James E. Brown, Jr.

Emergency Medicine


Medical School: University of Louisville, 1987-1991
Residency: Emergency Medicine, University of Louisville, 1991-1994
Graduate Studies: Master of Medical Management, Tulane University, 2007-2008

Research Interests

Evidence Based Medicine, Physician Communication Styles, Chest Pain, Radiation Injury, Pre-hospital Care, Tactical Medicine

Selected Bibliography

Hamilton, Glenn C. and Brown, James E. What is Faculty Development? Acad Emerg Med, 10: 1334-1336, 2003.

Bushnell, Jeffrey, and Brown, James E. Clinical Assessment for Acute Thoracic Aortic Dissection. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 46: 90-92, 2005.

Legenza, Raymond, and Brown, James E. Head and Neck Trauma, in Hamilton GC, Sanders A, Trott A (eds): Emergency Medicine: an Approach to Clinical Problem Solving. Philadelphia. Saunders, 2002. pp. 843-869.

Brown, James E., and Hamilton, Glenn C. Breaking Bad News: Notifying the Living of Death, in Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD, and Stapczynski JS (eds): Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 6th edition. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2003, pp. 1832 - 1835.

Brown, James E., and Hamilton, Glenn C. Chest Pain, in Marx JA, Hockberger RS, and Walls RM (eds): Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. Philadelphia. Mosby, 2006, pp. 183-192.

Janz, Timothy, and Brown, James E. Chest Pain, in Markovchick, VJ, Emergency Medicine Secrets. Philadelphia. Mosby, 2006. pp. 70-76.

Invited Presentations

September 2003. Kentucky Medical Association 153rd Annual Meeting. "Malpractice Reform."

September 2003. Kentucky Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Meeting. "Malpractice Reform."

September 2003. Dayton Area Nursing Educators Consortium Meeting. "BNICE - Introduction to Terrorism Agents."

September 2003. Ohio Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians Board Review Course. "Literature Review: Immunologic Diseases."

November 2003. American College of Nurse Practitioners Annual Symposium. "Abdominal Pain: Keys to Sorting out the Etiology" and "Chemical Terrorism."

September 2005. University of Louisville Emergency Medicine Residency. Visiting Professor. "Pulmonary Embolism: An Evidence-Based Approach."

February 2006. Grandview Family Practice Reunion. "Bioterrorism in Dayton: Where Are We?"

April 2006. Dayton Area Graduate Medical Education Consortium. Residency Coordinators. "Generation Gap."

November 2007. Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Conference. Cozumel, Mexico. "Randomized Controlled Trials."

December 2007. University of Louisville Emergency Medicine Residency. Visiting Professor. "Pulmonary Embolism: An Evidence-Based Approach."

Personal Information

Peter Rosen, M.D., reportedly said, "Being program director is the best job in emergency medicine." I would strongly endorse that statement! The opportunity to work with a great group of residents each year is the thing that gets me out of bed each day (or night).

I have always thought of myself as something of a Renaissance man. I'm interested in learning something about most everything, which is likely why I'm attracted to emergency medicine. I enjoy reading (Bernard Cornwell and Jack Whyte are a couple of my favorites), cooking (everything from Italian to Cajun) and travel. I've been married for 22 years to Judy Masset-Brown, M.D., a community pediatrician. But, we met and were married before either of us entered medical school! Below, you see us on a recent trip to Venice.

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