Patricia Schiml, Ph.D.
I received my Ph.D. in Psychology in 1996 from the University of California at Davis, having worked with Drs. Sally Mendoza and Bill Mason. The title of my dissertation was Social influences on endocrine regulation and responsiveness in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). I did a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Emilie Rissman at the University of Virginia and came to Wright State in 1999.
My research interests are broadly within the field of behavioral neuroendocrinology and concern the interaction between physiological factors, social behavior, and environmental influences, with emphases on sociobiological considerations.
Education History
University of California, Davis, Ph.D., Psychology. March, 1996.
University of California, Davis, M.A. Psychology. December, 1991.
Wright State University. B.S. Psychology. June 1989.
Course preparations:
Human Sexuality (PSY 2110)
Hormones & Behavior (PSY 2920)
Behavioral Neuroscience (PSY 3910)
Behavioral Neuroscience Methods (PSY 3930)
Sexuality & Endocrinology Capstone (PSY 4950)
Honors Introductory Psychology (PSY 1010-honors)
Graduate courses in psychobiology, neuroscience of disabilities
Research Statement
The work we (my colleague, Dr. Michael Hennessy and I share a lab) are currently doing in the lab examines pro-inflammatory influences on depressive-like responding in infant guinea pigs. Following maternal separation or other stressors, depressive-like behavior is sensitized, or enhanced, so that it occurs more rapidly following subsequent stressors.
Another facet to our work concerns applying our models to a practical situation in order to understand behavioral changes that occur in dogs when they are housed in animal shelters.
We have worked with several graduates students in the Anatomy program and the Neuroscience & Physiology program, as well as within the Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program, and we rely heavily on undergraduate research assistants to accomplish all we do in the lab.
Hennessy, M. B., Sensenbaugh, J. D., Molina, A. L., Schiml, P.A., and Deak, T. (2020). Presence of mother prompts dissociation of sickness behavior, fever, and hypothalamic gene expression in lipopolysaccharide-injected guinea pig pups. Developmental Psychobiology, 62, 749-757.
Hennessy, M. B., Tai, F., Carter, K. A., Watanasriyakul, W. T., Gallimore, D. M., Molina, A. I., and Schiml, P. A. (2019). Central oxytocin alters cortisol and behavioral responses of guinea pig pups during isolation in a novel environment. Physiology and Behavior, 212, 1-7.
Hennessy, M. B., Schiml, P. A., Berberich, K., Beasley, N., and Deak, T. (2019). Early attachment disruption, inflammation, and vulnerability for depression in rodent and primate models, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 1-11.
Willen, R. M., Schiml, P. A., and Hennessy, M. B. (2019). Enrichment centered on human interaction moderates fear-induced aggression and increases positive expectancy in fearful shelter dogs. Applied Animal Behavior, 217, 57-62.
Hennessy, M. B., Deak, T., Sensenbaugh, J. D., Gallimore, D. M., Garybush, A. M., Mondello, J. E., and Schiml, P. A. (2019). Central neuroimmune and depressive-like behavioral responses to repeated maternal separation and injection of LPS. Physiology and Behavior. 199, 366-374.
Hennessy, M. B., Watanasriyakul, W. T., Price, B. C., Bertke, A. S., and Schiml, P. A. (2018). Adult males buffer the cortisol response of young guinea pigs: Changes with age, mediation by behavior, and comparison with prefrontal activity. Hormones and Behavior, 98, 165-172.
Boivin, G. F., Bottomley, M. A., Schiml. P. A., Goss, L., and Grobe, N. (2017). Physiologic, behavioral, and histologic responses to various euthanasia methods in C57BL/6NTac male mice. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 56, 1-10.
Willen, R. M., Mutwill, A., MacDonald, L. J., Schiml, P. A., and Hennessy, M. B. (2016). Factors determining the effects of human interaction on the cortisol levels of shelter dogs. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 186, 41-48.
Hennessy, M. B., Schreibeis, A., D., Schiml, P. A., Deak, T. (2016). Maternal separation increases later immobility during forced swim in guinea pig pups: Evidence for sensitization of a depressive-like state. Developmental Psychobiology, 59, 128-132.
Boivin, G. P., Bottomly, M. A., Dudley, E. S., Schiml, P. A., Wyatt, C. N., and Grobe, J. (2016). Physiological, behavioral, and histological responses of male C57/BL/6N mice to different CO2 chamber replacement rates. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 55, 451-461.
Dudley, E. S., Schiml, P. A., and Hennessy, M. B. (2015). Effects of repeated petting sessions on leukocyte counts, intestinal parasite prevalence, and plasma cortisol concentration of dogs in a county animal shelter. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 247, 1289-1296.
Hennessy, M. B., Stafford, N. P., Yusko-Osborne, B., Schiml, P. A., Xanthos, E. D., and Deak, T. (2015). Naproxen attenuates sensitization of depressive-like behavior and fever during maternal separation. Physiology & Behavior, 139, 34-40.
Hennessy, M. B., Schiml, P. A., Willen, R., Watanasriyakul, W., Johnson, J., and Garrett, T. (2015). Selective social buffering of behavioral and endocrine responses and Fos induction in the prelimbic cortex of infants exposed to a novel environment. Developmental Psychobiology, 57, 50-62.
Hennessy, M. B., Deak, T., and Schiml, P. A. (2014). Sociality and sickness: Have cytokines evolved to serve social functions beyond times of pathogen exposure? Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 37, 15-20.
Claflin, D. I., Schiml, P. A., Kardegar, N., Caudill, J., Floyd, R., Deak, T., Panksepp, J., and Hennessy, M. B. (2013). Responses of guinea pigs to brain stimulation during isolation: examining the transition from “protest” to depressive-like responding. Neurology, Psychiatry, and Brain Research, 19, 67-75.
Shiverdecker, M., Schiml, P. A. , and Hennessy, M. B. (2013). Human interaction moderates plasma cortisol and behavioral responses of dogs to shelter housing. Physiology & Behavior, 109, 75-79.
Hennessy, M. B., Jacobs, S., Schiml, P. A., Hawk, K., Stafford, N. Deak, T. (2013). Maternal inhibition of infant behavioral response following isolation in novel surroundings and inflammatory challenge. Developmental Psychobiology, 55, 395-403.
Yusko, B., Hawk, K., Schiml, P.A., Deak, T., and Hennessy, M.B. (2012). Sensitization of depressive-like behavior during repeated maternal separation is associated with more-rapid increase in core temperature and reduced plasma cortisol levels. Physiology & Behavior, 105, 861-867.
Schneider, R.L., Schiml, P.A., Deak, T., and Hennessy, M.B. (2012). Persistent sensitization of depressive-like behavior and thermogenic response during maternal separation in pre- and post-weaning guinea pig pups. Developmental Psychobiology, 54, 514-522.
Hennessy, M.B., Paik, K.D., Caraway, J. D., Schiml, P.A., and Deak, T. (2011). Proinflammatory activity and the sensitization of depressive-like behavior during maternal separation. Behavioral Neuroscience, 125, 426-433.
Hennessy, M.B., Fitch, C., Jacobs, S., Deak, T., and Schiml, P.A. (2011). Behavioral effects of peripheral corticotropin-releasing factor during maternal separation may be medicated by proinflammatory activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 996-1004.
Hennessy, M.B., Deak, T., Schiml-Webb, P.A., Carlisle, C. W., and O’Brien, E. (2010). Maternal separation produces, and a second separation enhances, core temperature and passive behavioral responses to maternal separation in guinea pig pups. Physiology & Behavior, 100, 305-310.
Hennessy, M.B., Deak, T., & Schiml-Webb, P.A. (2010). Early attachment-figure separation and increased risk for later depression: potential mediation by proinflammatory processes. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 34, 782-790.
Hennessy, M.B., Schiml-Webb, P.A., and Deak, T. (2009). Separation, sickness, and depression: a new perspective on an old animal model. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 227-231.
Perkeybile, A. M., Schiml-Webb, P. A., O’Brien, E. Deak, T., and Hennessy, M. B. (2009). Anti-inflammatory influences on behavioral, but not cortisol, responses during maternal separation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34, 1101-1108.
Schiml-Webb, P. A., Miller, E., Hennessy, M. B., and Deak, T. (2009). Alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone reverses behavioral effects of corticotropin-releasing factor. Developmental Psychobiology, 51, 399-407.
Hennessy, M. B., Deak, T., Schiml-Webb, P. A., and Barnum, C. J. (2007). Immunological influences on behavioral and endocrine responses during early development. In. M. T. Czerbska (Ed.), Psychoneuroendocrinology Research Trends (pp. 293-319). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Scientific Publishers.
Hennessy, M. B., Schiml-Webb, P. A., Miller, E. E., Maken, D. S., Bullinger, K. L., and Deak, T. (2007). Anti-inflammatory agents attenuate the passive responses of guinea pigs: Evidence for stress-induced sickness behavior during separation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32, 508-515.
Schiml-Webb, P. A., Deak, T., Greenlee, T. M., Maken, D. S., and Hennessy, M. B. (2006). Alpha melanocyte stimulating hormones reverses postulated stress-induced sickness behaviors in isolated guinea pig pups. Behavioural Brain Research, 168, 326-330.
Hennessy, M. B., Maxwell, H. R., Wilson, S. E., Maken, D. S., and Schiml-Webb, P. A. (2005). Increases in the circulating testosterone of maturing male guinea pigs appear neither necessary nor sufficient for heightened maternally directed sexual and social/courtship behavior. Hormones and Behavior, 47, 319-325.
Hennessy, M. B., Deak, T., Schiml-Webb, P. A., Wilson, S. E., Greenlee, T. M., and McCall, E. (2004). Responses of guinea pigs pups during isolation in a novel environment may represent stress-induced sickness behaviors. Physiology and Behavior, 81, 5-13.
Hennessy, M. B., Deak, T., Schiml-Webb, P. A. (2001). Stress-induced sickness behaviors: an alternative hypothesis to maternal separation. Developmental Psychobiology, 39, 76-83.
Schiml, P. A. and Rissman, E. F. (2000). Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormones, corticotropin-releasing hormone, and vasopressin on female sexual behavior. Hormones and Behavior, 37, 212-220.
Schiml, P. A., Wersinger, S. R., and Rissman, E. F. (2000). Behavioral activation of the female neuroendocrine axis. In Wallen, K. and Schneider, J. (Eds.) Reproduction in Context, MIT Press.
Schiml, P. A. and Rissman, E. F. (1999). Cortisol facilitates female sexual behavior in the musk shrew (Suncus murinus). Behavioral Neuroscience, 113, 166-175.
Schiml, P. A., Douris, N., Isaac, A. C., and Rissman, E. F. (1999). Temporal aspects of female musk shrew sexual behavior. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 113, 85-90.
Schiml, P. A., Mendoza, S. P., Saltzman, W., Lyons, D. M., and Mason, W. A. (1999). Annual physiological changes in individually housed squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). American Journal of Primatology, 47, 93-103.
Tai, V. C., Schiml, P. A., Li, X., and Rissman, E. F. (1997). Behavioral interactions have rapid effects on neuronal processing of gonadotropin-releasing hormones. Brain Research, 772, 87-94.
Schiml, P. A., Mendoza, S. P., Saltzman, W., Lyons, D. M., and Mason, W. A. (1996). Seasonality in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus): Social facilitation by females. Physiology and Behavior, 60, 1105-1113.
Mendoza, S. P., Saltzman, W., Lyons, D. M., Schiml, P. A. and Mason, W. A. (1991). Within-sex relationships in squirrel monkeys regulate pituitary-adrenal activity. In A. Ehara, T. Kimura, O. Takenaka, and M. Iwamoto, (Eds.), Primatology Today. Elsevier: New York. pp. 443-446.
Schiml, P. A. and Hennessy, M. B. (1990). Light-dark variation and changes across the lactational period in the behaviors of undisturbed mother and infant guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 104, 283-288.
Hennessy, M. B., Tamborski, A., Schiml, P., and Lucot, J. (1989). The influences of maternal separation of plasma concentrations of ACTH, epinephrine, and norepinephrine in guinea pig pups. Physiology and Behavior, 45, 1147-1152.
Students Advised
Alexander Bertke (M.S.). Social buffering by unfamiliar adult males in periadolescent guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus): The effects on HPA axis acidity and Fos induction in the medial prelimbic cortex, 2019. Member.
Emily Chriswell (B.S. Undergraduate Honors Thesis). Characteristics and behaviors of heterosexual men who have sex with men, 2019. Co-chair.
Jennifer N. Baumgartner (Ph.D.). Exploring the influence of meditation experience on stress responses and empathy: The mediating role of self-expansion, 2018. Member .
Ryan G. Rose (Psy.D,). Why I left: Experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer experience of disaffiliation within Christian congregations, 2017. Member.
H. R. Downey (M.A.). Removing homosexuality from Sodom: Contexualizing Genesis 19 with other Biblical rape narratives, 2017. Member.
Emily Buerschen. (M.S.). The elevated prevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome in homosexual women and its clinical implications, 2017. Member.
Amanda Schreibeis (M.S.). Cross sensitization of depressive-like behavior between two depression-related paradigms: Maternal separation and its effect on the force swim test in the guinea pig, 2016, Co-chair.
Withayapon Watanasriyakul (M.S.). Social buffering by unfamiliar adult males in preweaning guinea pigs: The effects on HPA activity and Fos induction in the medial prefrontal cortex, 2016. Co-chair
Judson Palmer (Psy.D.). Gender role conflict and offense type, 2015. Member.
Regina Willan (M.S.). Factors determining the effects of human interaction on the cortisol levels of shelter dogs, 2015. Co-chair.
Evan Xanthos (M.S.). Angiotensin receptor blocker and its effects on depressive-like behavior during maternal separation, 2015. Co-chair.
Alexis Garybush (B.S. Undergraduate Honors Thesis). Role of the medial amygdala during maternal separation in guinea pig pups, 2014. Chair.
Withayapon Watanasriyakul (B.S. Undergraduate Honors Thesis). C-fos immunoreactivity in medial amygdala during maternal separation and social buffering in guinea pig pups, 2013. Co-chair.
Jennifer Dazey Caudill (M.S.). Influence of daily electrical stimulation of periaqueductal grey on vocalization and depressive-like behavior during separation in guinea pigs, 2012. Co-chair.
Vincent Alexander (M.S.). The role of corticotropin-releasing factor in the behavior and proinflammatory activity of separated guinea pig pups, 2012. Co-chair.
Nadia Kardegar (M.S.). Electrical brain stimulation and depressive-like behavior in guinea pigs, 2012. Co-chair.
Randi L. Schneider (M.S.). Persisting sensitization of depressive-like behavior and thermogenic response during maternal separation in pre-and post-weaning guinea pigs, 2011. Co-chair.
Jessie D. Caraway (M.S.), Sensitization of the behavioral response to maternal separation: persistence of the effect and role of proinflammatory activity, 2010. Co-chair.
Deborah Maken (Ph.D.), Central mechanisms regulating pituitary-adrenal activity in infant guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during exposure to psychological stressors: Independent and combined effects of maternal separation and novelty, 2009. Co-chair.
Kristopher D. Paik (M.S.), Inhibition of proinflammatory processes reduces sensitization of the behavioral response to maternal separation, 2009. Co-chair.
Keely O’Connell (M.S.), Stress-reducing effects of oxytocin in a maternal separation paradigm, 2008. Co-chair.