Christopher R. Oldstone-Moore, Ph.D
Curriculum Vitae

Education History
1984 Carleton College BA, History
1992 University of Chicago, PhD, History
Research Statement
My research focuses on gender and masculinity. My current project is the History of Adventure
Chair of Department of History Student Relations Committee
Of Beards and Men: The Revealing History of Facial Hair. University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Hugh Price Hughes: Founder of a New Methodism; Conscience of a New Nonconformity, 1847-1902. University of Wales Press, 1999.
"The Irony of Hipster Beards," in Hipster Culture: A Reader, ed. Heike Steinhoff (Bloomsbury, 2021)
"Social Science, Gender Theory and the History of Hair," in New Perspectives on the History of Facial Hair, ed. Jennifer Evans and Alun Withey (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
"Mustaches and Masculine Codes in Twentieth-Century America," Journal of Social History 45:1 (Fall 2011)
"The Beard Movement in Victorian Britain," Victorian Studies 48: 1 (Fall 2005).
"The Forgotten Origins of the Ecumenical Movement in England: The Grindelwald Conferences,1892-95," Church History 70: 1 (March 2001).
"The Fall of Parnell: Hugh Price Hughes and the Nonconformist Conscience," Éire-Ireland 30: 4 (Winter 1996).
Wright State Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence, Outstanding Lecturer, 2016
Wright State College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Instructor/Lecturer Award, 2016
Phi Alpha Theta, Wright State Chapter, Professor of the Year, 2016
Honors Teacher of the Year, Wright State University, 2012
Excellence in Teaching General Education, Wright State University, 2009, 2010, 2012