Rachel E Sturm, Ph.D.

School of SCM MKT MGMT
Interim Associate Dean
Rike Hall 250, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001

Dr. Rachel Sturm is the Associate Dean of the Raj Soin College of Business, and prior to this role, was the Chair of the [former] Management and International Business Department in the college. She joined Wright State University in 2014 and was awarded the 2016 university-wide Presidential Award for Early Career Achievement for excellence in research, teaching, and service. She is a four-time recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award for the Department of Management and International Business and has earned the MBA Excellence in Teaching Award for the Raj Soin College of Business in 2020 and 2021. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Houston and her Bachelors in Psychology (summa cum laude) with a Business Management and International Studies minor from Binghamton University. Prior to her graduate studies, Dr. Sturm worked as an account executive in sales and an assistant account executive at a mid-size marketing firm. She has also worked as a research assistant in a psychopathology lab as well as a leadership and fraud lab. Dr. Sturm is an active researcher in leadership, character development, interpersonal power, workplace gender dynamics, and self-other agreement. Her research has been published in outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies and The Leadership Quarterly (where she was a former Associate Editor at). She is also a Board member for the YWCA-Dayton. In addition, Dr. Sturm is currently completing her training to become an ICF-accredited coach and is on a mission to help others create sustainable positive change in their lives. 

Research Statement

Crossan, M. M., Nguyen, B., Vera, D., Sturm, R. E., & Ruiz Pardo, A. (2024). Leader character in egineering projects: A case study of character activation, contagion, and embeddedness. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming. 

Crossan, M. M., Nguyen, B., Sturm, R. E., Vera, D., Ruiz Pardo, A., & Maurer, C. C. (2023). Organizational learning through character-enabled judgment. Management Learning, 54, 630-654. 

Sweet, K. M., Sturm, R. E., Zare, M., & Valenzuela, M. A. (2023). Control-trust dynamics during socialization: Lessons from workgroup hazing. Journal of Management Studies, 60, 1962-1985. 

Sturm, R. E., Jolly, P., & Williams, S. D. (2022). It’s a matter of organizational pride: How perceptions of organizational virtuousness and competence affect employee behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 1079-1097.

Ajami, R. A., Karimi, H., Sturm, R. E., & Farmer, B. (2022). COVID-19 Crisis: Chaos and Opportunities for Newer Organizational Configurations for Multinational Oil Enterprises. In Crisis, chaos, and organizations: The Coronavirus and lessons for organizational theory, pp. 309-320. Information Age Publishing.

Sharma, P. N., & Sturm, R. E. (2021). Becoming powerful at work. Organizational Dynamics, 51, 1-7.

Sturm, R. E., Herz, H., & Antonakis, J. (2021). The science of leader power. The Leadership Quarterly, 32, 1-7.

Williams, S. D., Martin, J., Choi, Y., Stoutner, O., & Sturm, R. E. (2021). The role of information or the information from roles? A meta-analysis of planning and performance. International Studies of Management & Organization, 51, 1-25.

Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., Taylor, S. N., & Tringale, A. (2021). The era of #MeToo and what managers should do about it. Business Horizons, 64, 307-318.

Braddy, P. W., Sturm, R. E., Atwater, L. E., Taylor, S. N., & McKee, R. A. (2020). Gender bias still plagues the workplace: Looking at derailment risk and performance with self-other ratings. Group & Organization Management, 45, 315-350. 

Quinn, R. E., Bright, D. S., & Sturm, R. E. (2020). Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach, 7th edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., Tringale, A. M., Taylor, S. N., & Braddy, P. W. (2019). The #MeToo Backlash. Harvard Business Review Idea Watch:  https://hbr.org/2019/09/the-metoo-backlash.

Atwater, L. E., Tringale, A. M., Sturm, R. E., Taylor, S. N., & Braddy, P. W. (2019). Looking ahead: How what we know about sexual harassment now informs us of the future. Organizational Dynamics, 48, 1-9. 

Sturm, R. E., & Monzani, L. (2018). Power and Leadership. In J. Anotnakis and D. V. Day (Eds.), The nature of leadership, 3rd edition, pp. 272-299. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 

Sturm, R. E., Vera, D., & Crossan, M. (2017). The entanglement of leader character and leader competence and its impact on performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 28, 349-366.

Sturm, R. E. (2017). Decreasing unethical decisions: The role of morality-based individual differences. Journal of Business Ethics, 142, 37-57.

Lee, H., & Sturm, R. E. (2017). A sequential choice perspective of postdecision regret and counterfactual thinking in voluntary turnover decisions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 99, 11-23.

Taylor, S. N., Sturm, R. E., Atwater, L., & Braddy, P. W. (2016). Underestimating one's leadership impact: Are women leaders more susceptible? Organizational Dynamics, 45, 132-138.

Sturm, R. E., & Antonakis, J. (2015). Interpersonal power: A review, critique, and research agenda. Journal of Management, 41, 136-163.

* Winner of the Journal of Management 2020 Scholarly Impact Award

* Highly cited paper for publication year according to Web of Science

Sturm, R. E., Taylor, S. N., Atwater, L. E., & Braddy, P. W. (2014). Leader self-awareness:  An examination and implications for women leaders. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 657-677.

* Quoted in Nature, 511, 115.

Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., & McKee, R. A. (2014). Advances in leader and leadership development:  A review of 25 years of research and theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 25, 63-82.

* Highly cited paper: top 1% in field in publication year

Braddy, P. W., Sturm, R. E., Atwater, L. E., Smither, J. W., & Fleenor, J. W. (2013). Validating the Feedback Orientation Scale:  Leaders’ reactions to developmental feedback. Group & Organization Management, 38, 690-716.

Fleenor, J. W., Smither, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Braddy, P. W., & Sturm, R. E. (2010). Self-other rating agreement in leadership:  A review. The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 1005-1034.

* Nominated for The Leadership Quarterly’s 2010 Best Paper of the Year award.

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