Dan E. Krane, Ph.D.
Education History
Ph.D., 1990, The Pennsylvania State University
Research Statement
My research interests are in the areas of molecular evolution and the way that gene frequencies change over the course of time in populations of organisms. On-going work involves characterization of the way that the biosynthetic costs of amino acids influence their frequency of use in prokaryotic genes and how a gene�s context influences the mutations that it accumulates. Other studies examine the effect of environmental stressors on the genetic diversity of naturally occurring populations of organisms.
We are also involved with the use and development of computer-based tools to evaluate DNA evidence associated with criminal investigations. My consulting company, Forensic Bioinformatics (www.bioforensics.com), reviews DNA testing results from hundreds of court cases around the world each year. The large amounts of data associated with those reviews lends itself to meta-analyses that allow us to develop tools and approaches that make forensic DNA profiling more reliable and objective.
Representative Publications
Paoletti, D. R., T. E. Doom, C. M. Krane, M. L. Raymer and D. E. Krane. 2005. Empirical analysis of the STR profiles resulting from conceptual mixtures. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50:1361-1366.
Paoletti, D. R., T. E. Doom, M. L. Raymer and D. E. Krane. 2006. Assessing the implications for close relatives in the event of similar but non-matching DNA profiles. Jurimetrics. 46:161-175.
Heizer, E. M., D. W. Raiford, M. L. Raymer, T. E. Doom, R. V. Miller and D. E. Krane. 2006. Amino acid cost and codon usage biases in six prokaryotic genomes: A whole genome analysis. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 23:1670-1680.
Rowland, C. D., R. V. Van Trees, M. S. Taylor, M. L. Raymer and D. E. Krane. 2006. Was the Shawnee war chief Blue Jacket a Caucasian? The Ohio Journal of Science 106(4):126-129.
Gilder, J. R., T. E. Doom, K. Inman and D. E. Krane. 2007. Run-specific limits of detection and quantitation for STR-based DNA testing. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 52(1):97-101.
Krane, D. E., S. Ford, J. R. Gilder, K. Inman, A. Jamieson, R. Koppl, I. L. Kornfield, D. M. Risinger, N. Rudin, M. S. Taylor, W. C. Thompson. 2008. Sequential unmasking: A means of minimizing observer effects in forensic DNA interpretation. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53(4):1006-1007. Additional comments accepted for publication in March, 2009.
Raiford, D. W., D. E. Krane, T. E. Doom and M. L. Raymer. Automated isolation of translational efficiency bias that resists the confounding effect of GC(AT)-content. Accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, June, 2008.
Krane, D., J. Gilder, R. Koppl, I. Kornfield, L. Mueller and W. C. Thompson. Comment on the review of low copy number testing. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Legal Medicine, August, 2008.
Raiford, D. W., E. M. Heizer, Miller, R. V., Akashi, H., Raymer, M. L. and D. E. Krane. Do amino acid biosynthesis costs constrain protein evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae? Accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Evolution, August, 2008.
Krane, D. E. Profiling Low Amounts of DNA, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (A. Jamieson & Moenssens eds.). 2009, in press.
Krane, D. E. and M. L. Raymer. 2003. Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics. (A 314 page sophomore/ junior level textbook for biology and computer science majors; ISBN 0-8053-4633-3) Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, CA. (International edition ISBN 0-321-10922-X; Chinese translation ISBN 7-302-09430-6/Q).