Kelli D. Zaytoun, Ph.D.
Research interests: identity and narrative; multi-ethnic American literature, particularly Latinx, Arab-American, and Native American literatures; memoirs; Gloria Anzaldúa; María Lugones, Clarice Lispector
Education History
B.A., M.S., Ph.D. (2003) Miami University
Shapeshifting Subjects: Gloria Anzaldúa’s Naguala and Border Arte. University of Illinois Press, 2022. https://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/?id=66rnr3ds9780252044434
“Writing Life Beyond the Humanist Subject in The Hour of the Star and A Breath of Life.” After Clarice: Reading Lispector’s Legacy in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Adriana X. Jacobs and Claire Williams, Legenda, 2022, 239-253.
Colvin, Dylan, Christina Puntasecca, and Kelli Zaytoun, “May We Do Work that Matters, Vale la Pena: Putting Community Coyolxauhqui Together and the Anzaldúa Seminar.” Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities, edited by Margaret Cantú-Sánchez, Candace de León-Zepeda, and Norma E. Cantú, U of Arizona P, 2020, 138-151.
“A Focus on the ‘I’ in the ‘I-We’: Considering the Lived Experience of Self-in-Coalition in Active Subjectivity.” Speaking Face to Face/Hablando Cara a Cara: The Visionary Philosophy of María Lugones, edited by PJ DiPietro, Shireen Roshanravan, and Jennifer McWeeny, SUNY P, 2019, 47-64.
“Relational and Narrative Aspects of Trauma: Challenges and Opportunities for Educators.” Contested Issues in Student Affairs, edited by Rozana Carducci, Marcia Baxter Magolda, and Peter Magolda, Stylus, 2019, 233-238.
“Resistance as Shapeshifter: A Posthumanist Reading of Subjectivity and Death in the Fiction of Gloria Anzaldúa and Clarice Lispector.” Contemporary Women’s Writing, vol. 10, no. 3, 2016, 394-410.
“Working with Anzaldúa’s Writing Notas: An Archival Experiment in Three Parts” (with AnaLouise Keating and Betsy Dahms). El Mundo Zurdo 5, edited by Domino Perez, Larissa Mercado-López, and Sonia Saldívar-Hull. Aunt Lute, 2016, 203-218.
“Sisterhood in Movement: Feminist Solidarity in France and the U.S.” (with Judith Ezekiel) Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies, vol. 37, no. 1, 2016, 195-213.
“Bearing the Body in Paradox.” Literary Mama, December 2016.
“’Now Let Us Shift’ the Subject: Tracing the Path and Posthumanist Implications of la Naguala/The Shapeshifter in the Works of Gloria Anzaldúa,” MELUS, vol. 40, no. 4, 2015, 69-88.
“A Case for the Self-in-Coalition: Exploring Anzaldúa’s Legacy of La Naguala with Lugones’ Complex Communication.” El Mundo Zurdo 3, edited by Sonia Salvídar Hall, Larissa Mercado-Lopez, and Antonia Castañeda. Aunt Lute, 2013, 209-224.
“Shifting.” Bridging: How and Why Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa’s Life and Work Transformed Our Own, edited by G. Gonzalez-Lopez and AnaLouise Keating. U of Texas P, 2011, 204-209.
“Beyond Self-Authorship: Fifth Order and the Capacity for Social Consciousness.” Development and Assessment of Self-Authorship: Exploring the Concept across Cultures, edited by Marcia Baxter Magolda, Elizabeth Creamer, and Peggy Meszaros. Stylus, 2010, 151-166.
“Theorizing at the Borders: Considering Social Location in Rethinking Self and Psychological Development.” National Women’s Studies Association Journal, vol. 18, no. 2, 2006, 52-72.
“New Pathways to Understanding Self, Relationship, and Cognition: Anzaldúan Re(visions) for Developmental Psychology.” EntreMundos/Among Worlds New Perspectives on Gloria E. Anzaldúa, edited by AnaLouise Keating. Palgrave MacMillan, 2005, 147-159.
“Identity and Learning: The Inextricable Link.” About Campus, vol. 9, no. 6, 2005, 8-15.
“Connecting Classroom and Community: The Roles of Campus Based Women’s Centers.” Feminist Teacher, vol. 13, no. 1, 2000, 48-60.