Kirsten Halling, Ph.D.
Kirsten Halling, Professor of French, is in her twenty-second year at Wright State. Time flies! Le temps vole ! She is married to Peter Berwald, Art Teacher at Springboro High School, and has two children: Charlotte, a graduate of Wright State (now a sixth-grade teacher), and Walker, a legal assistant. Their dog, Mona Lisa, is pretty good at French, as long as there are treats involved. Their cat (Qpid) adore le français. Dr. Halling received her doctorate in French Language and Literatures from the University of Virginia, where she was trained in the Communicative Approach. Her classroom motto has now become the slogan for the French section: "En français! L'anglais n'est pas nécessaire!" She teaches classes at all levels: she is the director of the FR 1010-1020 Elementary Language sequence, teaches Francophone African Literatures and Cultures, French Civilization, History of French Film, Poetry & Music, and Virtual Paris. She and her colleague, Dr. Pascale Abadie, co-lead annual Ambassador Programs to Paris and Nice. Nous sommes chanceuses! This summer (2023) marks the 20th anniversary of their first Ambassador program to France. Dr. Halling's current research interests focus on the social and political implications of French and African rap music, literature, film, poetry, and pedagogy.