Noah L Schroeder

Noah L. Schroeder, Ph.D. is a Professor of Educational Technology and Instructional Design. His research interests are broadly focused on how we can design and use technologies to improve teaching, learning, and human productivity. At the present time, Dr. Schroeder is primarily focused on the design of AI-powered pedagogical agents (virtual characters/virtual humans) for supporting students' persistence, academic resilience, and collaboration as part of the INVITE AI Institute. In addition to his work around agents, Schroeder's work also examines how we learn from and build trust with technology through various approaches such as refutation text and social cues, as well as the use of wearable sensors for supporting learning. He conducts experimental research as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and conducts research around AI-enhanced and non-AI systems.


Dr. Schroeder's list of publications can be found on his Google Scholar Profile

Editorial Work

Senior Associate Editor - Journal of Engineering Education

Educational Background:

Ph.D. - Washington State University - 2013
M.A.  - Washington State University - 2011
B.S. (Biology) - Colorado State University - Pueblo - 2010

Academic Honors and Awards:

2020: Received 2019-2020 Excellence in Scholarship Award from the Wright State University College of Education and Human Services.
2019: Received Journal of Engineering Education Star Reviewer Award for 2018: Award recognizes contributions of the top 2% of reviewers for the journal in 2018.
2017: Received 2016-2017 Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence: Early Career Achievement, Wright State University.
2017: Received 2016-2017 Excellence in Scholarship Award from the Wright State University College of Education and Human Services.
2017: Undergraduate student researcher working on SIMPLE project won "Best STEM Poster" at Ohio Space Grant Consortium's Annual Symposium.
2016: Received Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association's Special Interest Group on Instructional Technology.
2014: Invited presentation at University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies’ Workshop on Empirical Pedagogical Agent Research.
2013: Invited presentation in 2013 Promising Young Researchers Session sponsored by AERA Division D (Measurement and Research Methodology).
2012: Second Place, 2012 Graduate Student Work-in-Progress Gala sponsored by AERA Division D (Measurement and Research Methodology).

 Last updated October 2023




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