Chuck Ciampaglio, Ph.D.
My current research efforts are divided between macroevolutionary paleobiology and tradional field paleontology. With regard to the former, I am primarily interested in the evolution of large-scale morphological changes within the non-tetrapod Vertebrata, and the origination of higher taxonomic groups, i.e. classes, orders, and families. In particular, I am investigating how various constraints, developmental mechanisms, mass extinctions, and large scale geologic changes have affected the course of metazoan life throughout the Phanerozoic. With regard to the latter, I am performing systematic and taxonomic studies involving primarily chondrichthyan faunas from South-Central, Mid-Western, Southeastern, Mid-Atlantic, and Gulf Coastal regions of the US, and other localities globally.
Education History
DUKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, North Carolina
Ph.D. September 2002
Major: Paleontology
Minor: Geology
DUKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, North Carolina
Master of Arts: February 2000
Major: Zoology
Minor: Geology
TOWSON UNIVERSITY, Towson, Maryland, 1991-1997
Degree: B.S. (summa cum laude)
Major: Chemistry Minor: Mathematics
Major: Physics Concentration: Biology
Fall Semester
- EES 2510 - Earth Systems
- EES 4190/6190 - Paleobiology (Dayton Campus odd years/Lake Campus even years)
- EES 4200/6200 - Micropaleontolgy (Lake Campus odd years)
- EES 3990/6990 - Paleontology and Geology of the Southeastern US (Field Trip on occasion)
- IT 1210 - Introduction to Photography for Science and Graphic Design
Spring Semester
- EES 2550 - Earth History
- EES 4420/6420 - Paleozoic Vertebrates and Plants (even years)
- EES 3990/6990 - Paleontology and Geology of the Gulf States (Field Trip on occasion)
- IT 1220 - Advanced Photography for Science and Graphic Design
- SM 4000 - Integrated Science Studies Capstone
Summer Semester(s)
- EES 3990/6990 - Evolution, Ecology, and Paleobiology of Sharks and their Relatives (on occasion)
- EES 3990/6990 - Robotic Design and Implementation in the Field and in the Lab (on occasion years)
- EES3993/6990 - Experimental Design, Advanced Laboratory Techniques, Data Collection and Analysis (on occasion)
- EES 3990/6990 - Paleontology and Geology of South-Central US (Field Trip on occasion)
Research Statement
My research, which includes my graduate, and undergraduate students, are actively involed in the following projects:
- Evolution, morphological variation and patterns and processes of origination and extinction rates within the Chondrichthyans throughout the Phanerozoic (especially over Mass Extinction events).
- Phylogeny and systematics of Middle – Late Devonian Chondrichthyan Faunas from Ohio and Kentucky.
- Phylogeny and systematics of Mississippian Chondrichthyan Faunas from Kentucky, Indiana, and Iowa.
- Phylogeny and systematics of Pennsylvanian and Permian Chondrichthyan Faunas from Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas.
- Phylogeny and systematics of Cretaceous and Cenozoic Chondrichthyan Faunas from the Southeastern and Gulf regions of the US.
- The evolution of the "mega-tooth shark lineage, including Megaselachus megalodon and its relatives.
- The origination and evolution of the Great White shark Carcharodon carcharias and its proposed Mako (Isurus) relatives.
- The evolution of filter feeding within the elasmobranchs (traditional sharks and rays).
- Patterns and processes of evolutionary convergence within marine vertebrates.
- Statistical analysis of abundance and diversity of "fish" faunas from marine and freshwater bone-beds.
- Chemical methods of breakdown and digestion of vertebrate fossil-bearing siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary rocks in order to retrieve chondrichthyan (sharks and their relatives) remains.
Professional Service
North-Central GSA Section Chair 2011-2012.
Co-Chaired and hosted the 2012 North-Central GSA
Meeting held in Dayton, OH, April 22 – 24, 558 registrants.
Designed and produced the artwork for the North-Central 2012 Meeting Poster.
Procured and began serving as Chair of the 2012 North-Central GSA Meeting, hosted at the Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, OH.
Co-Chair of Field-Trips/Co-Editor of the North-Central – Northeastern 2011 GSA Field-Trip Guide, to be hosted in Pittsburgh, PA.
Panel Chair
North-Central Section Co-Chair, 47th Annual Meeting, (May 2 – 3, 2013)
Northeastern and North-Central Section, 46th and 45th Annual Meeting, (March 20-22, 2011), Session No. 30 Paleontology.
Northeastern and Southeastern Section (45th and 59th Annual) Meeting (March 13-16, 2006), Session No. 45 Paleontology.
Initiated, arranged, and hosted the North-Central GSA session, “Paleozoic Fishes: Evolution, Paleoecology, Systematics, and Assemblages (Paleontological Society)”.
Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Session: Paleontology VI: Stratigraphic and Systematic Paleontology.
Southeastern Section (55th Annual) Meeting (March 23-24, 2006), Session No. 2 Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleontology.
Northeastern Section (39th Annual) and Southeastern Section (53rd Annual) Joint Meeting (March 25–27, 2004), Session No. 60 Cenozoic to Recent Paleontology.
National Media
Discovery Channel Canada, “The Daily Planet”, 2014, segment detailing excavation, preparation, and laboratory techniques in uncoveringAncient sharks (performed).
“Sharkzilla”, Discovery Channel Shark Week 2012, (performed, science consultant, designer, produced original artwork used for the reconstruction of Megalodon).
Wright State University Magazine, 2012, “Shark Tale, Wright State shark scientist tapped for prehistoric task”.
“Ancient Predators: Megalodon”, National Geographic Channel, 2008, segment on evolution and feeding (interviewed, performed, and helped create these portions of the film).
Students Advised
Masters of Science Teaching Students (MST)
- Alex J. Chestnut. MST., 2005. “Using Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleontology to Identify the Facies of Exposed Bedrock in Miami County, Ohio, and to Map the Depositional Environment During the Silurian Age”.
- Stacey M. Mallone. MST., 2005. “Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology of a Silurian-age Quarry in Ludlow Falls, Ohio with Classroom Application”.
- Donna L. Anderson. MST., 2006. “A Field Trip to the Carolinas: Discovering the Paleontology and Geology of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era”.
- Lauren Williamson. MST., 2006. “A Preliminary Morphometric Analysis of the Morphologically Variable Clypeasteroid (Echinoidea) Periarchus lyelli”.
- Sonja Persing-Hyer. MST., 2007. "Stratigraphic, Sedimentological and Paleontological Correlation of the Silurian-age Karch Quarry (Celina, OH) with Silurian-age quarries in west-central Ohio."
- Rebecca L. Suhr. MST., 2007. "Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology of a Silurian-age Quarry in Sydney, Ohio."
- Shawn Ryan. MST., 2007. "Paleontological Molding and Casting Techniques: A Historical Perspective and Application of Modern Techniques."
- Deven King. MST., 2007. "Preparation, Restoration, Molding, and Casting of Pleistocene Mastodon from Rossburg, OH."
- Elizabeth Schroeder. MST., 2007. "Molding and Casting of Mastodon and Mammoth Teeth: A Comparison of the Paleoecology of Two North American Proboscideans."
- Christine Meehan. MST., 2008. "Morphological Diversity of Chondrichthians from two Geological Periods: A Comparison of Mississippian and Cretaceous Faunas."
- Sarah Brooks. MST., 2010. "An Examination of Pennsylvanian Chondrichthyan Fossils in Guernsey County, Ohio."
- James O'Connor. MST., 2011. "An Examination of Pennsylvanian Chondrichthyan Fossils in Athens County, Ohio."
- Jennifer Booher. MST., 2011. "Unraveling the Mysteries of the Nada Member of the Borden Formation in Bighill, Kentucky."
- Jessica Wilkenson. MST., 2011. "Sinkholes,: Interesting Finding in Peebles County, Ohio."
- Amada Lynch. MST., 2011. "Teaching Graph Comprehension in Middle School Grades."
- Courtney E. Godfrey. MST., 2012. "Thin Section Analysis of Sedimentary Rocks from the Middle-Silurian Niagaran Series at Ludlow Falls, OH."
- Kevin M. Keefe. MST., 2012. "Paleontological Analysis of the Pleistocene Mammalian Fauna of the Riverbluff Cave Site, Springfield, MO."
- Michael Koenig. MST., 2012. "A comparison of chondrichthyan and osteichthyan alpha and beta diversity within mid-Miocene coastal paleoenvironments."
- Jennifer Williams. MST., 2012. "Lithologic, stratigraphic and paleoecological analysis of an enigmatic of a Late Cretaceous vertebrate tooth/bone lag along the Neuse River, Wayne Co., NC."
Masters of Science Students (MS)
- Alex Chestnut. MS., 2008. "Using Morphometrics, Phylogenetic Systematics and Parsimony Analysis to Gain Insight into the Evolutionary Affinities of the Calymenidae Trilobita."
- Lisa Raterink. MS., 2008. "Morphology and Lateral Extent of an Exposed Carbonate Reef Evironment: Intracoastal Waterway, Horry County, South Carolina."
- Lauren Williamson. MS., 2009. "Morphometric Analysis of the Morphologically Variable Clypeasteroid, Periarchus lyelli."
- Angela Clayton. MS., 2011. "Analysis of an Eocene Bone-bed, Contained within the Lower Lisbon Formation, Covington County, Alabama."
- John James. MS., 2011. "Marine Vertebrate Remains From a Late-Middle Devonian bone Bed at the Columbus Limestone/Ohio Shale boundary, Logan County, Ohio."
- Jennifer Soehner. MS., 2012. "Depositional and Stratigraphic Analysis of a Cretaceous – Pleistocene Complex Vertebrate/Siliciclastic Bearing Bed in East-Central South Carolina."
- Maxwell J. Bertsos. MS., 2016. "Spatial Variation in Tooth Shape in Miocene Populations of Carcharocles megalodon Across Ocean Basins".
- Michaela Mitchell. MS., 2016. "Convergent Evolution in Tooth Morphology of Filter Feeding Lamniform Sharks".
Current Masters of Science Students (MS)
- Daniel Kline. MS in coming Fall 2019.
- Courtney Simons. MS in coming Fall 2019.
Current Ph.D. Students
- Angie Clayton - The Paleontology, Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy, Lithology, and Formation of a Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Vertebrate Bearing Limestone Unit within the Leitchfield Formation, South-Central, Kentucky.
- Michaela Mitchell - Morphological Changes in Chondrichthyan Dentition over the Late Permian – Triassic Transition - Detecting the Effects of Ecological and Evolutionary Constraints upon Niche Occupation.
- Ryan Shell - Stratigraphy and Vertebrate Paleontology of a Late Pennsylvanian/Early Permian Marine Ecosystem, West-Central Texas and its Correlative in Northeastern Kansas.
- David Peterman - Evolution, Mechanics, and Hydrodynamics of Ammonitic Shell Structure and Sutural Patterns.
Undergraduate Projects and Presentations
- Fuller, K. R., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., Preliminary Finding from the Geometric Morphometric Comparison of Species within the Genera Isurus and Carcharodon, North-Central Section, 2015, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 47, No. 5, p. 95.
- Moeller, H., Ciampaglio, C. N., Jacquemin, S. J., and Fabian, A. J., Morphological Analysis of Heterochrony of the Blastoid Genera Metablastus and Tricoelocrinus, North-Central Section, 2015, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 47, No. 5, p. 95.
- Moeller, H., Morphological Analysis of Heterochrony of the Blastoid Genera Metablastus and Tricoelocrinus, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2015.
- Smith, A., Quadcopter for Stratigraphic Mapping, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2015.
- Mason, C., “ S.A.R.A.: Solution Analysis Robotic Assistant”, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2015.
- Wint, S., Ciampaglio, C. N., Jacquemin, S. J., and Cicimurri, D. J., “Tooth Morphology provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Lineage”, Ohio Journal of Science; Abstracts of Meetings, 2014, V. 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
- Jones, M., Jacquemin, S. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., Whetstone, Z., and Cicimurri, D. J., “On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks”, Ohio Journal of Science; Abstracts of Meetings, 2014, V. 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
- Jones, M., “On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks”, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2014.
- Wint, S., “Tooth Morphology Provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Linage”, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2014.
- Runyon, K. E., “A Safer Alternative Method For Chemically Breaking Down Vertebrate Fossil Bearing Carbonates”, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2013.
- Taylor, M. A., “: Exhumation, Preparation and Analysis of the Dentition and Oral Cavity of the Late Devonian Chondrichthyan Cladoselache”, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2013.
- Jones, M., Jacquemin, S. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., Whetstone, Z., and Cicimurri, D. J., On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks, North-Central Section, 2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 46, No. 4, p. 11.
- Wint, S., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., 20014, Tooth Morphology Provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Lineage, North-Central Section, 2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 46, No. 4, p. 64.
- Wint, S., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., 20014, Tooth Morphology Provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Lineage, The Ohio Academy of Science 123rd Annual Meeting with Abstracts, Vol 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
- Jones, M., Jacquemin, S. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., Whetstone, Z., and Cicimurri, D. J., On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks, The Ohio Academy of Science 123rd Annual Meeting with Abstracts, Vol 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
- Deuter, L. H., Taylor, M. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Cicimurri, D. J., “A Review of the Chondrichthyans from the Mississippian System of Northern Alabama, USA”, North-Central Section, 2012, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 44, No. 5, p. 66.
- Deuter, L. H., Taylor, M. A., “A Review of the Chondrichthyans from the Mississippian System of Northern Alabama, USA”, Wright State University Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, 2012.
- Ciampaglio, C. N., Nyberg, K., and Wray, G. A., “Tracing the Ancestry of the Great White Shark Using Morphometric Analyses of Fossil Teeth”, 2004 Denver Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p.317.
Published Books
Ciampaglio, C., Ricketts, D. F., “Miocene Madness” Revised, Fossil Finder I.D. and Information Guide, Buena Vista Museum of Natural History, Bakersfield, CA, July 2012, 34 p.
Ciampaglio, C., Ricketts, D. F., “Miocene Madness, Micro Mini and Micro”, Fossil Finder I.D. and Information Guide, Buena Vista Museum of Natural History, Bakersfield, CA, September 2013, 38 p.
Ebersol, J. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Cicimurri, D. J., “The Fossil Sharks and Fishes of Alabama”, In Review.
Edited Volumes
Rufollo, R. M, and Ciampaglio, C. N., From the shield to the sea; geological field trips from the 2011 joint meeting of the GSA Northeastern and North-Central Sections, March 2011.
Articles in Books
Ciampaglio, C. N. Why Peru? Why the Desert? Chuck’s Perspective,. Desert Sharks, Mark Renz, Paleo Press; pp. 125–129.
Desert Sharks, Mark Renz, Paleo Press, 197 pp., 2009.
“Miocene Madness”, Fossil Finder Guide and Information Guide, by Donald F. Ricketts, for the Buena Vista Museum of Natural History, 32pp., 2012
Articles in Journals
In Print
Ciampaglio, C. N., Jacquemin, S. J., and Fabian, A. J., 2017, Morphological Analysis of the Blastoid Taxa Metablastus wortheni and Tricoelocrinus woodmani with Emphasis on Taxonomic Implications, Southeastern Geology, V. 52, No. 4, pp. 206-222.
Ciampaglio, C.N. and Phillips, G. E., 2015, Irregular Echinoids of the Upper Cretaceous Coon Creek Beds in Tennessee, In “The Geology and Paleontology of Coon Creek.” Dana Ehret Ed. Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Cicimurri, D. J., Ebersol, J. A., and Runyon, K. E., 2013, A Note on Late Cretaceous Fish Taxa Recovered from Stream Gravels at Site AGr-43 in Greene County, Alabama, Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin 31, V. 1, 84-97.
Ciampaglio, C. N., and Cicimurri, D. J, Deuter, L. H., and Taylor, M. A., 2013, A Review of the Chondrichthyans from the Mississippian System of Northern Alabama, USA, Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin 28, V. 1, 67-80.
Ciampaglio, C. N. and Osborn, 2011, A., A New Species of Schizaster (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) from the Late Pliocene (Placenzian) Intracoastal Formation of Liberty County, Florida, Southeastern Geology, V. 48 (2), 95-102.
Ciampaglio, C. N. and Osborn, A., and Weaver, P. G., 2009, A New Species of Plagiobrissus from the Late Early Pliocene (Piacenzian) Goosecreek Limestone of Northeastern South Carolina, Southeastern Geology, V. 46 (4).
Ciampaglio, C. N. and Weaver, P. G., 2008, Two new genera of Coleoidea from the Chickasawhay Limestone (Oligocene) of Alabama, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, V. 250:1, pp. 103-111.
Ciampaglio, C. N., and D’Orazio, A. E., 2007, “Morphological Analysis of Heterochrony within the Cassiduloid Echinoids, Echinolampas appendiculata, Rhycholampas carolinensis, and Eurhodia rugosa from the Castle Hayne Limestone of Southeastern North Carolina, Historical Biology, 19(4): 301–313.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Donovan, S. K., and Weaver, P. G., 2007, “Gracile bourgueticrinids (Crinoidea) from the Eocene of North Carolina” Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 100:2, pp. 243-249.
Ciampaglio, C. N. and Weaver, P. G., 2007, “Maastrichtian (Cretaceous) Regular Echinoids from the Rocky Point Member, Peedee Formation Southeastern North Carolina”, Southeastern Geology, 45:1, 43-49.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Babcock, L. E., Wellman, C., Brunswick, H., and York, A., 2006, “Phylogenetic affinities and taphonomy of Brooksella from the Cambrian of Georgia and Alabama, USA”, Palaeoworld, 15, pp. 256-265.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Wray, G. A., and Corliss, B. H., 2005, “A Toothy Tale of Evolution: Convergence in Tooth Morphology among Marine Mesozoic – Cenozoic Sharks, Reptiles, and Mammals”, The Sedimentary Record, v.3, n.4, pp. 4 – 8.
Ciampaglio, C.N., Wellman, C.L., Brunswick, H. E., York, A.R., and Babcock, L.E., 2005, Reinterpretation of Brooksella from the Conasauga Formation (Cambrian)
of Georgia and Alabama, USA: Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, v. 22(suppl.), p. 21–23.
Ciampaglio, C. N., 2004, Measuring Changes in Articulate Brachiopod Morphology Before and After Mass Extinction Events: Do Developmental Constraints Limit Morphological Innovation? Evolution and Development 6:4, 260-274.
Ciampaglio, C. N. and Weaver, P. G., 2004, Paleobiogeographic Implications of the Eocene Crinoids of the Castle Hayne Limestone, Southeastern North Carolina. Southeastern Geology, 42:3, 179-188.
Ciampaglio, C. N. 2002, Determining the Role that Ecological and Developmental Constraints Play in Controlling Disparity: Examples from the Crinoid and Blastozoan Fossil Record. Evolution and Development 4:3, 1-17.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Kemp, M., and McShea, D. W., 2001, Detecting changes in morphospace occupation patterns in the fossil record: characterization and analysis of measures of disparity. Paleobiology 27:4, 695-715.
Peterman, D.J., Ciampaglio. C., Shell, R.C., and Yacobucci, M.M. 2019b. Mode of life and hydrostatic stability of orthoconic ectocochleate cephalopods: hydrodynamic analyses of restoring moments from 3D-printed, neutrally buoyant models of a baculite. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica in press. https://doi.org/10.4202/app.00595.2019.
Osborn, A. S. and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2019, The Echinoid Fauna of the Lower Pleistocene Waccamw Formation and Upper Pliocene Goose Creek Limestone of South Carolina, USA, with a Description of a New Encope Species, Southeastern Geology, V. 53, No. 2, pp. 191-213
Mitchell, M. G., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., 2017, Convergent Evolution in Tooth Morphology of Filter Feeding Lamniform Sharks, Southeastern Geology, V. 53, No. 2, pp. 63-80.
Bertsos, M. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., 2017, Spatial Variation in Tooth Shape of Miocene Populations of Carcharocles megalodon Across Ocean Basins, Southeastern Geology, V. 52, No. 4, pp. 179-194.
Osborn, A. S., Mooi, R., and Ciampaglio, C. N., New Species of Eocene Echinoidea from the Southeastern USA, Southeastern Geology, 52:1, pp. 33-59.
Jacquemin, S. J., Cicimurri, D. J., Ebersol, J. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., Jones, M., and Whetstone, Z., 2016, Quantifying heterodonty in the late Devonian(upper Famennian) sharks Cladoselache and Ctenacanthus from the Ohio Shale, PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 13:1.
Jacquemin, S. J., Ebersol, J. A., Dickinson, W. C., and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2015, Late Pleistocene fishes of the Tennessee River Basin: an analysis of a late Pleistocene freshwater fish fauna from Bell Cave (site A Cb-2) in Colbert County, Alabama, USA, Peer J 4:e1648; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1648.
Cicimurri, D. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Runyon, K. E., 2014, Late Cretaceous Elasmobranchs from the Eutaw Formation at Luxapalila Creek, Lowndes County, Mississippi, PalArch's Journal of Verterate Paleontology, 11, 2, pp. 1-36.
Osborn, A. S. and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2013, Rhyncholoampas Alabamensis (Twitchell) (Echinoidea, Cassidulidae) from the Late Oligocene (Chattian) Chickasawhay Limestone of Mississippi and Alabama, Southeastern Geology, V. 50, No. 3, May 2014, p. 135-143.
Osborn, A. S., Mooi, R., and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2013, A new species of Protoscutella (Echinoidea, Clypeasteroida, Protoscutellidae) from the Middle Eocene (Lutetian) Santee Limestone in Berkeley County, South Carolina, Southeastern Geology, V. 49, No. 3, 119-131.
Clayton, A., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Cicimurri, D. J., 2012, A previously undescribed Selachian and Teleost Fauna from the Eocene Lisbone/Tallahatta Contact from the Conecuh Point “A” Dam Site, Covington County, Alabama, Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin 31, V. 2, 60-73.
Doguzhaeva, A. A., Weaver, P. G., Ciampaglio, C. N., Tacker, R. C., Lawver, D. R., and Dockery, III, D. T., Phragmocones with originally chitinous septa in aragonitic conchs of Eocene coleoid (Cephalopoda: Coleoidea) from Mississippi, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.
Weaver, P. G., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Sadorf, E. M., 2012, Rhyncholites and conchorhynch (calcified nautiloid beaks) from the Eocene (Lutetian/Priabonian) Castle Hayne Formation, Southeastern North Carolina, . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 264:1, pp. 61-75.
Weaver, P. G., Doguzhaeva, L. A., Lawver, D. R., Tacker, R. C., and Ciampaglio, C. N., Ciampaglio, 2011, Characterization of Organics Consistent with beta-Chitin preserved in the Late Eocene Cuttlefish Mississaepia mississippiensis, PLoS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0028195.
Weaver, P. G., Dockery III, D. T., and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2010, A new genus of coleoid cephalopod from the Jackson Group (Late Eocene), Hinds County, Mississippi, Paleontographica abteilung A, Band 292, Lieferung 1-3, pp. 53-637.
Osborn, A. S. and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2009., A new Species of Albertella (Echinoidea, Scutellina) from the Late Miocene (Tortonian) Peace River Formation of Hardee County, Florida, Southeastern Geology 46:4, 201-210.
Weaver, P. G., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Chandler, R. E., 2009, An Overview of Coleoid Cephalopods from Paleogene and Neogene Aged Rocks of Southern North America, (in Proceedings Volume of the 3rd International Symposium "Coleoid Cephalopods Through Time", Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle de Luxembourg).
Weaver, P.G., Ciampaglio, C.N., and Chandler, R.E., 2008, An Overview of Research on Coleoid Cephalopods from Tertiary rocks of Southern North America, 3rd International Symposium "Coleoid cephalopods through time", Musée national d'histoire naturelle de Luxembourg.
Phillips, G. E., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Hayes, W. E., Jr., 2008, A new species of Faujasiid Cassiduloid (Echinoidea: Irregularia) from the Santonian-Campanian Boundary (Upper Cretaceous) in the Eastern Gulf States, Southeastern Geology, 46:1, 43-49.
Weaver, P. G., Tacker, R. C., McMenamin, M. A. S., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Webb, R. A. 2007. Additional Ediacaran Body Fossils of South-Central North Carolina, Southeastern Geology, 45:4, 225-232.
Babcock, L. E. and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2007, Frondose fossil from the Conasauga Formation (Cambrian: Drumian Stage) of Georgia, USA, Association of Australasian Memoirs, 34, pp 555-562.
Weaver, P. G., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Chandler, R. E., 2007, “Rarely seen Coleoid Phragmacone Steinkerns from the Castle Hayne Limestone (Eocene) of Southeastern North Carolina.” Palaeontographica, Abt. A, Band 277, Lieferung 1-3, pp. 1-7.
Nyberg, K.,Ciampaglio, C. N., and Wray, G. A., 2006, “Tracing the Ancestry of the Great White Shark Using Morphometric Analyses of Fossil Teeth”, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(4), 806-814.
Weaver, P. G. and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2003, Description of a New Genus of Fossil Belosaepiid (Coleoidea) From the Castle Hayne Limestone (Eocene) of Southeastern North Carolina. Journal of Paleontology 77:6, 1103-1106.
Crenshaw, H. C., Ciampaglio, C. N. 2000, Analysis of Three-Dimensional Trajectories that have been Discretely Sampled: Estimates of Velocity, Curvature, and Torsion from Positional Information. The Journal of Experimental Biology 203:961-982.
Silverstone, A. L., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Sun, T., 1998, The Arabidopsis RGA Gene Encodes a Transcriptional Regulator Repressing the Gibberellin Signal Transduction Pathway. The Plant Cell 10:155-169.
Melby TE, Anderson DE, Ciampaglio CN, et al., 1998, The symmetrical structure of SMC and MUKB proteins - Long, antiparallel coiled-coils, folded at a flexible hinge. Molecular Biology of the Cell 9: 2231 Suppl. S.
Melby, T. E., Ciampaglio, C. N., Briscoe, G., and Erickson, H. P., 1998, The Symmetrical Structure of Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) and MukB Proteins: Long, Antiparallel Coiled Coils, Folded at a Flexible Hinge. The Journal of Cell Biology, 142:1595-1604.
In Review
Ciampaglio, C.N., Ebersol, J. A., Jacquemin, S. J., and Cicimurri, D. J., “The Fossil Sharks and Fishes of Alabama” (In prep for Editorial Review and Page Preparation, University of Alabama Press).
Shell, R., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Peterman, D., “Invertebrate Fauna of the lower Lueders formation of North-Central Texas” (in review, Southeastern Geology).
In Preparation
Smith, A. J., Jacquemin, S. J., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Possible Distribution Range Disparity between Pleistocene and Modern Freshwater Drum”.
Shell, R., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “A marine vertebrate fauna from the Early Permian Lueders Formation of north-Central Texas, USA”.
Osborn, A. S., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Revision of the Echinoid Genus Eurhodia from the Cenozoic of North America with an Emphasis on Taxonomy”.
Ciampaglio, C.N., Cicimurri, D. J., Shell, R., Ginter, M., Condrichthyans of the Indian Cave Sandstone (Pennsylvanian of Southeast Nebraska) and their Stratigraphic Context.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Jaquemin, S. J., Ebersol, J. A., and Cicimurri, D. J., A Description of Mississippian Micro-Chondrichthyans from Alabama and the Occurrence of Inclusive Species within North America.
Peer Reviewed/Published Conference Abstracts
Wint, S., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., 2014, Tooth Morphology Provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Lineage, The Ohio Academy of Science 123rd Annual Meeting with Abstracts, Vol 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
Jones, M., Jacquemin, S. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., Whetstone, Z., and Cicimurri, D. J., On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks, The Ohio Academy of Science 123rd Annual Meeting with Abstracts, Vol 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
Forir, M, Ciampaglio, C, and Ryan, N., 2007, Preliminary Investigation of the Trackways and Claw-Marks within the Riverbluff Cave System, Springfield, Missouri, Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Vol 42, pp. 3.
Abstracts/Conference Presentations
Ciampaglio, C. N., Shell, R., Ginter, M., and Cicimurri, D. J.Symmoriform Sharks of the Indian Cave Sandstone (Pennsylvanian of Nebraska) and their Stratigraphic Context. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 2, ISSN 0016-7592 doi: 10.1130/abs/2019SC-326415.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Claytone, A. A., Fuelling, L. J., and Cobb, C., 2018, Preliminary Optimization of the Aqueous Formic-Acid Solution Formulation and Dissolution Procedures used in the Removal of Fossil Vertebrate Material for Carbonate Rocks, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6, ISSN 0016-7592mdoi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-323572.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Jacquemin, S. J., Ebeersol, J. A., and Cicimurri, D. J. “Quantifying Heterodonty in the Late Devonian (Upper Famennian) Sharks, Cladoselache and Ctenacanthus from the Ohio Shale, USA”, North-Central Section, 2016, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 48, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-275405.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Cicimurri, D. J, and Deuter, L. H., “A Review of the Chondrichthyans from the Mississippian System of Northern Alabama, USA”, North-Central Section, 2013, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 45, No. 4, p. 21.
Ciampaglio, C. N., and Cicimurri, D. J., Elasmobranch and Osteichthyan Diversity from Two Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian) Transgressive Lag Deposits along the Neuse River, Lenoir County, North Carolina Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, October 17 – 20, 2012,
Ciampaglio, C. N., and Clayton, A. A., “Analysis of Chondrichthyan Famial and Generic Richness, Diversification of Dental Morphologies, and Ecospace Diversity Across the Pernian-Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundaries”, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 10 – 13, 2010.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Weaver, P. G., and Chandler, R. E., “An Overview of Research on Coleoid Cephalopods from Tertiary Rocks of Southern North America”, Northeastern and Southeastern Section Meeting, 2010, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 1, p. 125.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Clayton, A. A., and Meehan, C., “Analysis of Chondrichthyan Generic Richness, Morphological Diversification, and Ecospace Diversity Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary”, North-Central Meeting, 2009, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 4, p. 58.
Ciampaglio, C. N., James, J., and Riege, B., “An Undescribed Middle Devonian Bone Bed Within the Boyle Formation, Mina, KY ”, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Vol. 28, no. 3 Suppl., p. 64. Norman, OK : University of Oklahoma, Oct., 15, 2008.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Donovan, S. K., and Weaver, P. G., “A New Bourgueticrinid (Crinoidea) from the Castle Hayne Formation”, North-Central Meeting, 2008, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 5, p.84.
Ciampaglio, C. N., and Phillips, G. E. “ Revision of the Late Cretaceous (Gulfian) Echinoderm Fauna of the Central Gulf States”, Denver Annual Meeting, 2007, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 6, p.417.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Williamson, L., " A Preliminary Morphometric Analysis of the Morphologically Variable Clypeasteroid Periarchus Lyelli", South-Central and North-Central Meeting, 2007, The Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, Vol 39, No. 3.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Weaver, P. G., Chandler, R. E., “ A New Genus of Belosaepiid (Coleoidea) and Associated Rarely Seen Phragmacone Steinkerns from the Castle Hayne Limestone (Eocene) of Southeastern North Carolina”, 2006, Philadelphia Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p.317.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Babcock, L. E., “Reinterpretation of Brooksella from the Conasauga Formation (Cambrian) of Georgia and Alabama, USA”, The Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section Meeting, 2006, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 3.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Wellman, C., Brunswick, H., York, A., and Babcock, L. E., “Reinterpretation of Brooksella from the Conasauga Formation (Cambrian) of Georgia and Alabama, USA”, The Fourth International Symposium on the Cambrian System, Nanjing, China, August 18 – 24, 2005.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Fabian, A. J., “Morphological Analysis of Heterochrony Within The Blastoid Genera Tricoelocrinus and Metablastus”, The Geological Society of America, North-Central Meeting, 2005, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 5.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Wray, G. A., and Corliss, B. H., “Tooth Morphology and Niche Replacement: Analysis of Cretaceous Sharks, Mesozoic Marine Reptiles and Tertiary Marine Mammals”, Southeastern Meeting 2005, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 37, No. 2, p. 38.
Ciampaglio, C. N., Nyberg, K., and Wray, G. A., “Tracing the Ancestry of the Great White Shark Using Morphometric Analyses of Fossil Teeth”, 2004 Denver Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p.317.
Ciampaglio, C. N. “Comatulid crinoids from the Castle Hayne Limestone, Southeastern North Carolina”, Northeastern and Southeastern Meeting, 2004, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 2, p. 133.
Ciampaglio, C. N. The echinoderm fauna of Coon Creek. The Geological Society of America, Southeastern and South-Central Section Meeting, 2003, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 56.
Ciampaglio, C. N. “Constraints on morphology: developmental or ecological? Lessons from the fossil record”, The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, 2002, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 34, No. 6, p. 32.
Ciampaglio, C. N. Disparity, Constraints, and the Articulate Brachiopod Fossil Record. The Geological Society of America, Southeastern and North-Central Section Meeting, 2002, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2013, Vol. 34, No. 2, p. 117.
Peterman, D.J., Barton, C.C., Ciampaglio, C.N., and Yacobucci, M.M. 2019. Sexual dimorphism in scaphitid ammonoids: differences in hydrostatic properties revealed by virtual 3D modeling, North American Paleontological Convention 2019.
Shell, R. Ciampaglio, C. N., and Palmer, W., 2019, Marine Platystomid Fishes from the Early Permian of Kansas and Texas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 2, ISSN 0016-7592 doi: 10.1130/abs/2019SC-326270.
Hoenig, M.M.J., and Ciampaglio, C. N., 2018, Additional Vertebrates from the Carboniferous Burlington-Keokuk Bone Bed of the Illinois Basin. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 4, ISSN 0016-7592 doi: 10.1130/abs/2018NC-311966.
Hoenig M.M.J., Shell RC, Ciampaglio C.N., 2018, Spatial Variation and Diversity in Chondrichthyan Assemblages within the Burlington-Keokuk Bone Bed (Mississippian, Viséan). Geological Society of America National Meeting, November 2018. Abstracts with Programs. Abstract No. 321112.
Hoenig M.M.J., Shell RC, Peterman D, Ciampaglio C.N., 2018, Telescoping in a Cephalopod Assemblage from the Maquoketa Formation (Ordovician). American Geophysical Union National Meeting, December 2018. Abstract No. 438077.
Peterman, D.J, Ciampaglio, C.N., and Barton. C.N. 2018. The hydrostatics of Paleozoic orthoconic cephalopods (Nautiloidea) with implications for early colonization of the pelagic zone. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs v. 50(4), n. 30-6.
Peterman, D.J., and Ciampaglio. C.N. 2018. How stable were orthoconic cephalopods? Hydrodynamic analyses of restoring moments from neutrally buoyant, 3D printed models of ectocochleate cephalopods. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs v. 50, n. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-317321.
Shell, R. Ciampaglio, C. N., 2018, Hybodont Sharks as Linkages between Terrestrial and Marine Food Webs in the Permian Period. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 4, ISSN 0016-7592 doi: 10.1130/abs/2018NC-311779.
Shell, R. Ciampaglio, C. N., 2018, Early Permian Marine Vertebrate communities of the borth American Great Plains. Geological Society of America, National Meeting. November, 2018. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6 doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-316667.
Shell, R. Ciampaglio, C. N., 2018, Permian Eugeneodont “Shark” distributions in North America. American Geophysical Union, National Meeting. December 2018. PP13F-1404.
Shell, R. and Ciampaglio, C.N., Vertebrate Biostratigraphy froman Early Permian (Leonardian) Marine Limestone in North-Central Texas, Northeastern (52nd) - North-Central (51st) Joint Section Meeting, 2017, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 49, No. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-290127.
Bertsos, M. J., Ciampaglio, C.N., and Jacquemin, S. J., Evidence of Tooth Shape Variation in Carcharocles megalodon Across Ocean Basins, Northeastern (52nd) - North-Central (51st) Joint Section Meeting, 2017, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 49, No. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-290295.
Mitchell, M. G., Ciampaglio, C.N., and Jacquemin, S. J., Convergent Evolution in Tooth Morphology of Filter Feeding Lamniform Sharks, Northeastern (52nd) - North-Central (51st) Joint Section Meeting, 2017, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 49, No. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-290345.
Mason, C. R., Huelsman, S. C., Ciampaglio, C.N., and Clayton, A. A., Description of a Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Vertebrate Bearing Limestone Unit Within the Leitchfield Formation, Northeastern (52nd) - North-Central (51st) Joint Section Meeting, 2017, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 49, No. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-291063.
Shell, R., and Ciampaglio, C. N., The Earliest Permian Shark Fossils from Texas and their Implication for Later Marine Faunas, American Geophysical Society Fall Meeting, New Orleans, December 11 – 15, 2017, Paper Number: pp23A-1295.
Bertsos, M. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., “Morphological Variance in the Biogeographical Distribution of Lamnidae Species C. megalodon and C. carharias”, North-Central Section, 2016, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 48, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-274783.
Shell, R., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Invertebrate Biostratigraphy of an Early Permian Limestone in North-Central Texas”, American Geophysical Society Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 12 – 16, 2016, Paper Number: pp31A-2266.
Mitchell, M., and Ciampaglio, C. N., Origins of Filter Feeding in Lamniform Sharks, 2015, Baltimore Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 47, No. 7, p.138.
Fuller, K. R., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., Preliminary Findings from a Morphological Comparison of Species within the Genera Isurus and Charcharodon, 2015, Baltimore Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 47, No. 7, p.139.
Moeller, H., Ciampaglio, C. N., Jacquemin, S. J., and Fabian, A. J., Morphological Analysis of Heterochrony of the Blastoid Genera Metablastus and Tricoelocrinus, North-Central Section, 2015, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 47, No. 5, p. 95.
Wint, S, Ciampaglio, C. N., Jacquemin, S. J., and Cicimurri, D. J., “Tooth Morphology provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Lineage”, Ohio Journal of Science; Abstracts of Meetings, 2014, V. 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
Jones, M., Jacquemin, S. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., Whetstone, Z., and Cicimurri, D. J., “On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks”, Ohio Journal of Science; Abstracts of Meetings, 2014, V. 114, No. 1, p. A-15.
Jones, M., Jacquemin, S. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., Whetstone, Z., and Cicimurri, D. J., On the Specialization of Tooth Morphology in Early Cladodont Sharks, North-Central Section, 2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 46, No. 4, p. 11.
Wint, S., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Jacquemin, S. J., 20014, Tooth Morphology Provides Evidence of Ancestral Megalodon Shark Lineage, North-Central Section, 2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 46, No. 4, p. 64.
Sallan, L, Friedman, M, Ciampaglio, C. N., and Clarke, J, “Fish Diversity and the Role of Predation in Marine Revolutions”, 125 Anniversary annual Meeting and Expo, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.683.
Deuter, L. H., Taylor, M. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Cicimurri, D. J., “A Review of the Chondrichthyans from the Mississippian System of Northern Alabama, USA”, North-Central Section, 2012, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 44, No. 5, p. 66.
Osborn, A. S., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “A New Species of Protoscutella (ECHINOIDEA, PROTOSCUTELLIDAE) from the Middle Eocene Santee Limestone of South Carolina, with a Review of the Genus Protoscutella”, North-Central Section, 2012, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 44, No. 5, p. 67.
O’Conner, J. A., Brooks, S., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Analysis of Chondrichthyan Remains from the Pennsylvanian Upper Brush Creek Limestone, Lower Brush Creek Limestone, Portersville Shale, Ames Limestone of Athens County, Ohio”, North-Central Section, 2012, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 44, No. 5, p. 66.
Clayton, A. A., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “End Permian Anomaly: How did Chondrichthyans Escape History’s Largest Devastation?”, North-Central and Northeastern Section, 2011, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 1, p. 98.
Soehner, J. R., Clayton, A. A., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Defining and Analyzing a Bone Bed Found in Kingstree, South Carolina”, North-Central and Northeastern Section, 2011, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 1, p. 166.
O’Conner, J. A., Brooks, S., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Analysis of Chondrichthyan Remains from the Pennsylvanian Upper Brush Creek Limestone, Lower Brush Creek Limestone, Portersville Shale, Ames Limestone of Athens County, Ohio”, North-Central and Northeastern Section, 2011, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 1, p. 98.
James, J. M., Coder, R. L., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Marine Vertebrate Remains from a Late-Middle Devonian Bone Bed at the Delaware Limestone/Ohio Shale Boundary, Logan County, Ohio and Little Hardwick Creek in Vaughn’s Mill, Kentucky”, North-Central and Northeastern Section, 2011, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 1, p. 98.
Osborn, A. S. and Ciampaglio, C. N., “ Preliminary Study of Five New Species of Echinoidea from the Eocene of the Southeastern united States”, Southeastern Section, 2011, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 89.Osborn, A. S. and Ciampaglio, C. N., “New Late Pliocene Echinoid Fauna of Florida and South Carolina”, North-Central and South-Central Section, 2010, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 2, p. 83.
Williamson, L. and Ciampaglio, C. N., “A Morphometric Analysis of the Highly Variable Clypeasteroid, Periarchus Lyelli”, NAPC Meeting, 2009 Cincinnati, OH.
James, J. M., Ciampaglio, C. N., “Paleozoic Fish Remains and Ichthyoliths Found in a Late to Middle Devonian Bone Bed at the Boundary Between the Columbus Limestone and the Ohio Shale in East Liberty, Ohio”, North-Central Meeting, 2009, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 4, p. 57.
Riege, B. R. and Ciampaglio, C. N., “A Previously Undescribed Middle Devonian Bone Bed Within the Boyle Formation Near Mina, Kentucky”, North-Central Meeting, 2009, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 4, p. 57.
Clayton, A. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Carney, C. K., “Analysis of Patterns and Processes of Chondrichthyes Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary”, North-Central Meeting, 2008, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 5, p. 85.
Weaver, P.G., Ciampaglio, C.N., and Chandler, R.E., 2008, An Overview of Research on Coleoid Cephalopods from Tertiary rocks of Southern North America, 3rd International Symposium "Coleoid cephalopods through time", Musée national d'histoire naturelle de Luxembourg.
Williamson, L., Ciampaglio, C. N. " A Morphometric Analysis of the Highly Variable Clypeasteroid, Periarchus Lyelli ", The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Houston, 2008, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 20.
Raterink, L. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Carney, C. K., “Paleoenvironment and Lateral Extent of an Exposed Carbonate Build-Up: Intercoastal Waterway, Horry County, South Carolina”, North-Central Meeting, 2008, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 5, p. 14.
Chestnut, A. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., and Babcock, L. E., “Reclassification of a Common Calymenid Trilobite from Silurian Carbonate Deposits of Southwestern Ohio”, North-Central Meeting, 2008, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 5, p. 85.
Phillips, G. E., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Faujasiid Echinoids in the Upper Cretaceous of North America”, Mississippi Academy of Sciences – 72nd Annual Meeting, February 20 – 22, 2007, V. 53, No. 1, p. 118.
Forir, M. D., and Ciampaglio, C. N., "Preliminary Investigation of the Trackways and Claw-Marks within the Riverbluff Cave System, Springfield, MO", Cenozoic Vertebrate Tracks and Traces Meeting, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 2007.
Phillips, G. E., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “Late Cretaceous Echinoderms in the Central Gulf States: An Update”, Mississippi Academy of Sciences – 71st Annual Meeting, February 21 – 23, 2007, V. 52, No. 1, p. 88 .
Hayes, R. S., Chestnut, A. J., Ciampaglio, C. N., " A Reexamination of the Diversity, Taxonomic Description and Paleoecological Relationships of Silurian Crinoids from West-Central and Southwest Ohio", South-Central and North-Central Meeting, 2007, The Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, Vol 39, No. 3.
Babcock, L. E., Ciampaglio, C.N., “Frondlike fossil from the Cambrian of Georgia, USA: another holdover from the Ediacaran Biota”, 11th Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, 2006, Adelaide, Australia.
Chestnut, Alex, J., Ciampaglio, C.N., “Reevaluation of a Common Calymenid Trilobite from Silurian Carbonate Deposits of Southwestern Ohio”, The Geological Society of America, North-Central Section Meeting, 2006, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 4.
Chestnut, Alex J., Collier Malone, Stacey, and Ciampaglio, Charles N., “Correlation of Eustatic Sea-Level Change to Lower Silurian Bedrock Deposition in Southwest Ohio”, Salt Lake City Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2005, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 7, p. 16.
Forir, M. D., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “The Riverbluff Cave Site of Greene County, Missouri”, 2nd International Congress "The World of Elephants", Hot Springs, SD, Sept. 22 – 25, 2005.
Forir, M. D., and Ciampaglio, C. N., “The Riverbluff Cave Paleontological Site and its Importance as an Educational Tool”, 2004 Denver Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p.419.
D’Orazio, A., Ciampaglio, C. N. “Morphological Analysis of Echinoids from the Castle Hayne (Eocene) Formation”, South-Central Meeting 2004, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol 36, No. 1.
Phillips, G. E., Rust, H. T., Schneider, V. P., Ciampaglio, C. N. & A. L., Ciampaglio. Range Adjustments for North American Capybaras. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Vol. 21, no. 3 Suppl.. Norman, OK : University of Oklahoma, Aug., 22 2001.
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
Museum Affiliation
North Carolina Museum of Natural Science Research Associate 2008 -
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Research Affiliation 2005 -
McWane Science Center, Birmingham, AL 2014 -
Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award, Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2018
Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2016
Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2015
Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2014
Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2012
Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2011
Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2008
Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Wright State University – Lake Campus, 2006
Ohio Magazine 2006 Excellence in Teaching
Wright State University, Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence: Early Career Achievement 2005.
Aleane Webb Dissertation Award 2000.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Predoctoral Fellowship 1998 - 2001.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Doctoral Training Grant, 1997 – 1998