Jeff Cigrang, Ph.D., ABPP
Areas of Interest
Integrated primary care, clinical health psychology, military couples, motivational interviewing, treatment of deployment-related PTSD in veterans, drug addiction and the criminal justice system, community/population health interventions.
Curriculum Vitae

Education History
- Harding University, Arkansas B.S. Psychology
- Memphis State University, Tennessee M.S. Clinical Psychology
- Memphis State University, Tennessee Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
- Wilford Hall Medical Center, San Antonio, TX Post-Doctoral Fellowship Clinical Health Psychology
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Integrated Primary Care
Research Statement
I am committed to the application of science to improve the health and functioning of individuals, couples, families, and the communities in which they live. Much of my research has focused on understanding the military community, the effects of deployment, and developing effective interventions that will reach those persons most in need. Improving clinical practice in integrated primary care settings is a closely related focus area. Most recently my areas of clinical reseach have broadened to include the interactions among drug-addicted individuals, the criminal justiice system, and the larger familial and community systems.
Recent Publications (Past 3 years)
Rauch, S. A. M., H. M. Kim, R. Acierno, C. Ragin, B. Wangelin, K. Blitch, W. Muzzy, S. Hart, K. Zivin and J. Cigrang (2022). "Improving function through primary care treatment of PTSD: The IMPACT study protocol." Contemporary Clinical Trials 120: 106881.
Cigrang, J. A., Cordova, J. V., Gray, T. D., Fedynich, A. L., Maher, E., Fields, A. D., & Hawrilenko, M. (2022). Marriage Checkup in integrated primary care: A randomized controlled trial with active duty military couples. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,90(5), 381-391. doi: 10.1037/ccp000073.
Cigrang, J. A., Balderrama-Durbin, C., Snyder, D. K., Parsons, A., Lorko, K., Gupta. A. Slep, A., Heyman, E., & Yahle. C. (2021). Predicting marital health from adverse childhood experiences among United States Air Force active duty personnel. Couple & Family Psychology: Research and Practice, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/cfp0000207
Moore, B. A., Straud, C. L., Hale, W. J., Baker, M. B., Gardner, C. L., Judkins, J., L., Shinn, A. M., Savell, S., Cigrang, J. A., Litz, B. T., Mintz, J., Rouska, A., McMahon, C., Lara-Ruiz, J., Young-McCaughan, S., & Peterson, A. L. (2021). Post-9/11 service members: Associations between gender, marital status, and psychiatric aeromedical evacuations from combat zones. Military Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/08995605.2021.1962192
Cigrang, J. A., Fedynich, A. L., Nichting, E. M.A., Frederick, S. A. L., Schumm, A., & Burke, C. (2020). Brief Motivational Interview-based intervention for women in jail with history of drug addiction and sex-trading. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51, 25-33
Fedynich, A. L., Cigrang, J. A., & Rauch, S. A. (2019). Brief Novel Therapies for PTSD - Treatment of PTSD in Primary Care. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry (Volume 6) Editor-in-Chief: Steve Strakowski. Section: PTSD. Section Editors: Suzannah Creech and Lauren Sippel. Springer Publications.
Fedynich, A. L., Cigrang, J. A., & Rauch, S. A. (2019). Brief Novel Therapies for PTSD - Treatment of PTSD in Primary Care. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry (Volume 6) Editor-in-Chief: Steve Strakowski. Section: PTSD. Section Editors: Suzannah Creech and Lauren Sippel. Springer Publications.
Austern, D., Cigrang, J. A., Rauch, S. A., & Evans, A. L. (2018). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In (eds.) Alexandros Maragakis, A., & Donahue, W. Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings, Springer.
Cigrang, J. A., Rauch, S. A., Mintz, J., Mitchell, J. A., Najera, E., Litz, B. T., et al. (2017). Moving effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder into primary care: A randomized controlled trial with active duty military. Family Systems & Health, 35, 450-462.
Cigrang, J. A., Peterson, A. L. (2017). Stepped-care approaches to posttraumatic stress disorder: Sharpening tools for the clinician’s toolbox. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, http://pcsp.libraries.rutgers.edu, 13, Module 2, Article 2, pp. 142-153.
Rauch, S. A. M., Cigrang, J A., Austern, D., & Evans, A. For the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2017). Expanding the reach of effective PTSD treatment into primary care: Prolonged exposure for primary care. Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry, 15, 406-410.
Cordova, J. V., Cigrang, J. A., et al. (2017). Addressing Relationship Health Needs in Primary Care: Adapting the Marriage Checkup for use in medical settings with military couples. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 24, 259-269.
Baker, M. T., Anderson, S. R., Arant-Daigle, D., Cigrang, J. A., Young-McCaughan, S., Johnson, L., & Peterson, A. L. (2017). Psychiatric aeromedical evacuations: Clinical characteristics of deployed U.S. military personnel during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Military Behavioral Health. Published online January 27, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21635781.2016.1272021
Balderrama-Durbin, C., Stanton, K., Snyder, D. K., Cigrang, J. A., et al. (2017). The risk for marital infidelity across a year-long deployment. Journal of Family Psychology, 31, 629-634
Cigrang, J. A., Cordova, J. V., Gray, T. D., Najera, E., Hawrilenko, M., Pinkley, C., Nielsen, M., Tatum, J., & Redd, K. (2016). The Marriage Checkup: Adapting and Implementing a Brief Relationship Intervention for Military Couples. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 23, 561-570.
Snyder, D. K., Balderrama-Durbin, C., Cigrang, J. A., Talcott, G. W., Slep, A. M. S., & Heyman, R. E (2016). Help-seeking among Airmen in distressed relationships: Promoting relationship well-being. Psychotherapy, 53, 1-12 (Invited contribution to Special Issue.)
Students Advised
Amber Hekler
- Dissertation Title: Effects of Pre-Deployment Mental Health on Aeromedical Evacuation Mental Health Status during Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (dissertation defended)
- Internship site: U.S. Navy
Nikki Kuck
- Dissertation Title: Gender, Adverse Family of Origin Experiences, and Current Romantic Relationship Functioning in Military Couples. (dissertation defended).
- Internship site: Giddings State School, Texas Juvenile Justice Department
Melanie Stephenson
- Dissertation Title: Assessment of Behavioral Needs and Social Determinants Among Uninsured Medical Patients. (dissertation defended).
- Internship site: The University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Ashley Fedynich (Evans)
- Dissertation Title: The Relationship between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Sexual Dysfunction Among Active-Duty Service Members of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. (dissertation defended).
Anna Hayburn
- Dissertation Title: An Integrated Care Needs Assessment of Staff and Providers at a Free Primary Care Clinic. (dissertation defended).
Abbie Ngayan
- Dissertation Title: An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Parental Divorce, Religious Coping, and Romantic Relationship Functioning in Active Duty Military Couples. (dissertation defended)
Jesse Dennison
- Dissertation Title: Prevalence of PTSD and Interest in Treatment Among Patients Receiving Care at a Free Medical Clinic. (prospectus defended)
Shay Frederick
- Dissertation Title: Women with severe drug addiction in the criminal justice system. (prospectus defended)
Courtney Yahle
- Dissertation Title: Pilot test of In-Jail Parenting Classes
Kelsey Lorko
- Dissertation Title: LGB couple relationship factors and their association with eating disorder behaviors.
Somer Yoho
- Dissertation Title: Reaching the rural elderly with mental health services
Abbie Patzke
- Dissertation Title: Foster/Kinship families and access to health care information
Presentations/Publications with Students: (since 2014)
Yahle, C., McCarthy, F., Abrahamowicz, K., Holden, A., Cigrang, J. (2019, November). Building Better Parents: An 8-Week Parenting Class for Inmates at the Montgomery County Jail. Poster presentation accepted at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention. Atlanta, Georgia.
Cigrang, J., Fields, A.D., Cordova, J.V., Maher, E., Fedynich, A. L., Gray, T.D., & Kessler-Walker, D. Reaching Active Duty Couples with Relationship Help: The Marriage Checkup in Primary Care. (2019, October). Poster accepted for presentation at the 4th Annual San Antonio Combat PTSD Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Fedynich, A. L., Cigrang, J. A., & Rauch, S. A. (2019). Brief Novel Therapies for PTSD - Treatment of PTSD in Primary Care. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry (Volume 6) Editor-in-Chief: Steve Strakowski. Section: PTSD. Section Editors: Suzannah Creech and Lauren Sippel. Springer Publications.
Young, C., Frederick, S., Yahle, C., Gersten, M., Patzke, A., Johnson, R., Ngayan, A., & Cigrang, J. (2019, April). Integrating behavioral health services at reach out clinic. Poster presented at the Ohio Psychological Association Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
McCarthy, F., Yahle, C., & Cigrang, J. (2019, April). Building better parents: An 8-week parenting class for women incarcerated in the Montgomery county jail. Poster presentation at the Ohio Forensic Centers Continuing Education Conference. Dublin, Ohio.
Fields, A. D., Fedynich, A., Maher, E., Keesler-Walker, D., Cordova, J., Cigrang, J. (2018, Aug). Evaluation of a Brief Marriage Intervention for Internal Behavioral Health Consultants in Military Primary Care. Poster accepted for presentation at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, Florida.
Cigrang, J., Kuck, N., Ngayan, A., Yahle, C., Balderamma-Durbin, C., Mitnick, D., Najera, E., Snyder, D., Slep, A., Heyman, R. (2018, Aug). Gender, Family of Origin Experiences, and Current Romantic Relationship Functioning in Entry-Level Military Couples. Poster accepted for presentation at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, Florida.
Cigrang, J, Balderamma-Durbin, C., Slep, A., Heyman, R., Snyder, D., Lindahl, K., Simonson, J., Glotfeller, M. A., Lorko, K., & Mitnick, D. (2018, Aug). Strengthening Military Families – Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Couples in the Military: A Post-DADT Examination of Relationship Health, Perceived Community Acceptance, and Mission Readiness. Poster accepted for presentation at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, Florida.
Kuck, N., Ngayan, A., Cigrang, J., Snyder, D., & Balderrama-Durbin, C. (2018, August). The impact of adverse family of origin environments on intimate partner violence in military couples. Accepted poster session at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Austern, D., Cigrang, J. A., Rauch, S. A., & Evans, A. L. (2018). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In (eds.) Alexandros Maragakis, A., & Donahue, W. Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings, Springer.
Ngayan, A., Kuck, N., Cigrang, J., Snyder, D., & Balderrama-Durbin, C. (2017, November). The relationship between adverse childhood experiences, current health indicators, and the potential moderating role of religion importance and practice in a sample of entry-level active duty military. Poster session at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) convention, San Diego, CA.
Reynolds, P., Cigrang, J. A., Glover, I., Yoder, D., La'Pelusa, A., Evans, A., & Quick, M. (2017). Household Wellness in an Urban Safety-Net Clinic: Relationships, Finances, and Medical Wellness. Presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group, Nov 17-21.
Stephenson, M., Cigrang, J., Hayburn, A., Fedynich, A., Brown Jr., E., Pavlack, T., Neeley, S., Knowles, H., Spurlock, M. (2017, September). PACER Progress Report: Social Determinants of Health Module. Poster session and presentation at The Future of Primary Care: Hot Topics and Challenges, Chicago, IL.
Evans, A. L., Nichting, E., Burke, C. J., Frederick, S. A. L., & Cigrang J. A. (2017, March). Development of a brief intervention for women in jail with history of drug and prostitution-related arrests. Showcase presented at the All-Ohio Institute on Community Psychiatry, Columbus, Ohio.
Kuck, N., Cigrang, J., Snyder, D., Slep, A., & Heyman, R. (2016, August). Gender and adverse family of origin experiences in military couples. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Kuck, N., Aguileria, A., Cigrang, J., & Strong Star Consortium (2015, June). Exploratory study of sexual functioning of female service members seeking help for PTSD. Poster session at the 2015 Dayton Trauma Conference, Dayton, OH.