L., Rupert, M., Goulart, C., Hoehn, A., Stodieck, L. S., & Hammond, T. G. (2008). Novel Sfp1 transcriptional regulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression changes during spaceflight. Astrobiology, 8(6), 1071–1078. https://doi.org/10.1089/AST.2007.0211
- Coleman, C. B., Allen, P. L., Valles, J. M., & Hammond, T. G. (2008). Transcriptional regulation of changes in growth, cell cycle, and gene expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae due to changes in buoyancy. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 100(2), 334–343. https://doi.org/10.1002/BIT.21748
- Coleman, C. B., Gonzalez-Villalobos, R. A., Allen, P. L., Johanson, K., Guevorkian, K., Valles, J. M., & Hammond, T. G. (2007). Diamagnetic levitation changes growth, cell cycle, and gene expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 98(4), 854–863. https://doi.org/10.1002/BIT.21526
- Wilson, J. W., Ott, C. M., Höner Zu Bentrup, K., Ramamurthy, R., Quick, L., Porwollik, S., Cheng, P., McClelland, M., Tsaprailis, G., Radabaugh, T., Hunt, A., Fernandez, D., Richter, E., Shah, M., Kilcoyne, M., Joshi, L., Nelman-Gonzalez, M., Hing, S., Parra, M., Dumars, P., Norwood, K., Bober, R., Devich, J., Ruggles, A., Goulart, C., Rupert, M., Stodiek, L., Stafford, P., Catella, L., Schurr, M. J., Buchanan, K., Morici, L., McCracken, J., Allen, P., Baker-Coleman, C., Hammond, T., Vogel, J., Nelson, R., Pierson, D. L., Stefanyshyn-Piper, H. M., & Nickerson, C. A. (2007). Space flight alters bacterial gene expression and virulence and reveals a role for global regulator Hfq. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(41), 16299–16304. https://doi.org/10.1073/PNAS.0707155104
- Johanson, K., Allen, P. L., Gonzalez-Villalobos, R. A., Baker, C. B., D’Elia, R., & Hammond, T. G. (2006). Gene expression and survival changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during suspension culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 93(6), 1050–1059. https://doi.org/10.1002/BIT.20810
- Gonzalez-Villalobos, R., Klassen, R. B., Allen, P. L., Johanson, K., Baker, C. B., Kobori, H., Navar, L. G., & Hammond, T. G. (2006). Megalin binds and internalizes angiotensin-(1-7). American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology, 290(5). https://doi.org/10.1152/AJPRENAL.00164.2005
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
- Prasad, S., O'Malley, C. B., & Levy, A. (2023). Ageism: Care at the Extremes of Life. In C. O'Malley, A. Levy, A. Chase, & S. Prasad (Eds.), Cases on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Health Professions Educator (pp. 63-79). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5493-0.ch004
- O'Malley, C. B., Prasad, S., Levy, A., & Griffin, D. P. (2023). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Others (LGBTQI+): Providing Comprehensive Care Across the Spectrum. In C. O'Malley, A. Levy, A. Chase, & S. Prasad (Eds.), Cases on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Health Professions Educator (pp. 181-196). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5493-0.ch011
Books, Monographs, Chapters, & Reviews
- O'Malley, C. B., Levy, A., Chase, A., & Prasad, S. (Eds.). (2023). Cases on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Health Professions Educator. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5493-0
- O’Malley CB, Hodge S, Hall A, Minor I, Hamadeh D, Williams K, Baxley T, Rochester R, and Waldon K. Reaching our Diverse Learners through STEM. Equity Pedagogy. 1st edition. 2017.
- CA Coleman, C Baker, and CA Nickerson. The role of sigma factors in regulating bacterial stress responses and pathogenesis. Nickerson, CA and Shurr, MJ, editors. Molecular Paradigms of Infectious Disease: A Bacterial Perspective. 1st Ed. New York. Springer Science. 2006.
Non-Refereed Publications
- M Jensen, C O’Malley, R Gerrits. Community College Anatomy and Physiology Education Research (CAPER) Year Two Update. Hapsblog. https://hapsblog.org/2023/02/20/community-college-anatomy-and-physiology-education-research-caper-year-two-update/. February 21, 2023.
- C O’Malley. Upcoming deadline: HAPS Awards. Hapsblog. https://hapsblog.org/2021/01/06/upcoming-deadline-haps-awards/. January 6, 2021.
- C O’Malley, M Jensen, K Hull, R Gerrits, K Ross, S Hood, and B Ott. Community College Anatomy Physiology Education Research (CAPER) 2.0: Looking for Participants A Few Questions and Answers. Hapsblog. https://hapsblog.org/2020/08/11/anatomy-and-physiology-education-research-project-call-for-participants/. October 5, 2020.
- C O’Malley, M Jensen, K Hull, R Gerrits, K Ross, S Hood, and B Ott. Anatomy and Physiology Education Research Project – Call for Participants! Hapsblog. https://hapsblog.org/2020/08/11/anatomy-and-physiology-education-research-project-call-for-participants/. August 11, 2020.
- Chasity O’Malley. NSU-MD Problem Based Learning Inquiry Case: Jason Mendoza, Midbrain Glioma. September 2019.
- Chasity O’Malley, Philip Robinson, Ira Lazar, Deborah Louda, and Lindsey Henson. NSU-MD Problem Based Learning Inquiry Case: Jason Cooper, Hepatorenal Syndrome. May 2019
- Chasity O’Malley. NSU-MD Problem Based Learning Inquiry Case: Savannah Kash, Nephrotic Syndrome. May 2019.
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