Michael P. Markey, PhD
Education History
Doctoral: University of Cincinnati (Erik S. Knudsen)
Postdoctoral: Wood Hudson Cancer Research Laboratory (Taiping Chen)
Postdoctoral: Wright State University (Steven J. Berberich)
2011-present BMB 8990 Graduate Research
2022 BMB 7600 Molecular Biology of the Nucleus
2022 Foundations of Clinical Practice: Balance, Control, and Repair
2021 Clinical Medicine Doctoring
2021 BMB 3850 Biochemistry Laboratory
2021 BMB 4020/6020 Research Perspectives
2021 BMB 7660 Systems Biology
2021 Foundations of Clinical Practice: Beginning to End
2021 Foundations of Clinical Practice: Origins II
2021 BMB 4750 Molecular Biology of Cancer
2020 BMB/BMS 7600 Molecular Biology of the Nucleus
2020 Foundations of Clinical Practice: Balance, Control, and Repair
2020 Foundations of Clinical Practice: Beginning to End
2020 BMB 3850 Biochemistry Laboratory
2020 BMB 4870 Undergraduate Research
2020 BSoM Origins II
2020 BSoM Balance Control and Repair
2020 BMB 3850 Undergraduate Lab
2019 BMB 7660 Systems Biology
2019 BMB 4020/6020 Research Perspectives
2019 BMB 4700 Molecular Biology of RNA
2019 BMB 4750 Molecular Biology of Cancer
2019 BMB 3850 Undergraduate Lab
2019 BSoM Origins II
2019 BSoM Medical Journal Club
2018 BSoM Staying Alive
2018 BSoM Origins II
2017 BSoM Origins I
2017 BSoM Origins II
2017 BSoM Pathobiology and Therapeutics
2017 BMB 3850 Biochemistry Lab
2016 BSoM Pathobiology and Therapeutics
2014 BMB/BMS 7650 Computational Tools and Strategies
2014 BMB/BMS 7670 Molecular Basis of Inherited Disease
2013 BMB/BMS 7600 Molecular Biology of the Nucleus
2013 BMB 4990 Undergraduate Research
2012 BMB/BMS 991 Molecular Basis of Inherited Disease
2012 BMS-996 Laboratory Rotation
2012 BMB-760 / BMS-760 Molecular Biology of the Nucleus
2011 BMB-753/BMS-753 Molecular Signaling
2009 BMB-760/BMS-760 Molecular Biology of the Nucleus
2009 BMB 499 Undergraduate Research
2008 BMB 703 Research Ethics
2007 BMB 703 Research Ethics
2007 BMB-765, Computational Tools and Strategies
2007 BMB-760/BMS-760 Molecular Biology of the Nucleus
2005 20 BME 643 Introduction to Bioinfomatics (University of Cincinnati)
2000 BIO 597 Special Topics in Molecular Biology (Murray State University)
Research Statement
As Director of the Center for Genomics Research (CGR), I facilitate the projects of other researchers at WSU as well as external investigators who wish to collaborate or contract with the CGR. These projects have included topics in neuroscience, toxicology, and molecular biology. Current projects include the genetics of motion sickness, the body's response to physical training, epigenetic modification of RNA, alternative splicing in melanoma, and single-cell quantification of gene expression in neurons. Please contact CGR if you are interested in collaborative work involving any topics in genomics.
Grant Reviewer:
NIH Provocative Questions Study Section (2018)
Grantové agentura České republiky (Czech Science Foundation) (2011, 2021)
Journal Reviewer:
Cancers (2021)
International Journal of Biological Sciences (2021)
Cytogenetic and Genome Research (2020)
International Journal of Molecular Science (2020)
Materials (2020)
Gene (2020)
Gene (2019)
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2018)
Current Cancer Drug Targets (2018)
Genes (2017)
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2016)
Oncotarget (2016)
PLoS ONE (2016)
African Journal of Biotechnology (2015, 2016)
Cancer Biomarkers (2014)
Oncotargets and Therapy (2013)
Carcinogenesis (2013)
FEBS Journal (2013)
Journal of Cell Biology (2013)
Apoptosis Reviews (2011)
Cell Cycle (2011)
Physiological Genomics (2011)
BMS Admissions Committee (2020-2022)
BMS Nominating Committee (2019-2020, Chair)
WSU Graduate Council, BSOM faculty representative (2014-2018)
BMS Admissions Committee (2014-2015, Chair 2016)
Dayton Biorepository Steering Committee (2014-2016)
Boonshoft School of Medicine Graduate Council Membership subcommittee (2014-2018)
College of Science and Mathematics Program Review Committee (2014-2015)
BMB Graduate Education Committee (GEC) (2014)
BMB MS Program Student Assessment Committee, Chair (2013)
BMS Nominating Committee (2013)
BMS Nominating Committee, chair (2014)
Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, Chair, Session 4 (2012)
BSOM Research Affairs Committee (2010-2013)
Wright State University & Premier Health Partners Neuroscience Institute Steering Committee (2010)
Comprehensive Neuroscience Steering Committee (2008-2010)
Judge, Intel® International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Montgomery County Science and Engineering Fair (2011-2019)
Participant, Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day (2016-2018)
American Cancer Society Lab Tour Event (2015)
The Hour of Code, Lebanon Public Library (2015)
“The Complete Evidence for Evolution, Abridged”, Harmony UU Church, Mason, OH (2014)
Judge, St. Peter Catholic School science fair, Huber Heights, OH (2008, 2011)
Judge, 3rd Annual Greene County Science and Engineering Day (2008)
Co-founded Molecular Oncology Diagnostics, LLC (2013-2017)
Students Advised
Thesis advisor for:
2018-2020 Abdullah Alatawi(MS)
2017-2019 Stacy Simmons (MS)
2015-2017 Minyi Chen (MS)
2013-2015 Ahmed Mahas (MS)
2013-2015 Keerti Potluri (MS)
2010-2012 Sameep Naik (MS)
2010-2012 Pooja Mandke (MS)
Thesis committee member for:
2021-2025 Restha Shrestha (PhD)
2021-2022 Monica Christian (MS)
2020-2021 Nicole Waters (MS)
2019-2022 Clayton Alex-Bruckner (PhD)
2019-2021 Andrew Browder (MS)
2019-2021 French Damewood (MS)
2019-2020 Sandhya Sattiraju (MS)
2018-2022 William Cvammen Ph.D.
2018-2022 John Miller (PhD)
2018-2022 Venicia Hawach (PhD)
2018-2022 Akshay Hira (PhD)
2018-2021 SoonJye Kho (PhD)
2017-2021 Andrew Stacy (PhD)
2017-2021 Alex Gordon (PhD)
2017-2020 Prithy Martis (PhD)
2017-2020 Langni Liu (PhD)
2019-2020 Tushar Goswami (MS)
2017-2021 Andrew Stacy (PhD)
2017-2021 Alex Gordon (PhD)
2017-2019 John Trombley (MS)
2016-2018 Sarah Kovar (MS)
2015-2018 Hima Yalamanchili (PhD)
2015-2017 Hadel Alsaran (MS)
2015-2017 Abdullah Alshudukhi (MS)
2015-2017 Andrew Stacy (MS)
2016-2020 Alex Gordon (PhD)
2016-2017 Abdullah Alshudukhi (MS)
2016-2017 Caitlan Castagno (MS)
2016-2017 Rujuta Yashodhan (MS)
2015-2016 Andrea Klingler (MS)
2015-2016 Hadel Alsaran (MS)
2015-2016 Ramya Ganesan (MS)
2015-2016 Amal Albati (MS)
2014-2015 Nouf Alharbi (MS)
2012 Erin Nass-Welbaum (MS)
2012 Joseph Rotsinger (MS)
2011 Laura Rigsbee (MS)
2008 Vaughn Litteral (MS)
2008 Harshavardhan Kenche (MS)
2008 Casey Wells (MS)
Undergraduate research advisor for:
2018-2020 Karleigh Kessler
2012 Amy Kerry
2012 Sue Culbertson
2008-2010 Jillian Fraser
2008-2010 Nicholas Wyatt
2008-2010 Benjamin Bates
High school research advisor for:
2012-2013 Townsend Smith, IV
Other Instructional Activities
2012-2013 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Short-Term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) program
2010-2013 Frontiers in Translational Medicine, Translational Biomedical Training for Underrepresented Minorities (STREAMS) program
2010 Wright Scholars (high school STEM mentor program)
- Alatawi A., Kho S., Markey M. “MDM4 isoform expression in melanoma supports an oncogenic role for MDM4-A”. Submitted to the Journal of Skin Cancer. May 26, 2021.
- Turner A, Markey M, Le P, Reiter A, Cox C, Simmons S, Rao MB, Altman L, Davis K, Huber D, Dufour JS, Marras W, Bhattacharya A. “Disorientation Effects, Circulating Small RNA, and Genetic Susceptibility on Static Postural Stability”. Submitted to Clinical Biomechanics. 2021, February 5.
- Spandau DF, Chen R, Wargo J, Rohan C, Southern D, Zhang A, Loesch M, Weyerbacher J, Tholpady S, Lewis D, Kuhar MJ, Tsai KY, Kemp MG, Markey M, Cates E, Williams A, Knisely C, Bashir S, Gabbard R, Hoopes R, Travers JB. “Evidence that cutaneous wounding can prevent non-melanoma skin cancer in aged skin: results from a randomized, prospective, controlled trial". In press at the Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2021, April 29.
- Dufour JS, Reiter A, Cox C, Weston EB, Markey M, Turner A, Le P, Aurand AM, Simmons S, Altman L, Mageswaran P, Davis K, Huber D, Bhattacharya A, Marras WS. “Motion sickness decreases low back function and changes gene expression of military aircrew”. Submitted to Clinical Biomechanics, 2021, May 7.
- Chen M., Myers, AK, Markey, MP, Long, W. “The atypical MAPK ERK3 potently suppresses melanoma cell growth and invasiveness”. J Cell Physiol. 2018 Dec 19. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27994. PMID: 30569573
- PK Lauf, , S Aygün-Sunar,, GK Begum, C Maharjan, MP Markey, MI Wormstone, and NC Adragna “Long-term Ouabain treatment promotes ATP1A1-dependent IL-6 expression in a fetal human lens epithelial cell line (FHL124)”. The FASEB Journal 2018 32:1_supplement, lb437-lb437
- Almazan EMP, Lesko SL, Markey MP, Rouhana L. “Girardia dorotocephala transcriptome sequence, assembly, and validation through characterization of piwi homologs and stem cell progeny markers”. Dev Biol. 2018 Jan 15;433(2):433-447. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.07.022. Epub 2017 Aug 1. PMID: 28774726
- Varia S, Cheedu D, Markey M, Torres-Shafer K, Battini VP, Bubulya A, Bubulya PA. “Alignment of Mitotic Chromosomes in Human Cells Involves SR-Like Splicing Factors Btf and TRAP150”. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Sep 12;18(9). pii: E1956. doi: 10.3390/ijms18091956. PMID: 28895891
- Havemann LM, Cool DR, Gagneux P, Markey MP, Yaklic JL, Maxwell RA, Iyer A, Lindheim SR. “Vulvodynia: What We Know and Where We Should Be Going”. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2017 Apr;21(2):150-156. Review. PMID: 27984345.
- Wong P, Markey M, Rapp CM, Darrow RM, Ziesel A, Organisciak DT. “Enhancing the efficacy of AREDS antioxidants in light-induced retinal degeneration”. Mol Vis. 2017 Oct 10;23:718-739. eCollection 2017. PMID: 29062223
- Martis PC, Dudley A, Laramore MA, Gazda HL, et al. “Chemoresistant cancer stem cells undergo gene changes that drive tumor recurrence”. Cancer Res Vol. 77 Iss. 13 sup Apr (2017) ISSN: 0008-5472 doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2017-3891
- Mahas A, Potluri K, Kent MN, Naik S, Markey M. “Copy number variation in archival melanoma biopsies versus benign melanocytic lesions”. Cancer Biomarkers.2016 Mar 11;16(4):575-97. PMID: 27002761
- Potluri K, Mahas A, Kent MN, Naik S, Markey M. “Genomic DNA extraction methods using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue”. Anal Biochem. 2015 Jun 27;486:17-23. PMID: 26126956
- Morgan MS, Arlian LG, Markey MP. “Sarcoptes scabiei mites modulate gene expression in human skin equivalents”. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 5;8(8):e71143. PMID: 23940705
- Mandke P, Bates B, Wyatt N, Fraser J, Berberich SJ, and Markey MP “MicroRNA-34a Modulates MDM4 Expression via a Target Site in the Open Reading Frame”. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42034. PMID: 22870278
- Sharma, A, Markey, M, Torres-Muñoz, K, Varia, S, Kadakia, M, Bubulya, A, and Bubulya, PA. “Son Maintains Accurate Splicing for a Subset of Human Pre-mRNAs”, J Cell Sci. 2011 Dec 15;124(Pt 24):4286-98. Epub 2011 Dec 22. PMID: 22193954
- Markey MP.“Regulation of MDM4”.Frontiers in Bioscience 16, 1144-1156, January 1, 2011. PMID: 21196223
- Heminger H, Markey M, Mpagi M and Berberich SJ “Alterations in gene expression and sensitivity to genotoxic stress following HdmX knockdown in human tumor cells harboring wild-type p53”. Aging. 2009 Jan 7;1(1):89-108. PMID: 19946469
- Markey, M and Berberich, S. “Full-length HdmX Transcripts are Reduced Following Genotoxic Stress”.Oncogene, 2008 Nov 27;27(52):6657-66. PMID: 18711402
- Markey, MP, Bergseid J, Bosco EE, Stengel K, Xu H, Mayhew CN, Schwemberger SJ, Braden WA, Jiang Y, Babcock GF, Jegga AG, Aronow BJ, Reed MF, Wang JY, Knudsen ES. "Loss of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor: differential action on transcriptional programs related to cell cycle control and immune function". Oncogene 2007 26, 6307-6318. PMID: 17452985
- Chen T, Jackson CR, Link A, Markey MP, Colligan BM, Douglass LE, Pemberton JO, Deddens JA, Graff JR, Carter JH. "Int7G24A variant of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I is associated with invasive breast cancer". Clinical Cancer Research. 2006 Jan 15;12(2):392-7. PMID: 16428477
- Markey M, Siddiqui H, Knudsen ES. "Geminin is Targeted for Repression by the RB Pathway Through Intragenic E2F Sites". J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 9;279(28):29255-62. PMID: 15084580
- Angus SP, Mayhew CN, Solomon DA, Braden WA, Markey MP, Okuno Y, Cardoso MC, Gilbert DM, Knudsen ES. "RB Reversibly Inhibits DNA Replication by Two Temporally Distinct Mechanisms". Mol Cell Biol. 2004 Jun;24(12):5404-20. PMID: 15169903
- Markey MP, Angus SP, Strobeck MW, Williams SL, Gunawardena RW, Aronow BJ, Knudsen ES."Unbiased Analysis of RB-Mediated Transcriptional Repression Identifies Novel Targets and Distinctions from E2F Action." Cancer Research. 2002 Nov 15; 62(22):6587-97. PMID: 12438254
- Angus SP, Wheeler LJ, Ranmal SA, Zhang X, Markey MP, Mathews CK, Knudsen ES. "The Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Targets dNTP Metabolism To Regulate Cell Cycle Progression." J Biol Chem. 2002 Nov 15;277(46):44376-84. PMID: 12221087
- Angus SP, Fribourg AF, Markey MP, Williams SL, Horn HF, DeGregori J, Kowalik TF, Fukasawa K, Knudsen ES. "Active Rb Elicits Late G1/S Inhibition." Exp Cell Res. 2002 Jun 10;276(2):201-13. PMID: 12027450