John W. Sherman, Ph.D.
"Higher education should be based on quality, not quantity . . . and be free of unnecessary bureaucracy." -- Ahmed Zewail
Most Recent Book:
Peru since Independence: A Concise Illustrated History (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023)
Current Upper Division Offerings:
Rock Music in America [HST 3600] A survey of Rock music from its origins in the rich musical tradition of Black Americans, down through the Alt Rock movement of the 1990s and the rise of Rap and Hip Hop. Much of the course is built around musical subgenres: Rhythm & Blues, harmonizing quartets, Motown, Philadelphia Soul, Punk, New Wave, Seattle Sound, etc. We spend a week on early Gospel Rock and its mutation into crossover Contemporary Christian Music. The course makes good use of visuals, rockumentary material and video clips, and employs a range of readings (including on Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Iggy Pop). We read Charles Cross's definitive biography of Kurt Cobain (and Nirvana and Courtney Love), Heavier than Heaven, in its entirety. A couple of guest speakers are likely. MWF 12:20-1:15