Nasr Hassanien, Ph.D.

Research Professor

Aboulnasr (Nasr) Hassanien received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from McMaster University, Canada in 2006. In the past, he held several research and academic positions at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, South Valley University, Egypt, University of Alberta, Canada, and Villanova University, Villanova, PA. He was the Director of the Wireless Communications and Positioning Laboratory at Villanova University. Currently, he is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. His research interests are in the general areas of signal processing and communications, with current activities focused on shared spectrum access, dual-function radar-communications, radar signal processing, statistical and array signal processing, automotive radar, and moving target detection.

Dr. Hassanien is the recipient of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society's Harry Rowe Mimno Award (2017) and the recipient of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society's M. Barry Carlton Award (2023). He is also honored with an Appreciation Cetificate from the House of Representatives of the State of Ohio.

Dr. Hassanien served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transtactions on Signal Processing from 9/2018 to 8/2020. He was also the Lead Guest Editor of the Digital Signal Processing 2018 Special Issue on Co-operation and Joint Design of Communications and Radar Systems in a Crowded Spectrum.  In addition, he was a Guest Editor of the International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2017 Special Issue on Advances in DOA Estimation and Source Localization.


Education History

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering McMaster University, Canada (2006)

Dissertation: Advanced Array Processing in the Presence of Complicated Spatio‑Temporal Sources

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering Assiut University, Egypt (2001)

Thesis: Image Enhancement with Edge Preserving Utilizing Higher‑Order Statistics

B.Sc. in Electronics & Communications Engineering Assiut University, Egypt (1996)

Research Statement

With a background in signal processing, radar and communication systems, my research endeavors to address the growing demand for high-quality sensing and high-speed data transmission by exploring advanced integrated sensing and communications schemes. Historically, sensing and communication domains have been treated separately, each operating within isolated frameworks and often lacking interoperability. The primary purpose of sensing is to provide valuable information about the presence and behavior of objects, enabling informed decision-making and enhancing situational awareness. On the other hand, the main purpose of wireless communications is to enable efficient, reliable, and ubiquitous connectivity, empowering individuals, organizations, and societies to communicate and exchange information anytime, anywhere. The dynamic landscape of wireless technologies and the exponential growth of commercial communication services have led to a critical scarcity of electromagnetic spectrum—a strictly finite resource. The increasing demand for real-time, high-resolution data in applications such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities has driven the need for a more integrated approach; paving the way for a more connected, intelligent, and responsive world.

Central to my research is the development of innovative solutions to tackle the challenges posed by an increasingly congested and contested spectrum. My background in radar and array processing enabled me to address the problem of integrated sensing and communication from a radar-centric perspective leading to the the development of dual-function radar communications.

In addition to integrated sensing and communication, my research interests include radar signal processing, MIMO radar, automotive radar, and distributed sensing. My research in these areas is based on various mathematical tools including linear algebra, convex optimization, probability theory and stochastic processes. My research in these areas has been funded by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), NSF, and the industry.

Past Research: 

During my Ph.D. studies, I concentrated on pioneering advancements in array processing techniques tailored for intricatespatio-temporal signal scenarios. A key contribution of my research was the formulation of a novel search-free ESPRIT-type algorithm, specifically engineered for the precise estimation of directions-of-arrival (DOAs) amidst multiple chirp signals. Additionally, I introduced the concept of adaptive beamspace preprocessing, augmenting the efficacy of signal processing in challenging environments. Notably, I devised a generalized Capon estimator adept at localizing multiple incoherently distributed sources, further enhancing signal localization capabilities. Furthermore, my investigations delved into the realm of wideband polynomial phase signals (PPS), culminating in the development of a rapid algorithm for parameter estimation across multiple wideband PPS signals. This innovation bore practical applications in radar and sonar systems, underscoring the versatility and utility of my research endeavors in addressing real-world signal processing challenges.

Robust and Adaptive Beamforming:

I have been at the forefront of advancing robust adaptive beamforming (RAB), a critical technology with wide-ranging applications in radar, sonar, wireless communications, and beyond. A key innovation of my work was the introduction of an approach to RAB design centered on estimating the disparity between actual and presumed steering vectors. This novel methodology has since been widely adopted by prominent researchers and has spurred the development of numerous innovative solutions to address the mismatch problem inherent in adaptive beamforming systems. My seminal paper on RAB, titled ”Robust adaptive beamforming using sequential quadratic programming: An iterative solution to the mismatch problem,” received notable recognition within the research community. It was nominated by the IEEE SAM Technical Committee for the prestigious 2013 IEEE Signal Processing Letters Best Paper Award. This acknowledgment underscores the significance and impact of my contributions to the field, as well as the recognition of my peers for the novel approach and insights presented in the paper.

MIMO Radar & Waveform Diversity:

In 2010, I introduced a groundbreaking technique known as “Phased-MIMO radar,” which revolutionizes radar capabilities by seamlessly integrating the coherent transmit processing gain of phased-array radar with the high-resolution capabilities of MIMO radar. This innovation represents a significant advancement in radar technology, offering a compelling solution that combines the strengths of both traditional phased-array and MIMO radar systems. My seminal article, titled ”Phased-MIMO radar: A tradeoff between phased-array and MIMO radars,” garnered widespread recognition within the international radar community, evidenced by its citation more than 540 times [1]. This underscores the profound impact and relevance of the Phased-MIMO radar concept in advancing the state-of-the-art in radar signal processing.

Industry Projects:

In collaboration with industry partners, I spearheaded a project that resulted in the successful realization of a dualband MIMO radar system utilizing sparse 2D arrays. This achievement not only demonstrates the practical feasibility of MIMO radar technology but also underscores its potential for real-world applications across diverse domains, including defense, surveillance, and remote sensing. Multistatic Radar Under the auspices of AFRL funding, my research endeavors are dedicated to tackling pivotal challenges in radar signal processing and advancing the integration of radar and communication functionalities. Through rigorous investigation and innovation, I have achieved remarkable results and devised efficient techniques tailored for fast-moving target detection in distributed active/passive radar networks.




1. A. Hassanien and M. G. Amin, Principles of Dual‑Function Radar‑Communication Systems. in L. Swindlehurst, B. Ottersten, K. V. Mishra, and B. Shankar (Eds), Signal Processing for Joint Radar‑Communications, Wiley‑IEEE Press, 2024.

2. A. Hassanien, B. Himed, and M. G. Amin, Dual‑Function Radar‑Communications Using Sidelobe Control. in S. D. Blunt and E. S. Perrins (Eds), Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, IET, London, 2018.

3. A. Hassanien and B. Himed, Fundamentals of Indoor Radar. in M. G. Amin (Ed), Radar for In‑Door Monitoring: Detection, Localization, and Assessment, CRC Press, 2017.


1. W. Baxter, E. Aboutanios and A. Hassanien, “Joint radar and communications for frequency‑hopped MIMO systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 70, pp. 729–742, 2022.

2. A. Shaw, J. Smith and A. Hassanien, “MVDR beamformer design by imposing unit circle roots constraints for uniform linear arrays,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 6116–6130, 2021

3. I. P. Eedara, A. Hassanien, and M. G. Amin “Performance analysis of dual‑function multiple‑input multiple‑output radarcommunications using frequency hopping waveforms and phase shift keying signaling,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 15, pp. 402–218, Apr. 2021.

4. A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, E. Aboutanios, and B. Himed, “Dual‑function radar‑communication systems: A solution to the spectrum congestion problem,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 115–126, Sept. 2019.

5. X. Wang, A. Hassanien, and M. G. Amin, “Dual‑function MIMO radar communications system design via sparse array optimization,”IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 55, no. 3, June 2019. Received the IEEE AESS Society’s M. Barry Carlton (Best Paper) Award, 2023.

6. A. Hassanien, E. Aboutanios, M. G. Amin, and G. A. Fabrizio, “A dual‑function MIMO radar‑communication system via waveform permutation,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 118‑128, Dec. 2018.

7. X. Wang, A. Hassanien, and M. G. Amin, “Sparse transmit array design for dual‑function radar communications by antenna selection,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 223‑234, Dec. 2018.

8. M. Cao, S. A. Vorobyov and A. Hassanien, “Transmit array interpolation for DOA estimation via tensor decomposition in 2D MIMO radar,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 19, pp. 5225–5239, Oct. 2017.

9. E. Aboutanios, A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, A. M. Zoubir, “Fast iterative interpolated beamforming for accurate single‑snapshot DOA estimation,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 574–578, Apr. 2017.

10. A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, and F. Ahmad, “Signaling strategies for dual‑function radar‑communications: An overview,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 36–45, Oct. 2016. Received the IEEE AESS Society’s Harry Rowe Mimno (Best Paper) Award, 2018.

11. A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, and F. Ahmad, “Phase‑modulation based dual‑function radar‑communications,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 1411–1421, Oct. 2016.

12. A. Hassanien, M. G. Amin, Y. D. Zhang, and F. Ahmad, “Dual‑function radar‑communications: Information embedding using sidelobe control and waveform diversity,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 2168–2181, Apr. 2016.

13. A. Hassanien, S. A. Vorobyov, and A. Khabbazibasmenj, “Transmit radiation pattern invariance in MIMO radar with application to DOA estimation,” IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 22, pp. 1609–1613, Oct. 2015.

14. A. Khabbazibasmenj, A. Hassanien, S. Vorobyov, and M. Morency, “Efficient transmit beamspace design for search‑free based DOA estimation in MIMO radar,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1490–1500, Mar. 2014.

15. A. Hassanien, S. A. Vorobyov, and A. Gershman, “Moving target parameters estimation in non‑coherent MIMO radar systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 2354–2361, May 2012.

16. A. Khabbazibasmenj, S. A. Vorobyov, and A. Hassanien, “Robust adaptive beamforming based on steering vector estimation with as little as possible prior information,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 2974–2987, June 2012.

17. A. Hassanien and S. A. Vorobyov, “Transmit energy focusing for DOA estimation in MIMO radar with colocated antennas,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 2669–2682, June 2011.

18. A. Hassanien and S. A. Vorobyov, “Phased‑MIMO radar: A tradeoff between phased‑array and MIMO radars,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 3137–3151, June 2010.

19. A. Hassanien and S. A. Vorobyov, “A robust adaptive dimension reduction technique with application to array processing,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 22–25, Jan. 2009.

20. A. Hassanien, S. A. Vorobyov, and K. M. Wong, “Robust adaptive beamforming using sequential quadratic programming: An iterative solution to the mismatch problem” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 15, pp. 733–736, 2008.

21. A. Hassanien, S. Abd Elkader, A. B. Gershman, and K. M. Wong, “Convex optimization based beam‑space preprocessing with improved robustness against out‑of‑sector sources,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1587–1595, May 2006.

22. A. Hassanien, S. Shahbazpanahi, and A. B. Gershman, “A generalized Capon estimator for localization of multiple spread sources, “ IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 280–283, Jan. 2004.


1. F. Liu, C. Masouros, J. Xu, T. X. Han, A. Hassanien, Y. Eldar, and S. Buzzi, “Guest Editorial Special Issue on Integrated Sensing and Communication–Part I,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 40, no. 6, pp. 1723–1727, 2022.

2. F. Liu, C. Masouros, J. Xu, T. X. Han, A. Hassanien, Y. Eldar, and S. Buzzi, “Guest Editorial Special Issue on Integrated Sensing and Communication–Part II,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 40, no. 7, pp. 207–210, 2022.

3. A. Hassanien, E. Aboutanios, M. G. Amin, and R. Romero, “Editorial: Special Issue on Co‑operation and joint design of communications and radar systems in a crowded spectrum,” Digital Signal Processing, vol 83, pp. 383–384, 2018.

4. E. Aboutanios, A. Hassanien, A. El‑Keyi, Y. Nasser, and S. A. Vorobyov, “Editorial: Advances in DOA Estimation and Source Localization,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2017, Article ID 1352598, 3 pages.


Recipient, M. Barry Carlton Award (2023), IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society

Recipient, Harry Rowe Mimno Award (2018), IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society

Recipient, Certificate of Recognition (2018), The General Assembly of the State of Ohio, House of Representatives

Nominated, IEEE Signal Processing Society’s best paper award

Nominated, IEEE Signal Processing Letters’ best paper award

Finalist, Student best paper competition (2012), Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Pacific Grove, CA

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