Jinhwan Jo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Rike Hall 250, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001


Ph.D. University of Kansas

           Human Resource Management, School of Business 

M.S. Seoul National University

           Business Administration, College of Business Administration

B.B.A. Seoul National University        

           Department of Business Administration, College of Business Administration

           Major: Business Administration | Minor: Psychology

Journal Publications     

Jo, J., Chadwick, C, & Han, J. H. (2024). How the human resource (HR) function adds strategic value: A relational perspective of the HR function. Human Resource Management, 63, 5–23. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.22184 

Jo, J., & Ellingson, J. (2019). Social relationships and turnover: A multidisciplinary review and integration. Group & Organization Management, 44, 247–287. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059601119834407

Jo, M., Kim, S., & Jo, J. (2015). The relationship between HR involvement and high-performance work systems gap. Journal of Organization and Management, 39, 1–34. https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/ci/sereArticleSearch/ciSereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART001992201

Jo, M., Kim, S., & Jo, J. (2013). The relationship between HR system strength and HR effectiveness. Korean Journal of Management, 21, 37–73. https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/ci/sereArticleSearch/ciSereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART001777866

Research Series Publications     

Jo, J., & Chadwick, C. (2024), Toward a relational theory for the HR function research, In B. Murray, J. H. Dulebohn, D. L. Stone, & K. M. Lukaszewski (Eds.), Research in Human Resource Management: The Future of Human Resource Management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. - In press

Conference Best Paper Proceedings     

Jo, J., & Ellingson, J. (2022). Toward a theory of voice motives. In Sonia Taneja (Ed.), Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.338

Jo, J., & Chadwick, C. (2019). Human capital resource orchestration: Does human resource function really matter? In Guclu Atinc (Ed.), Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.10


Undergraduate general required / elective

         Human Resource Management

         Organizational Behavior

         Strategy: Domestic and International Perspectives

         Business Ethics and Leadership Development

Undergraduate / Graduate business major with a specialization in human resource management

        Staffing Organizations

        Training, Development, and Performance Management

        HR Capstone      

Honors, Awards, and Grants  

John O. Tollefson Best Paper Award (2020) - University of Kansas School of Business

Best PhD Student Paper Award (2019) - University of Kansas School of Business

Constance B. Ducey Teaching Award (2018) - University of Kansas School of Business

University of Kansas General Research Fund Competition (2018 – 2019) with Jill Ellingson

  • Funding in the amount of $5,525 for research regarding employee voice

 University of Kansas General Research Fund Competition (2018 – 2019) with Clint Chadwick

  • Funding in the amount of $2,500 for research regarding the HR function

 Doctoral Comprehensive Exams Honors Pass (2018)

 South Korea Ministry of Labor Research Grant (2011, 2012)

  • Funding in the amount of $36,883 (40 million won, 2011) and $27,662 (30 million won, 2012)  (with Kim, J., & Choi, H.) for research regarding alternative work arrangements

Work Experience

Research Associate of Management (2010-2013)

      Industrial Workforce Team, Korean Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade

      National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Seoul, South Korea

  • Investigated HR systems and labor conditions of companies in South Korea.

Army Motor Vehicle Driver / Administrative Specialist (2002-2004)

      Republic of Korea Armed Forces, South Korea

  • Gained knowledge about the practices of the military organization while working as an army motor vehicle driver and an administrative specialist on three different bases, including the Korean Army Training Center, the 3rd Field Transportation Training Center, and the 635th Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Division.


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