Hope E. Jennings, Ph.D.
Education History
2007 Ph.D., English, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK (Concentration: Women, Writing, and Gender)
2002 B.A., Special Honors and English, Hunter College, C.U.N.Y (Concentration: British Literature, Interdisciplinary Studies, Anthropology)
1991 Cert., American Musical & Dramatic Academy, New York, NY (Concentration: Stage and Film Acting)
Research Statement
- 20th Century and Contemporary British, American, and Anglophone Literatures
- Feminist Theory and Philosophy, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Women’s Writing
- Genre Studies: Apocalypse, Utopia/Dystopia, Science Fiction, Myth & Fairy Tale
- Ecocriticism, New Materialism, Posthumanism, and Wilderness Narratives
Teaching Innovation Grant (2013-2014): $9,000 for design, delivery and assessment of multiple sections of Approaches to Women’s Studies. Funded by the Office of the Provost, Wright State University, with additional funding of $2,250 from the Dean’s Office, College of Liberal Arts.
Inclusion Infusion Grant – Designing a Research Project to Evaluate Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Course (2013-2014): $2,000 for assessment of Multicultural Competency learning outcomes in Approaches to Women’s Studies. Funded by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Community Engagement, Wright State University.
Research Initiation and Professional Development Grant (2012-2013): $3,500 for research on early colonial American settlements and Native American relations in Outer Banks, NC to support co-authored book project with Christine Wilson (grant co-recipient). Funded by the Research Council, Wright State University.
Jennings, Hope and Christine Junker. Wilderness Hauntings: Extinction and Ecological Grief in Contemporary Climate Fiction. Publisher TBD. (In-progress)
Nostalgia. Anti-Oedipus Press, 2015.
“'Now You Are at the Place of Annihilation': Angela Carter’s Posthuman Politics.” Angela Carter's Futures: Representations, Adaptations and Legacies, eds. Sarah Gamble and Anna Watz. Bloomsbury. (In-progress)
Jennings, Hope and Christine Junker. “Myths of Wilderness and Motherhood in Post-Apocalyptic Narratives of the Anthropocene.” Myth and 21st Century Environmentalism: Literary and Artistic Practices for Saving the Planet, eds. Esther Sánchez-Pardo, Maria Porras-Sánchez, José Manuel Correoso-Ródenas. Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Junker, Christine and Hope Jennings. “Surviving Girlhood: Wild Girls in the Anthropocene.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, isaa127 (2020), pp. 1-28.
“Anthropocene Storytelling: Extinction, D/evolution, and Posthuman Ethics in Lidia Yuknavitch’s The Book of Joan.” LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2019, pp. 191-210.
“Encounters with the Wilderness: Unsettling Perspective in Margaret Atwood’s The Journals of Susanna Moodie.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Vol. 38, No. 1, Spring 2019, pp. 131-152.
“Anthropocene Feminism, Companion Species, and Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy.” Contemporary Women’s Writing, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2019, pp. 16-33.
Jennings, Hope and Christine Wilson. “Disciplinary Lessons: Myth, Female Desire, and the Monstrous Maternal in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series.” Images of the Modern Vampire: The Hip and the Atavistic (The Universal Vampire Series, Vol. 2), eds. Barbara Brodman and James E. Doan, Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2013, pp. 161-173.
“Genesis and Gender: The Word, the Flesh, and the Fortunate Fall in ‘Peter and the Wolf’ and ‘Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest’.” Angela Carter: New Critical Readings, eds. Lawrence Phillips and Sonya Andermahr, Continuum, 2012, pp. 165-175.
“‘A repeating world’: Redeeming the Past and Future in the Utopian Dystopia of Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods.” Interdisciplinary Humanities, vol. 27, no. 2, Fall 2010, pp. 132-146.
“The Comic Apocalypse of The Year of the Flood.” Margaret Atwood Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, August 2010, pp. 11-18.
“The Ethics of Nostalgia in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” Journal of Contemporary Literature, vol. 2, no. 1, January 2010, pp. 177-198.
“Dystopian Matriarchies: Deconstructing the Womb in Angela Carter’s Heroes and Villains and The Passion of New Eve.” Michigan Feminist Studies, vol. 2, 2008, pp. 63-84
- Introduction to Literary Study
- Great Books: Greek Myths in Contemporary Literature
- Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
- British Texts: Medieval to 1660
- British Texts: Mid Victorian to 21st Century
- Survey of Women and Literature
- Campus Woods: Ecology & Place
- Apocalypse & Eco-Cultural Work
- Sex & Subversive Bodies: Angela Carter and Jeanette Winterson
- Margaret Atwood: Poetry and Fiction
- Eco-Narratives (cross-listed with BIO)
- Ecofeminist Science Fiction
- Myth and Fairy Tale in Contemporary Women's Writing
- Surviving Apocalypse (UH 4000)
- Posthuman Futures
- Neo-Victorian Novel
- Apocalypse in 21st Century Literature and Film
Students Advised
- Advisor, Culminating Project (2022): Kendra Fields, “‘But what should a Keepsake Album be?’: How Visual Performances Reclaim Narrative Authority in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace” (Distinction)
- Advisor, Culminating Project (2020): David Shields, “Richard Powers’s The Overstory: Posthuman Literatures in Post-Blight Utopias” (Distinction)
- Advisor, Culminating Project & Independent Study (2020): Esther Sorg, “Rewriting the Cassandra Myth in the Era of Global Warming” (Distinction)
- Advisor, Independent Study (2020): Ashley Fox, “Approaches to Understanding Inter/Intra-relationships between Trauma, Bodies, and Literacy”
- Advisor, Culminating Project (2019): Dylan Colvin, “Bringing Posthumanism into the Undergraduate Writing Classroom”
- Advisor, Culminating Project (2018): Dan Schack, “Nostalgia and the Politics of the Archive in the Post-Apocalypse”
- Chair, M.Hum Thesis (2016 – 2017): Lindsey Slanker, “Demonic Possession and Fractured Patriarchies in Contemporary Fundamentalist Horror”
- Chair, M.Hum Thesis (2015 – 2016): Abigail Sorensen, “The Feminine Sublime in 21st Century Surrealist Cinema”
- Chair, M.Hum Thesis (2013 – 2014): Rebecca Burgan, “A Feminist Oversight: Reproductive Rights of Incarcerated Women”
- Chair, M.Hum Thesis/Creative Project (2013 – 2014): Taylr Ucker, “Defending Feminism Online: Using Social Media in the Classroom to Promote Critical Media Literacy Skills.” Project: 3-day Workshop Curriculum
- Co-Chair, M.Hum Thesis/Creative Project (2012 – 2014): Charlotte Chinn, “From the Pew to the Pulpit: African American Women’s Struggle to Gain and Maintain Leadership Positions within the Church.” Project: Oral History Narrative
- Co-Chair, M.A. Thesis (2015 – 2016): Jasmine Underwood, “Feminist International Relations and ‘Epistemic Blank Spots’: Entrenching Hegemony?"
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
Associate Editor, Contemporary Women’s Writing (Oxford UP), 2020-Present
Member, Angela Carter Society, 2019-Present
Member, Margaret Atwood Society, 2019-Present
Member, Contemporary Women's Writing Association, 2013-Present
Research Associate, Project Acis & Galatea, “Cultural Myth Criticism,” Autonomous Community of Madrid and the European Social Fund, 2016-2017
Reviewer, Forum for Modern Language Studies, Mosaic, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, Women: A Cultural Review
CoLA Outstanding Professional Service Award (2016)
Excellence in Teaching: Wright State CORE (2014)
Excellence in Teaching: Writing Across the Curriculum (2014)
Excellence in Teaching: General Education (2011)
Lake Campus Outstanding Faculty Service Award (2011)