Katie Hossler, Ph.D.
Selected Publications
Katona, L., Vadeboncoeur, Y., Nietch, C.T., Hossler, K. 2021. A novel thin-film technique to improve accuracy of fluorescence-based estimates for periphytic biofilms. Water, 13, 1464.
Onufrak, A., Rúa, M. A., Hossler, K. 2020. The missing metric: an evaluation of fungal importance in wetland assessments. Wetlands, 40, 825–838.
Sullivan, S. M. P., Hossler, K., Meyer, L. A. 2019. Artificial lighting at night alters aquatic–riparian invertebrate food webs. Ecological Applications, 29, e01821.
Puladas, C., Hossler, K., Ash, J. N. 2018. Sum-product unmixing for hyperspectral analysis with endmember variability. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15, 1917–1921.
Sullivan, S. M. P., Boaz, L. E., Hossler, K. 2016. Fluvial geomorphology and aquatic-to-terrestrial Hg export are weakly coupled in small urban streams of Columbus, Ohio. Water Resources Research, 52, 2822–2839.
Sullivan, S. M. P., Hossler, K., Cianfrani, C. M. 2015. Ecosystem structure emerges as a strong determinant of food-chain length in linked stream–riparian ecosystems. Ecosystems, 18, 1356–1372 .
Hossler, K., Bauer, J. E. 2013. Amounts, isotopic character and ages of organic and inorganic carbon exported from rivers to ocean margins: 1. Estimates of terrestrial losses and inputs to the Middle Atlantic Bight. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27, 331–346.
Hossler, K., Bauer, J. E. 2013. Amounts, isotopic character and ages of organic and inorganic carbon exported from rivers to ocean margins: 2. Assessment of natural and anthropogenic controls. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27 , 347–362.
Hossler, K., Bauer, J. E. 2012. Estimation of riverine carbon and organic matter source contributions using time-based isotope mixing models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117 , G03035.
Hossler, K., Bouchard, V., Fennessy, M. S., Frey, S. D., Anemaet, E., Herbert, E. 2011. No-net-loss not met for nutrient function in freshwater marshes: recommendations for wetland mitigation policies. Ecosphere, 2, art82.
Hossler, K., Bouchard, V. 2010. Soil development and establishment of carbon-based properties in created freshwater marshes. Ecological Applications, 20, 539–553.
Hossler, K., Bouchard, V. 2008. The joint estimation of soil trace gas fluxes. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 72, 1382–1393.