Damaris Serrano, Ph.D.
PH D in Hispanic Cultural Studies, Master in Comparative Literature
Associate Professor of Spanish
2005: Ph.D. in Hispanic Cultural Studies. Dissertation. Del 58 al Siglo XXI: memoria histórica, espacios y proyecciones de la poesía panameña. Michigan State University. Chair: Dr. José F. Colmeiro
Doctoral dissertation won the Gill-Chin Lim Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Global Studies, presented by International Studies and Programs at Michigan State University. “This prestigious award recognizes outstanding achievements and leadership internationally.”
1998: M.A. in Comparative Literature. Michigan State University.
1990: B.A. ‘Cum Laude’ in Humanities with Specialization in Spanish.
1990: Professor of Spanish. University of Panama.
Associate Professor of Spanish, Wright State University (2008 to present).
Professor. Research Scholar at the University of Panama. Summer 2013. Master Program on Preservation of the Literary and Cultural Memory sponsored by the Institute of National Studies (Instituto de Estudios Nacionales, IDEN).
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Wright State University (2005 to 2008).
Lead Consultant in LA CASA Spanish Writing Center. Immersion Program at Michigan State University. 2002–2004
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Michigan State University. 1996-1998, 2000-2004.
Spanish Consultant at the College of Arts and Letters Writing Center. Michigan State University. 2002 (Spring).
Spanish Consultant for CLEAR (“Center for Language Education and Research”) in a Foreign Language Consulting project. Michigan State University. 2001 (Fall).
Visiting Professor. Introductory Writing. University of Panama. 2000
1999. Instructor of Spanish at the Panama Canal Commission. In charge of preparing seminars / workshops and materials to train the personnel during the transition to Panamanian administration.
1999. Instructor of Spanish as a Second Language to the Researchers working at the Smithsonian Research Station at the Republic of Panama.
1998-1999. Instructor of Spanish at the Panamanian National Social Security Institution (Caja de Seguro Social). In charge of preparing seminars / workshops and tailored materials to train the personnel / supervisors at the Legal Department, and at the Department of Radiology.
Assistant Professor at the Spanish Department, University of Panama. Introductory Writing. 1995-1996.
1987 to 1994. Spanish High School Professor at “Academia Hebrea de Panamá”, Panama.
1982 to 1986. Spanish High School Professor at “Colegio María Inmaculada”, Panama.
2018, August. Selected Corresponding Member of the Panamanian Academy of Language, affiliated to the Royal Academy of Language, Spain. Panama, Republic of Panama.
2018. In October 17th. Awarded in the Republic of Panama’s National Literary competition: the LXXVI National Ricardo Miró Essay Prize, for the book Panama Post / Modernity / Post: (The journey of a Poetic-Narrative Strategy).
2015. Awarded The College of Liberal Arts Faculty Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant 2015-2016 of 2,000.00.
2014. Awarded two semesters of Professional Development leave for the 2015-16 academic year.
2014. Honor Guest Speaker. Keynote lecture to inaugurate the XXXVII Week of Panamanian Literature. “Esther María Osses a 100 años: la forja de la nación global”, “Esther María Osses after 100 Years: the Forge of the Global Nation”. University of Panama, College of Humanities Auditorium, October 6, 2014.
2014. Honor Guest Speaker. “Sitios de memoria y espacios geopoéticos.” (“Sites of Memory and Geopoetic Spaces.”). Keynote lecture at the University of Panama on August 13, 2014, to commemorate the 100 Years of the Panama Canal (August 14, 1914-August 14, 2014).
2014, August 21. “Colloquia at the X International Book Fair, Panamá, with the winners of the Ricardo Miró, National Literature Award 2013”. Organized by the National Institution of Culture and the Book National Chamber of the Republic of Panama.
2015: April. Wright State University Office of Latino Affairs. "La Profe" Faculty Award.
2015: March. College of Liberal Arts Faculty Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant for the project "Trasatlantic Connections / Global Aldeas."
2014. Awarded two semesters of Professional Development leave for the 2015-16 academic year.
2013. Excellence in Teaching with Writing. The Writing Across Program. Faculty Recognition Award.
2013. In October 25th. Awarded in the Republic of Panama’s most prestigious literary competition: the LXXI National Ricardo Miró Essay Prize , for Panama: Retelling History /Stories of a Nation in Diaspora (Panamá: (re)cuentos de la nación en diáspora in the original).
2012. International Editorial Board of Ístmica, sponsored by la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), and related to la editorial universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (EUNA).
2007. Presidential Award for Early Career Achievement. Wright State University
2006. Gill-Chin Lim Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Global Studies, presented by International Studies and Programs at Michigan State University. “This prestigious award recognizes outstanding achievements and leadership internationally.”
2006. Recognition during the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration by the Latin American Association of Dayton, Ohio. 2006.
2005. Winner of the National Literary Prize of the Republic of Panama, for best literary essay: La literatura panameña: historia, nación, sociedad (amor, cultura y conflictos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX). [Panamanian Literature: History, Nation, Society: Love, Culture and Conflicts in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.] This is the most prestigious literary award conferred in Panama.
2004. Honorable Mention (Accesit) in the National Literary Prize “Ricardo Miró.” La nación panameña en sus espacios: cultura popular, resistencia y globalización. 2004 [The Panamanian Nation in its Spaces: Popular Culture, Resistance, and Globalization.]
2002: Distinguished Contributor Award 2002 granted for being the first Spanish Consultant in La Casa Spanish Writing Center (El Taller), and for having worked as graduate assistant with the La Casa Residential option in Spanish. Michigan State University.
2002: Sigma Delta Pi 2002 Essay Award: “La condición postmoderna del sujeto en La flor de mi secreto, de Pedro Almodóvar".
2000-2001: Johannes Sachse Memorial Award in Spanish, for the outstanding Graduate Student in Romance and Classical Languages Department.
2001: Tinker Field Research Grant for Predissertation Travel –Center of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Michigan State University and the Tinker Foundation.
2001: Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives and the Inter University Program for Latino Research: Methodology “Interpreting Latino Cultures: Research and Museums” – Granted to 15 students among all US. universities.
2000. Honorable Mention (Accesit) in the National Literary Prize of the Republic of Panama in the section of Sociological Essay: La celda del caracol: cuatro ensayos de sociología literaria. 2000 [The Cell of the Snail: Four Essays on Literary Sociology.]
2000. Winner of the National Literary Essay Prize Signos: “Rodrigo Miró Grimaldo”: El hilo de Ariadna o el escritor en el ámbito laberíntico de la modernidad a la postmodernidad. [Ariadne’s String or the Writer in the Labyrinth from Modernity to Postmodernity.]
1996. Winner of the Research Fellowship. Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. Madrid, Spain. 1996. (3 peer country).
1996. Winner of the Grant for Hispanists. Spain’s Department for Foreign Affairs (One per country). Awarded but declined.
Panama: Post / Modernidad / Post Panamá: (The journey of a Poetic-Narrative Strategy). (Colección Ricardo Miró, Ensayo). Panamá: Editorial Mariano Arosemena, 2019.
Serrano G., Damaris E. “El hijoeputa”, en: ¡Basta! 100 Mujeres contra la violencia de género. Carolina Fonseca et al Comp. Panama: Modus Ludicus, 2017, 128.
Panama: Retelling History /Stories of a Nation in Diaspora. (Panamá: (re)cuentos de la nación en diáspora). Panamá: Editorial Mariano Arosemena, 2014. (Colección Premio Ricardo Miró,
Ensayo). 230 p.
La literatura panameña: historia, nación, sociedad (Amor, cultura y conflictos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX) [Panamanian Literature: History, Nation, Society: Love, Culture and Conflicts in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.] Winner of the National Literary Prize “Ricardo Miró” of the Republic of Panama, 2005. Panama: Mariano Arosemena: INAC, 2006. Print.
La nación panameña en sus espacios: Cultura popular, resistencia y globalización. [The Panamanian Nation in its Spaces: Popular Culture, Resistance, and Globalization.] (Honorable Mention in the National “Ricardo Miró” of the Republic of Panama). Panama: Editorial Mariano Arosemena, INAC, 2006. Print.
El hilo de Ariadna o el escritor en el ámbito laberíntico de la modernidad a la postmodernidad. [Ariadne’s String or the Writer in the Labyrinth from Modernity to Postmodernity] Winner of the National Literary Essay Prize “Signos”, 2000. Panama: Fundación Cultural Signos, 2002. Print.
La celda del caracol: Cuatro ensayos de sociología literaria. [The Cell of the Snail: Four Essays on Literary Sociology.] Second Place in the National Literary Prize “Ricardo Miró” of the Republic of Panana. Panama: Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 2002. Print.
(Co-Autor). Diccionario de la Literatura Centroamericana. Albino Chacón et al. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional, EUNA, 2007. Print.
“La literatura de la nación panameña: globalismo cultural y no confortismo global,” en: Voces y silencios de la crítica y la historiografía Literaria Centroamericana. San José, Editorial Costa Rica. Albino Chacón y Marjorie Gamboa, Eds. EUNA: San José, Costa Rica, 2010. Print.
Pablo Menacho: Un corazón de poeta. Panamá: Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá: 2001. Colección Cuadernos Marginales.
“Panamá: Desde el centro del mundo en sintonía (post)moderna,” en Istmo: Revista Virtual de Estudios Literarios y Culturales Centroamericanos. No. 21, Jul-Dec, 2010.
Serrano G., Damaris E. “Swing y Vaudeville: El largo periplo de la cultura.” Letras Hispanas, vol. 14, 2018, pp. 267-88, https://www.modlang.txstate.edu/letrashispanas/currentvolume.html. Accessed 17 Dec. 2018.
Panamá: (Re)cuentos de la nación en diáspora. Revista Convivencia sobre América Latina, El Caribe y el Mundo, Año 3 (2016-2017). Panamá: Facultad de Humanidades y Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado Universidad de Panamá, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado. (24 pages; 9,369 words). ISSN 2313-7920
“Reino adentro: La actualidad y clarividencia de la poesía.” Tragaluz Panamá. Año 3, no. 2 (2011).
“Simbología y compromiso en la obra de Miguel Hernández”. Tragaluz Panamá. Año 3, no. 2 (2011).
“Gabriel García Márquez: El amor en los tiempos de la Modernidad”. Tragaluz. Año 3 No. 1, Nov. 8, 2010.
“Panamá: desde el centro del mundo en sintonía postmoderna”. Istmo: Revista Virtual de Estudios Literarios y Culturales Centroamericanos. No. 14. (Enero-Junio 2007).
“Panamá en el ensayo literario: un país que no es solo un canal”. Interview. Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales. By Lucía Martínez. CURZA, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina. Año XII, No. 11, 2009.
< http://www.revistapilquen.com.ar/SumarioCS11.htm>
Del 58 al siglo XXI :memoria histórica, espacios y proyecciones de la literatura panameña. Jornadas andinas de literatura latinoamericana (8 : 2006 ago. : Bogotá). Literatura, prácticas críticas y transformación cultural : JALLA. -- 1a ed. -- Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008.
2 v. : ilustraciones, fotos y mapa ; 24 cm.
Incluye referencias bibliográficas.
ISBN: 978-958-716-146-5
“Al pulsar de las bombas”. Tragaluz Panamá. Año 1, no. 1 (Apr./May 2006).
“Chuchú Martínez o la intimidad y la historia”. Tragaluz Panamá. Año 1.4 (Nov.-Dec, 2006).
“La cerca limítrofe: un espacio de negociación, resistencia e identidad”. Tragaluz Panamá. 1. 1 (Apr.-May 2006).
“9 de enero de 1964: los símbolos de la memoria histórica”. Tragaluz Panamá. 1. 1 (Apr.-May 2006).
Entrevista con Enrique Jaramillo-Levi. “Los nuevos marcos teóricos nos ayudarán a reconceptualizar nuestra literatura”. Maga: Revista panameña de cultura Jan.-Apr. 2001: 67-9.
“El momento postmoderno en la poesía panameña”. Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá. 82 (2000): 23.
“Los elementos distanciadores bajo la clave histórica postmoderna en Mundunción”. Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá 124 (2000).
“Maga: Impulso, trayectoria y proyección de la literatura panameña”. Maga: Revista panameña de cultura May-Aug. 2000: 53-5.
“Gaspar Octavio Hernández o la búsqueda de una identidad” Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá. 69 (1999): 13-16.
“La alusión como estrategia del compromiso en la obra de Tobías Díaz Blaitry”. Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá. 61 (1999): 23.
Prologue to El olor de la montaña y otros cuentos, short stories by Dimas Lidio Pitty. November, 2009. EUNED: San José, Costa Rica, Central America.
Urroz, Humberto. Cuentos que perdieron el Miró. Prologue, notes, and study by Damaris Serrano Guerra. Panamá: [s.n. ], 2003. 11-20.
Flor de vesania por J. Darío Jaén. Semblanza y prólogo por Damaris Serrano Guerra. Aristides Martínez Ortega, Ed. Vol. 2. Panamá: Asamblea Legislativa, 2001. 390. Edición conmemorativa del Centenario de la República de Panamá.
Los versos de Panamá. Homenaje a Elsie Alvarado de Ricord. Semblanza y prólogo por Damaris Serrano Guerra. Audiolibros editados por Ileana Gólcher. 7-18.
Collective publication:
Huellas de chiricanidad, ideario de panameñidad. Interviews. By: Aura A. González B. David, Panamá: Impresora Central, 2003. 225-235.
Serrano, Damaris E. “El mito de la Tulivieja: textos, historia y video: Una construcción literaria y cinemática fragmentada” (43 pages; 12, 454 words). Panamá: Editora Novo Art, S.A., 2016. ISBN 978-9962-5579-0-6. (Collaboration).
Book review
La universalidad de lo cotidiano en Playing Bach in the DC Metro
Book on poetry by David Lee Garrison. Book Review Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura. Volume 32 No. 2 (Spring 2017) http://www.unco.edu/hss/confluencia/current-issue/ University of Northern Colorado. 5 pages; 2,022 words,
Spring – Fall 2018: Member of the Celebration of Research Committee
Member of ML Departmental Committees:
Spring and Fall:
- Assessment
- Promotion and Retention (Chair)
COLA committees:
- Graduate Studies
ML Poetry Day (Chair and organizer): April 6, 2018 (Honoring the international contributions of Poet David Petreman).
October 12, 2018: Peer Observation for Karine C. . Ould-Daddah, M.B.A., Lecturer of French
Spring – Fall 2017: Member of the Celebration of Research Committee
Fall, 2017: Member of the Bylaws Subcommittee of P & T
2017: Member of the Promotion, Tenure & Retention, in the reviewing of the files of Dr. Joshua Mabra and Dr. Ksenia Bonch-Reeves
2017: Member of the Teaching and Learning Committee
Fall 2017: ML TAG Submissions
Up to Spring 2017: Member of the Recruitment and Outreach Committee
During Fall 2017: Alternative Grading for Ms. Julia Gómez-Cambronero for SPN 4030 in the course “Terrorism Portrayed in Spain”, taught by Dr. Melissa Doran.
Fall 2017: Member of the Language Classroom Technology
March, 2017: Host on behalf of Modern Languages, at the Raiders Open House, Apollo Room Student Union.
February. 3rd, 2017: Peer Observation for Dr. Renate Kaiser Sturdevant, Instructor of German.
Fall, 2016: Member of the By-Laws Subcommittee of P & T.
Fall, 2016: Host on behalf of Modern Languages, event at Student Union. Raiders Open House.
Fall, 2016: Peer Observation. Amira Ben-Amer Orr. September. 2016
2016- Fall: Member of the Language Classroom Technology
2016- Fall: Member of the Recruitment and Outreach
2015 In Sabbatical).
2014. Member of the WSU Undergraduate Research Initiative. Members on this committee represent the three main disciplinary areas of CoLA (humanities, arts, social sciences).
2014. Ad Hoc Member of Department of Modern Languages’s Promotion, Tenure and Retention Committee on the Search for the new Assistant Professor of Spanish.
2014. Member of Department of Modern Languages’s Teaching and Learning Committee.
2014. Mentor on designing a research and publication program for the new hired Instructor, Dr. Paula Garrido.
2014. Member of Department of Modern Languages’s Classoom Technology committee.
2014. (Since 2012). Liason with major universities at the Republic of Panama for signing an agreement on academic exchange for students, professors and staff members. The University of Panama is visiting WSU on February 2015.
2013. Member of Department of Modern Languages’s Promotion, Tenure and Retention Committee on professors Dorothy Alavarez, Jennifer Buckwalter, and Michelle Cipriano to the rank of Senior Lecturer.
2013. Member of the Humanities Program Committee.
2012. International Editorial Board of Ístmica, sponsored by la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), and related to la editorial universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (EUNA).
2012-2013 (summer). Representative at the UGEC (curriculum committee).
2012. Member of the Modern Language Curriculum Committee.
2007-2011. Sigma Delta Pi (Hispanic Honor Society: Adviser to the Chapter Iota Omega at Wright State University.
2008-2010. Lead participation in the Spanish Immersion Program. In charge of two rooms at the Student Union during the event, and leader of two groups of presentors (around 30 students from the Advanced Converstion and the Composition classes).
2010 to the present. Editor. La Pluma entre dos mundos. Online Student journal at the Department of Modern Languages.
2007, 2009, 2013. Excellence in Teaching with Writing. The Writing Across Program. Faculty Recognition Award.
-- Book on the Caribbean Afrodescendant Diaspora: Barnados / Jamaica / Trinidad and Tobago / Panama / the United States, and the impact on displaced identity in Central America.
-- Article on the colored theatre at the Panama Canal Zone. This includes issues on popular culture during the United States administration of the Panama Canal, segregation-integration, and migration.
-- Article on the Central American global nation, towards poetry, literary discourses, and documents on Central American politics.
-- Article on Historical Memory, Niches, and Urban Imaginaries during the 20th up to 21th century, commemorating the 100 Years of the Panama Canal. This article is illustrated with painting and photographs.
-- Member of the research team working on the encyclopedia “Towards a History of the Central American Literatures.” Co-Author in the Volume 6, entitled “(Per)versiones de la modernidad. Literaturas, identidades y desplazamientos.” This volume examines the contemporary Central American literatures. This Project is led by the “Centro de Investigaciones en Identidad y Cultura Latinoamericanas” (CIICLA), at the University of Costa Rica.
-- An article on Feminism and and reaction to the civil rights and abuse through literature
-- A book on Post / Postmodernism on Panamanian 20th to 21th century.
2018, August 7. “La nación flotante: La inscripción de ‘Casa’, identidad y cultura en los afro descendientes de Panamá”. Keynote lecture as the new academic, the framework of the United Nations’s International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024), keynote Speaker. Panamanian Academy of Language, Affiliated to the Royal Academy of Language, Spain.
2018, August 16. “Colloquia at the X International Book Fair, Panamá, with the winners of the Ricardo Miró, National Literature Award 2018”. Organized by the National Institution of Culture and the Book National Chamber of the Republic of Panama.
2018. November 7-9. 18th, International Conference on Caribbean Literature, San José Costa Rica: “The floating nation: The inscription of House, identity and culture in the afro descendants of Panama”. University of Costa Rica, CR, Central America.
2017, February. COLA Conference: “Comics, Swing and Vaudeville: the TransAtlantic Connection.” College of Liberal Arts, Wright State University.
2017, October 5. ML Lecture Series. The Us by the Press: Impact of US Foreign Policies in Central America. Department of Modern Languages. College of Liberal Arts, Wright State University.
2015. Awarded The College of Liberal Arts Faculty Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant 2015-2016 of 2,000.00.
2014. Honor Guest Speaker. Keynote lecture to inaugurate the XXXVII Week of Panamanian Literature. “Esther María Osses a 100 años: la forja de la nación global,” “Esther María Osses after 100 Years: the Forge of the Global Nation”. University of Panama, College of Humanities Auditorium, October 6, 2014.
2014. Honor Guest Speaker. “Sitios de memoria y espacios geopoéticos.” (“Sites of Memory and Geopoetic Spaces.”). Keynote lecture at the University of Panama on August 13, 2014, to commemorate the 100 Years of the Panama Canal (August 14, 1914-August 14, 2014).
2014, August 21. “Colloquia at the X International Book Fair, Panamá, with the winners of the Ricardo Miró, National Literature Award 2013”. Organized by the National Institution of Culture and the Book National Chamber of the Republic of Panama.
2013, November. Honor Guest Speaker. Keynote lecture at the Inauguration of the XIII International Conference on Caribbean Literature. Panama: Retelling History /Stories of a Nation in Diaspora. (Panamá: (re)cuentos de la nación en diáspora. Morehouse College, Purdue University, Universidad de Panama, Republic of Panama.
2013. “La otra trinchera: migración transnacional y nación en desplazamiento”. Colloquia. XIII Conferencia Internacional de Literatura del Caribe. Universidad de Panamá, Republic of Panama. Noviembre, 2013
2012. “La Literatura Comparada: un enfoque global para la educación superior” .(“Comparative Literature: A Global Approach for Higher Education”) 2do. Congreso de Educación Superior. Mesa de Lengua y Literatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Panama, Republic of Panama. February, 2012.
“Juega vivo o las herencias en desplazamiento”. XX Congreso de Literatura Centroamericana, CILCA. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, San José Costa Rica. March 28-30, 2012.
“El Istmo de Panamá en juego: espacios y nichos territoriales en la obra de Raúl Leis”. X Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (JALLA). Universidad de Valle, Cali, Colombia. July 28-August 3rd, 2012.
“Gabriel García Márquez: El amor en los tiempos de la Modernidad”. Tragaluz. Año 3 No. 1< http://www.tragaluzpanama.com/06/literatura/ensayos_06.html>. Nov. 8, 2010. (see attachment).
“La literatura de la nación panameña: globalismo cultural y no confortismo global”. Speaker at the InternationaXVI l Congress of Central American Literature (CILCA, 2008). “La literatura de la nación panameña: globalismo cultural y no confortismo global”. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.
“Colloquia about Panamanian Literature with Damaris Serrano, Winner of the Ricardo Miró, National Literature Award 2005”. Organized by the National Institution of Culture. Hombre de La Mancha, Camino de Cruces, El Dorado, Panama, Republic of Panama. August 30, 2006.
Bogotá, Colombia. “Del 58 al siglo XXI: Memoria histórica, espacios y proyecciones de la literatura panameña”, presented at JALLA 2006 (Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana). August 14-18, 2006.
“Travesías, de Rómulo Castro: migración transnacional y experiencia trasatlántica, a través de la música panameña”, presented at the 27th Annual Cincinnati. May 11-13, 2006.
Conference of Romance Languages and Literatures 2006-07, organized by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati.
May 11-13, 2006:
“La literatura Panameña” conference at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. March 29, 2006:
“Travesías, de Rómulo Castro: migración transnacional y experiencia trasatlántica, a través de la música panameña”. Fifth Annual Tropos Conference. Michigan State University. October 23, 2004.
“La poeticidad del discurso erótico y social como compromiso en El Cuarto Edén y Libro de las propensiones de Consuelo Tomás”. XIV Congress of the International Association of Hispanic Feminist Literature. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Ratón, FL. October 23-26, 2003.
“Entre la denuncia y la memoria: una opción posmoderna en la identidad de la literatura panameña contemporánea” – XI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana (CILCA) –Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Purdue University Calumet y Ministerio de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes. San José, Costa Rica. March, 5-7, 2003
“El retorno de la mirada en Flores de otro mundo”, XIII Congress of the International Association of Hispanic Feminist Literature. “Lenguaje y Género –Tendencias errantes”. (AILFH) Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. 2002.
“Desimperialización ideológica y descolonización a través de la ironía en Tiempo de silencio y Reivindicación del Conde Don Julián”. 11th Annual Fraker Conference, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Friday, March 8, 2002.
“What students pay attention to” (A foreign Language Consulting Project), presented at the Conference “Michigan Foreign Language Association”: “Pathways to Learning: Linking Standards and Assessments”. 2002:
“La imagen de la mujer en un Mito popular: una construcción literaria y cinemática fragmentada” . The Second Annual Tropos Conference, Michigan State University . East Lansing Michigan. November. 2001.
“Consuelo Tomás’s El Cuarto Edén: The Liberation of the Erotic Discourse In Contemporary Panamanian Poetry”. Second Annual Graduate Symposium on Women and Gender History University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. March 22-24, 2001.
“The Myth of ‘La Tulivieja’ in the Searching of Panamanian Identity: Text, History, and Video”–The 26th Annual Conference on Literature and Film –Florida State University. February 1-3, 2001.
- Panamanian Academy of Language, Affiliated to the Royal Academy of Language, Spain.
-Modern Language Association of America
-“Sociedad Nacional Hispánica Sigma Delta Pi,” Capítulo Beta Beta de Michigan State University
-American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
-Círculo Lingüístico de Panamá
Education History
Research Statement
La literatura panameña: historia, nación, sociedad (Amor, cultura y conflictos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX) [Panamanian Literature: History, Nation, Society: Love, Culture and Conflicts in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.] Winner of the National Literary Prize “Ricardo Miró” of the Republic of Panama, 2005. Panama: Mariano Arosemena: INAC, 2006.
La nación panameña en sus espacios: Cultura popular, resistencia y globalización. [The Panamanian Nation in its Spaces: Popular Culture, Resistance, and Globalization.] (Honorable Mention in the National “Ricardo Miró” of the Republic of Panama). Panama: Editorial Mariano Arosemena, INAC, 2006.
El hilo de Ariadna o el escritor en el ámbito laberíntico de la modernidad a la postmodernidad. [Ariadne’s String or the Writer in the Labyrinth from Modernity to Postmodernity] Winner of the National Literary Essay Prize “Signos”, 2000. Panama: Fundación Cultural Signos, 2002.
La celda del caracol: Cuatro ensayos de sociología literaria. [The Cell of the Snail: Four Essays on Literary Sociology.] Second Place in the National Literary Prize “Ricardo Miró” of the Republic of Panana. Panama: Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 2002.
(Co-Autor). Diccionario de la Literatura Centroamericana. Albino Chacón et al. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional, EUNA, 2007.
“La literatura de la nación panameña: globalismo cultural y no confortismo global,” en: Voces y silencios de la crítica y la historiografía Literaria Centroamericana. San José, Editorial Costa Rica. Albino Chacón y Marjorie Gamboa, Eds. EUNA: San José, Costa Rica, 2010.
Pablo Menacho: Un corazón de poeta. Panamá: Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá: 2001. Colección Cuadernos Marginales.
“Panamá: Desde el centro del mundo en sintonía (post)moderna,” en Istmo: Revista Virtual de Estudios Literarios y Culturales Centroamericanos. No. 21, Jul-Dec, 2010.
“Reino adentro: La actualidad y clarividencia de la poesía.” Tragaluz Panamá. Año 3, no. 2 (2011).
“Simbología y compromiso en la obra de Miguel Hernández”. Tragaluz Panamá. Año 3, no. 2 (2011).
“Panamá: desde el centro del mundo en sintonía postmoderna”. Istmo: Revista Virtual de Estudios Literarios y Culturales Centroamericanos. No. 14. (Enero-Junio 2007).
“Panamá en el ensayo literario: un país que no es solo un canal”. Interview. Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales. By Lucía Martínez. CURZA, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina. Año XII, No. 11, 2009. < http://www.revistapilquen.com.ar/SumarioCS11.htm>
Del 58 al siglo XXI :memoria histórica, espacios y proyecciones de la literatura panameña. Jornadas andinas de literatura latinoamericana (8 : 2006 ago. : Bogotá). Literatura, prácticas críticas y transformación cultural : JALLA. -- 1a ed. -- Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008. 2 v. : ilustraciones, fotos y mapa ; 24 cm. Incluye referencias bibliográficas. ISBN: 978-958-716-146-5
“Al pulsar de las bombas”. Tragaluz Panamá. Año 1, no. 1 (Apr./May 2006).
“Chuchú Martínez o la intimidad y la historia”. Tragaluz Panamá. Año 1.4 (Nov.-Dec, 2006).
“La cerca limítrofe: un espacio de negociación, resistencia e identidad”. Tragaluz Panamá. 1. 1 (Apr.-May 2006).
“9 de enero de 1964: los símbolos de la memoria histórica”. Tragaluz Panamá. 1. 1 (Apr.-May 2006).
Entrevista con Enrique Jaramillo-Levi. “Los nuevos marcos teóricos nos ayudarán a reconceptualizar nuestra literatura”. Maga: Revista panameña de cultura Jan.-Apr. 2001: 67-9.
“El momento postmoderno en la poesía panameña”. Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá. 82 (2000): 23.
“Los elementos distanciadores bajo la clave histórica postmoderna en Mundunción”. Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá 124 (2000).
“Maga: Impulso, trayectoria y proyección de la literatura panameña”. Maga: Revista panameña de cultura May-Aug. 2000: 53-5.
“Gaspar Octavio Hernández o la búsqueda de una identidad” Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá. 69 (1999): 13-16.
“La alusión como estrategia del compromiso en la obra de Tobías Díaz Blaitry”. Tragaluz. Suplemento de El Universal de Panamá. 61 (1999): 23.
Prologue to El olor de la montaña y otros cuentos, short stories by Dimas Lidio Pitty. November, 2009. EUNED: San José, Costa Rica, Central America.
Urroz, Humberto. Cuentos que perdieron el Miró. Prologue, notes, and study by Damaris Serrano Guerra. Panamá: [s.n. ], 2003. 11-20.
Flor de vesania por J. Darío Jaén. Semblanza y prólogo por Damaris Serrano Guerra. Aristides Martínez Ortega, Ed. Vol. 2. Panamá: Asamblea Legislativa, 2001. 390. Edición conmemorativa del Centenario de la República de Panamá.
Los versos de Panamá. Homenaje a Elsie Alvarado de Ricord. Semblanza y prólogo por Damaris Serrano Guerra. Audiolibros editados por Ileana Gólcher. 7-18.
Collective publication:
Huellas de chiricanidad, ideario de panameñidad. Interviews. By: Aura A. González B. David, Panamá: Impresora Central, 2003. 225-235.
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
Member of the research team working on the encyclopedia “Towards a History of the Central American Literatures.” Co-Author in the Volume 6, entitled “(Per)versiones de la modernidad. Literaturas, identidades y desplazamientos.” This volume examines the contemporary Central American literatures. This Project is lead by the Centro de Investigaciones en Identidad y Cultura Latinoamericanas” (CIICLA), at the University of Costa Rica.
-Modern Languages Association of America
-“Sociedad Nacional Hispánica Sigma Delta Pi,” Capítulo Beta Beta de Michigan State University
-American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
-Círculo Lingüístico de Panamá
2015: April. Wright State University Office of Latino Affairs. "La Profe" Faculty Award.
2015: March. College of Liberal Arts Faculty Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant for the project "Trasatlantic Connections / Global Aldeas."
2014: November. Two semester professional development 2015-16.
2013. In October 25th, she was awarded the LXXI National Ricardo Miró Essay Prize in the Republic of Panama, for Panama: Retelling History /Stories of a Nation in Diaspora (Panamá: (re)cuentos de la nación en diáspora in the original).
2012. International Editorial Board of Ístmica, sponsored by la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), and related to la editorial universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (EUNA).
2007. Presidential Award for Early Career Achievement. Wright State University
2006. Gill-Chin Lim Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Global Studies, presented by International Studies and Programs at Michigan State University. “This prestigious award recognizes outstanding achievements and leadership internationally.”
2006. Recognition during the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration by the Latin American Association of Dayton, Ohio. 2006.
2005. Winner of the National Literary Prize of the Republic of Panama, for best literary essay: La literatura panameña: historia, nación, sociedad (amor, cultura y conflictos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX). [Panamanian Literature: History, Nation, Society: Love, Culture and Conflicts in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.] This is the most prestigious literary award conferred in Panama.
2004. Honorable Mention (Accesit) in the National Literary Prize “Ricardo Miró.” La nación panameña en sus espacios: cultura popular, resistencia y globalización. 2004 [The Panamanian Nation in its Spaces: Popular Culture, Resistance, and Globalization.]
2002: Distinguished Contributor Award 2002 granted for being the first Spanish Consultant in La Casa Spanish Writing Center (El Taller), and for having worked as graduate assistant with the La Casa Residential option in Spanish. Michigan State University.
2002: Sigma Delta Pi 2002 Essay Award: “La condición postmoderna del sujeto en La flor de mi secreto, de Pedro Almodóvar".
2000-2001: Johannes Sachse Memorial Award in Spanish, for the outstanding Graduate Student in Romance and Classical Languages Department.
2001: Tinker Field Research Grant for Predissertation Travel –Center of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Michigan State University and the Tinker Foundation.
2001: Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives and the Inter University Program for Latino Research: Methodology “Interpreting Latino Cultures: Research and Museums” – Granted to 15 students among all universities in the United States.
2000. Honorable Mention (Accesit) in the National Literary Prize of the Republic of Panama in the section of Sociological Essay: La celda del caracol: cuatro ensayos de sociología literaria. 2000 [The Cell of the Snail: Four Essays on Literary Sociology.]
2000. Winner of the National Literary Essay Prize Signos: “Rodrigo Miró Grimaldo”: El hilo de Ariadna o el escritor en el ámbito laberíntico de la modernidad a la postmodernidad. [Ariadne’s String or the Writer in the Labyrinth from Modernity to Postmodernity.]
1996. Winner of the Research Fellowship. Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. Madrid, Spain. 1996. (3 per country).
1996. Winner of the Grant for Hispanists. Spain’s Department for Foreign Affairs (One per country). Awarded but declined.