Ernest Hauser, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics
Education History
Ph.D. - University of Wisconsin, Madison (1982), Geology & Geophysics
M.S. - University of Wisconsin, Madison (1978), Geology
B.S. - Indiana State University (1976), Geology, Mathematics minor
- EES 4120/6120 Earth Materials
- EES 4160/6160 Geophysics Seminar
- EES 4480/6480 Plate Tectonics
- EES 4610/6610 Near Surface Geophysics
- EES 4380/6380 Seismic Interpretation
Research Statement
- Near Surface Geophysics (Environmental Geophysics)
- Exploration Geophysics
- Precambrian geology and tectonic evolution of the U.S. mid-continent
- Detection and mapping of old coal mines using scattered in seam seismic waves generated by active mining
Students Advised
Student Theses and Dissertations
- Matthew Klempp, 2024, Seismic Refraction Mapping of the Pre-Glacial Teays River Valley in West-Central Ohio Using a Seismic Reflection Dataset, MS Thesis, Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University.
- Devika Ghuge, 2023, Application of the HVSR Technique to Map the Depth and Elevation of the Bedrock Underlying Wright State University Campus, Dayton, Ohio, MS Thesis, Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University.
- Cody Kessler, 2022, Bedrock Anisotropy at Sycamore Farms: An Investigation Using Azimuthal Resistivity and Electromagnetic Induction, MS Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences,Wright State University. (Upon completion pursuing a PhD at U. Cincinnati)
- Jacob Murchek, 2021, Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion and Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO) Attributes as Hydrocarbon Indicators in Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study from the Illinois Basin, MS Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University. (Upon completion pursuing a PhD at Michigan Tech)
- Daniel Koehl, 2019, Investigating an Apparent Structural High in Seismic Data in North Terre Haute, Indiana, Through First-Arrival Traveltime Tomography and Gravity Analysis, MS Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University. (After completion enlisted in the US Air Force.)
- Philip Marsh, 2019, Mapping of Suspected Unmarked Burials as High Resistivity Anomalies at the Stevenson Cemetery near Xenia, Ohio, MS Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University.
- Michael Green, 2018, Geophysical Exploration of the Upper Crust Underlying North-Central Indiana: New Insight into Eastern Granite-Rhyolite Province, MS Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University (Upon completion working as managing geologist/engineer at a large coal mining company in West Virginia.)
- Saiful Alam, 2018, Interpretation of a Seismic Reflection Survey and Geophysical Well Logs in Jay County, Indiana: Orientation and Composition of Well Logs in Jay County, Indiana: Orientation and Composition of a Carbonate Layer Below the Mount Simon Sandstone a Carbonate Layer Below the Mount Simon Sandstone, MS Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences, Wright State University. (Upon completion went on to pursue a PhD at Oklahoma State University.
- Andrew Parent, 2017, Pre-Mt. Simon Seismic Sequences Below West-Central Indiana: Local Interpretation and Regional Significance, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Andrew Bergman, 2017, Searching for the Unmarked Henry Kinsey Family Graves at the VA Hospital Grounds in Dayton, Ohio, Using Magnetic, Electromagnetic, and Radar Methods, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Mohammad Mohshin, 2017, Analysis of Well Log Data and a 2D Seismic Reflection Survey in the vicinity of London, Ohio, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- David J. Peterman, 2016, Seismic Reflection Profiling Near Middletown, Ohio, and Interpretation of Precambrian Deformational Settings, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Li Wei, 2015, Processing and interpretation of three-component borehole/surface seismic data over Gabor gas storage field, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- James Gonsiewski, 2015, Bedrock Mapping Using Shear Wave Velocity Characterization and H/V Analysis, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Shamim, Ahammod, 2015, Determination of Vp, Vs, Glacial Drift Thickness and Poisson's Ratio at a Site in Jay County, Indiana, using Seismic Refraction and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) Analysis on a Common Data Set, MS Thesis Wright State University, 66p.
- Dominique Haneberg-Diggs, 2014, Seismic attributes of the Clinton interval reservoir in the Dominion East Ohio Gabor gas storage field near North Canton, Ohio, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Jared W. Shank, 2013, A geophysical investigation to locate missing graves utilizing ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic, and magnetic methods, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Danielle Torridi, 2012, A geophysical investigation searching for archaeological featuers at Sunwatch Indiana Village, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Blake, Daniel R., 2012, Surface Layer Thickness and Velocity Determined using the Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) Method Compared with Microtremor Resonance Analysis-Federal Road, Greene County, Ohio, MS Thesis Wright State University, 51p.
- Scott Bey, 2012, Reservoir Characterization and Seismic Expression of the Clinton Interval over Dominion's Gabor Gas Storage Field in North-East Ohio, M.S. Thesis, Department of Earth & Envir. Sciences.
- Zinck, John A., 2010, How the Growth of the Frampton Fold Affected the Growth of the Green Knoll Diapir, MS Thesis Wright State University, 52p.
- Chestnut, Alex J., 2009, Using morphometrics, phylogenetic systematics and parsimony analysis to gain insight into the evolutionary affinities of the Calymenidae Trilobita, MS Thesis Wright State University, 108p.
- Roy, Nilanjan, 2008, Analysis and interpretation of 2D seismic data over the Ancona gas storage facility, Illinois, using Petrel visualization software, MS Thesis Wright State University, 82p.
- John Sink, 2007, Evidence of a pre-Mount Simon, half-graben in Greene County, Ohio, by reprocessing a Wright State University seismic line, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences.
- Zerkel, Brent M., 2007, Geophysical Reconnaissance of Karst Features Associated with Sinkholes on the Antioch University Campus in Yellow Spring, Ohio : Western Area, MS Thesis Wright State University, 123p.
- Parkman, Kevin B., 2006, Geophysical reconnaissance used to investigate karst features associated with sinkholes on Antioch University Campus, Yellow Springs, Ohio: Eastern Area, MS Thesis Wright State University, 82p.
- Mathey, Shane, 2006, Discovering the karst subsurface in Frankfort, Kentucky: a seismic refraction and resistivity study, MS Thesis Wright State University, 52p.
- Christopher Buckman, 2004, Mapping of bedrock depth with seismic reflection using a stationary floating hydrophone array, Romeoville, Illinois, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences.
- Miller, Kurtz, 2004, Exploring the geoarchaeology of Sunwatch Indian Village and Archaeological Park : using ground penetrating radar and resistivity data volumes to delineate limestone slab-covered burial sites, MS Thesis Wright State University, 117p.
- John R. Rogers, 2003, 3D resistivity imaging of lithological variations with a levee along the Great Miami River near West Carrollton, Ohio, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences.
- Barnett, David B., 2002, A hydrogeological investigation of Well 3R, the Mad River well field with the use of geophysical surveys, MS Thesis Wright State University, 119p.
- Houston, Steven D., 2002, Geophysical methods applied to the archaeology of Sunwatch Indian Village/Archaeological Park, MS Thesis Wright State University, 128p.
- Matthew Wise, 1999, Investigation of the Mad River Buried Valley Using the Seismic Reflection Technique near Huffman Dam in Greene County, Ohio, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences. (Upon completion employed at Parsons Engineering, Austin, TX, an environmental consulting company.)
- Paul McColgan, 1999, A 3-D Interpretation of Nine Mile Draw, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences.
(Upon completion employed as an oil and gas exploration and production geophysicist at Marathon Oil Co., Oklahoma City, OK.) - Wise, Matthew R., 1999, Investigation of the Mad River buried valley using the seismic reflection technqiue near Huffman Dam in Greene County, Ohio, MS Thesis Wright State University, 74p.
- Ralph Rodriguez, 1998, "A Gravity and Refraction Survey of the Mad River Buried Valley East of Huffman Dam, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences.
(Upon completion employed at Geovation Consultants, Inc., an environmental consulting company in Stony Point, NY.) - Stacia Pike, 1998, Gravity and Magnetic Anomaly Delineation of the Subsurface in the Finger Lakes Region of New York, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences, 91p.
(Upon completion employed as an oil and gas exploration and production geophysicist at Veritas GeoServices, Katy, TX.) - Justin Huffman, 1997, Three-Dimensional Seismic Interpretation, Southern Ship Shoal, Gulf of Mexico, M.S. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences.
(Upon completion employed at Characterization Research & Consulting, Inc., a geological and geophysical consulting company in Englewood, CO.)
- Murchek, Jacob T.*, McColgan, Paul L., Hauser, Ernest C., Watts, Doyle R., in press, Pre-Stack Inversion and AVO Attributes as Hydrocarbon Indicators in Carbonate Rocks: A Case Study from the Illinois Basin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.
- Watts, Doyle R., Hauser, Ernest C., Mohshin, Mohammad, Dominic, David F., 2021, Induced seismicity risk management: The problem of disappearing faults, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. AAPG Bulletin, v. 105 (2): 265–273 https://doi.org/10.1306/07202019242
- David Peterman*, Ernest C. Hauser, Doyle R. Watts, 2020, Grenville foreland deformation and sedimentation in southwestern Ohio indicated by reprocessed seismic reflection profiles near Middletown, Ohio, USA, Ohio Journal of Science, v.120(2), DOI:10.18061/ojs.v120i2.7260
- Juan Teng, Maria Mastalerz, Bei Liu, Timothy Gognat, Ernest Hauser, Patrick McLaughlin, 2020, Variations of organic matter transformation in response to hydrothermal fluids: Example from the Indiana part of the Illinois Basin. International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 219.
- Yoshiya Oda, Ernest C. Hauser, and Shelly Gilliland*, 2019, S-wave velocity structure using microtremor array measurements: a case study at Huffman Dam, OH, US. Proceedings of the 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2018, pp. 347-350.
- Parent, A., Hauser, E.C., Watts, D.R., Peterman, D., 2017, Upper crustal seismic sequences below west-central Indiana; local interpretation and regional significance, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 52nd annual meeting; Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 51st annual meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, United States, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 2017, Vol. 49, Issue 2.
- Peterman, D., Watts, D.R., Hauser, E.C., Parent, A., 2017, Seismic profiling near Middletown, Ohio; an interpretation of pre-Mt. Simon deformational history in the eastern Midcontinent, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 52nd annual meeting; Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 51st annual meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, United States, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 2017, Vol. 49, Issue 2.
- Parent, A., Hauser, E.C., Watts, D.R., 2016, Revealing Precambrian seismic character below west-central Indiana, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, December, 2016, Vol. 2016.
- Gonsiewski, James P., and Hauser, Ernest C., 2016, Bedrock depth determination and mapping by characterizing shear wave velocity and fundamental resonance of the glacial drift surface layer at a site in NE Ohio, Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 50th annual meeting, Champaign, IL., Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 2016, Vol. 48, Issue 5.
- Ahammod, Shamim, and Hauser, E.C., 2015, Determination of Vp, Vs, Glacial Drift Thickness and Poisson’s ratio at a site in Jay County, Indiana, using Seismic Refraction and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) Analysis on a common Data set, Eastern Section AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN, September 2015.
- Haneberg-Diggs, D.M., Bey, S., Watts, D.R., Hauser, E.C., McGovern, T.F., and McCrossin, S.L., 2015, Ohio seismic reflection data reveals direct hydrocarbon indicator, Oil & Gas Journal; 12/7/2015, Vol. 113 Issue 12, p52-56, 5p.
- Parent, A.M, Hauser, E.C., and Watts, D.R. 2016, New insights into Precambrian seismic stratigraphy, south central Indiana, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Eastern Section Annual Convention, Lexington, KY, Sept 26-27, 2016. (Best Student Poster Award).
- Bey, S.; Watts, D.R.; Hauser, E.C.; McCrossin, S.; McGovern, T.; Zbasnik, P., 2012, Seismic expression of the Clinton Interval and Utica Formation in Wayne County, Ohio, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 41st annual Eastern Section Meeting Abstracts, September, 2012, Vol. 41.
- Torridi, D., and Hauser, E.C., 2012, Archaeological features delineated by geophysical methods at SunWatch Village Archaeological Park, Dayton, Ohio, Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 46th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, April, 2012, Vol. 44, Issue 5, pp. 28.
- Blake, D., Hauser, E.C., Watts, D.R., and Dominic, D.F., 2012, MASW determination of surface layer thickness and Vs reconciled with microtremor resonance analysis; Greene County, Ohio, Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 46th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, April, 2012, Vol. 44, Issue 5, pp. 28.
- Gershenzon, N.I., Bambakidis, G., Hauser E., Ghosh, A, and Creager, K.C., 2011, Episodic tremors and slip in Cascadia in the framework of the Frenkel-Kontorova model, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 38, Issue 1, 1p.
- Gershenzon, N.I., Bambakidis, G., Hauser, E.C., and Creager, K.C., 2010, Modeling the pattern of tremor migration in Cascadia, Seismological Society of America 2010 annual meeting. Portland, OR, United States, Seismological Research Letters, April, 2010, Vol. 81, Issue 2, pp. 297.
- Byerly, S.E., Hauser, E.C., and Wolfe, P.J., 2002, Levee composition mapping using electrical resistivity, SEG Annual Meeting Expanded Technical Program Abstracts with Biographies, 2002, Vol. 72, pp. 1591-1593.
- Houston, S.D., and Hauser, E.C., 2002, Geophysical methods applied to the archaeology of Sunwatch Indian Village Archaeological Park, Dayton, Ohio, Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 51st annual meeting; Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 36th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, March, 2002, Vol. 34, Issue 2, pp. 90-91.
- Barner, M., Hauser, E., Wolfe, P., 2001, A Study of Geophysical Techniques as a Means of Assessing Burrowing Animal Damage to Earthen Levees: 2001 Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), 2001 CD Publication GTD-4, 8p.
- Hauser, E.C., 2001, Detection and Location of Obstructions Ahead of a Tunnel Boring machine using the Tunneling Vibrations as a Seismic Source -- The First Successful Example: 2001 Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), 2001 CD Publication SSI-7, 6p.
- Hauser, E.C., and Howell, M.J., 2001, Ground Penetrating Radar Survey to Evaluate Roadway Collapse in Northern Ohio: 2001 Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), 2001 CD Publication RBA-2, 7p.
- Hauser, E.C., Inoue, D., Abe, S., Ksnuki, Oda, Y., 2001, 3-D GPR Imaging of the Neodani Fault, Central Japan: 2001 Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), 2001 CD Publication GP1-1, 10p.
- Buckman, C.F., Watts, D.R., and Hauser, E.C., 2000, Mapping of bedrock depth with seismic reflection using a stationary floating hydrophone array, Romeoville, Illinois, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 70th annual meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada, SEG Annual Meeting Expanded Technical Program Abstracts with Biographies, 2000, Vol. 70, pp. 1315-1318.
- Zoghi, M., Richard, B.H.; Wolfe, P.J., Hauser, E.C., 2000, Geophysical Survey Techniques for Identifying Potential Collapse Features Under Highways, American Society of Civil Engineers, Geo-Institute Conference Proceedings, Denver, August 5-8, 2000, 13p.
- Wolfe, P.J., Richard, B.H., Hauser, E.C., and Hicks, J.D., 2000, Potential collapse zones under highways, Proceedings of SAGEEP the symposium on the Application of geophysics to engineering and environmental problems. Powers, M.H., Ibrahim, A.-B., Cramer, L. [editors], Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Vol. 2000, pp. 351-358.
- Richard, B., P. Wolfe, E. Hauser, and J. Hicks, 1999, Geophysical Techniques to Local Old Coal Mines Beneath Highways: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Highway Geology Symposium, Roanoke, VA, May 20-23, 1999, p. 85-88.
- Howell, M., P. Wolfe, B. Richard, E. Hauser, and H. Marsh, 1998, Seismic Refraction and Gravity Investigation of a Tunnel Route near Columbus, Ohio, in Proceedings of the 1998 Symposiumon Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), Chicago, March 22-26, 1998, p. 913-920.
- Howell, M.J., Hauser, E.C., and Fallara, C.T., 1998, Application of Geophysical Methods to Determine Bedrock Conditions within a Tunnel Alignment: in North American Tunneling 98, L. Ozdemir (ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam. p. 105-114.
- Richard, B.; Wolfe, P.J., Hauser, E.C., Potter, P.E., Bass, M.N., 1997, Precambrian - Cambrian carbonate basins in Ohio and Indiana: Ohio Geological Society, Annual Technical Symposium, v. 5; p. 71-80.
- Hauser, Ernest C. , 1996, Keweenawan Rifting in a Grenville Embrace, in van der Pluijm, B.A., and Catacosinos, P.A., eds., Basement and Basins of Eastern North America: Boulder, Colo., Geological Society of America Spec. Pap. 308, p. 67-75.
- Hauser, Ernest C., 1993, A Grenville foreland thrust belt hidden beneath the eastern U.S. midcontinent: Geology, 21, 61-64.
- Cathles, L.M., and Ernest C. Hauser, 1993, New Frontiers Close to Home - North America's Central Corridor, Cornell Engineering Quarterly, 27 (3/4), 27-31.
- Hauser, Ernest C., 1992, Deep Crustal Sediment Study: Widespread Precambrian Layered Rocks (Sedimentary ?) Beneath the U.S. Midcontinent: Proceedings of the Natural Gas Research and Development Contractors Review Meeting, DOE Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, DOE/METC-92/6125, 167-188.
- Litak, R.K., and Hauser, E.C., 1992, The Bagdad Reflection Sequence as tabular mafic intrusions: Evidence from seismic modeling of mapped exposures. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 104, 1315-1325.
- Pratt, T.L., E.C. Hauser, and K.D. Nelson, 1992, Widespread Buried Precambrian Layered Rocks in the U.S. Midcontinent: Evidence for Large Proterozoic Depositional Basins, AAPG Bulletin, 76 (9), 1384-1401.
- Litak, R.K., R.H. Marchant, L.D. Brown, O.A. Pfiffner, and E.C. Hauser, 1991, Correlation of crustal reflections with geologic outcrops: Seismic modeling results from the southwestern U.S.A. and the Swiss Alps. in Continental Lithosphere: Deep Seismic Reflections, AGU Geodynamics Series Volume 22, p. 299-306.
- Pratt, T., E. Hauser, T. Hearn, and T. Reston, 1991, COCORP Seismic Investigations of the Surrency Bright Spot beneath the Southern Appalachians, USA: AGU Geodynamics Series Volume 22, p. 1-8.
- Pratt, T., E. Hauser, T. Hearn, and T. Reston, 1991, Reflection Polarity of the Midcrustal Surrency Bright Spot Beneath Southeastern Georgia: Testing the Fluid Hypothesis: J. Geophys. Res., 96, 10,145-10,158.
- Hauser, E.C., 1990, Seismic imaging of extended crust with emphasis on the western United States: Discussion: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 102, 252-255.
- Hauser, E.C., 1990, Layered Proterozoic rocks hidden beneath the U.S. Midcontinent imaged on COCORP and industry seismic reflection data, Geological Society of America, 1990 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 22, Issue 7, pp. 153-154.
- Dallmann, W.K., Hjelle, A., Ohta, Y.O., Salvigsen, O., Maher, H.D., Bjornerud, M., Hauser, E.C., and Craddock, C., 1990, Geological map of Svalbard, Van Keulenfjorden sheet (B11G), 1:100,000, Temakart No. 9, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo.
- Hauser, E.C., Hurich, C.A., Palm, H., Dyrelius, D., and Kristoffersen, Y., 1990, Comment and Reply on: Deformation of the Baltic continental crust during Caledonide intracontinental subduction: Views from seismic reflection data, Geology (1990) 18 (6): 578-580.
- Pratt, T., E. Hauser, and K.D. Nelson, 1990, Comment and Reply on: Major Proterozoic basement features of the eastern midcontinent of North America revealed by recent COCORP profiling: Geology, 18 (4), 378-379.
- Pratt, T., Culotta, R., Hauser, E., Nelson, D., Brown, L, Kaufman, S., Oliver, J., and Hinze, W., 1989, Major Proterozoic basement features of the eastern midcontinent of North America revealed by recent COCORP profiling: Geology, 17, 505-509.
- Hauser, E.C., and J. Lundy, 1989, COCORP Deep Reflections; Moho at 50 km (16 s) beneath the Colorado Plateau: J. Geophys. Res., 94, 7071-7082.
- Serpa, L., de Voogd, B, Wright, L., Willemin, J, Oliver, J, Hauser, E., and Troxel, B.W., 1988, Structure of the central Death Valley pull-apart basin and vicinity from COCORP profiles in the southern Great Basin, Geological Society of America Bulletin, September, 1988, Vol. 100, Issue 9, pp. 1437-1450.
- Frost, E.G., Okaya, D.A, McEvilly, T.V., Hauser E.C., Galvan, G.S., McCarthy, J., Fuis, G.S., Conway, C.M., Blom, R.G., and Heidrick, T.L., 1988, Crustal transect; Colorado Plateau-detachment terrane-Salton Trough, In: Geologic diversity of Arizona and its margins; excursions to choice areas. Davis, G.H., and VandenDolder, E.M. [editors], Special Paper - State of Arizona, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology, 1988, Vol. 5, pp. 398-422.
- Hauser, E.C., J. Gephart, T. Latham, J. Oliver, S. Kaufman, L. Brown, and I. Lucchitta, 1987, COCORP Arizona Transect: Strong crustal reflections and offset Moho beneath the transition zone: Geology, 15, (12), 1103-1106.
- Allmendinger, R.W., Hauge, T.A., Hauser, E.C., Potter, C.J., Klempterer, S.L., Nelson, K.D., Knuepfer, P.L.K., and Oliver, J., 1987, Overview of the COCORP 40 degrees N transect, Western United States; the fabric of an orogenic belt, Geological Society of America Bulletin, March, 1987, Vol. 98, Issue 3, pp. 308-319.
- Hauge, T.A., Allmendinger, R.W., Caruso, C., Hauser, E.C., Klemperer, S.L., Opdyke, S., Potter, C.J., Sanford, W., Brown, L.D., Kaufman, S., and Oliver, J., 1987, Crustal structure of western Nevada from COCORP deep seismic-reflection data, Geological Society of America Bulletin, March, 1987, Vol. 98, Issue 3, pp. 320-329.
- Potter, C.J., Liu, C-S., Huang, J., Zheng, L., Hauge, T.A., Hauser, E.C., Allmendinger, R.W., Oliver, J.E., Kaufman, S., and Brown, L., 1987, Crustal structure of north-central Nevada; results from COCORP deep seismic profiling, Geological Society of America Bulletin, March, 1987, Vol. 98, Issue 3, pp. 330-337.
- Klemperer, S.L., T.A. Hauge, E.C. Hauser, J.E. Oliver, C.J. Potter, 1986, The Moho in the northern Basin and Range, Nevada, along the COCORP 40oN seismic-reflection transect: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 97, 603-618.
- Allmendinger, R.W., Farmer, H., Hauser, E.C., Sharp, J., vin Tish, D., Oliver, J., and Kaufman, S., 1986, Phanerozoic tectonics of the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau transition from COCORP data and geologic data; a review, In: Reflection seismology; the continental crust. Barazangi, M. [editor] and Brown, L. D. [editors]. American Geophysical Union, Geodynamics Series, 1986, Vol. 14, pp. 257-267.
- de Voogd, B., Serpa, L., Brown, L., Hauser E., Kaufman, S., Oliver, J., Troxel, B.W., Willemin, J., and Wright, L.A., 1986, Death Valley bright spot; a midcrustal magma body in the southern Great Basin, California?, Geology [Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder], January, 1986, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 64-67.
- Craddock, C., E.C. Hauser, H.D. Maher, A.Y. Sun, G.-Q. Zhu, 1985, Tectonic Evolution of the West Spitsbergen Fold Belt: Tectonophysics, 114, 193-211.
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists
AAPG - American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AGU - American Geophysical Union
GSA - Geological Society of America
EEGS - Environmebntal and Engineering Geohpysical Society
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