Rosemary William Eustace, PhD, RN, CFLE, PHCNS-BC
Professor & Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow
Nursology.net https://nursology.net/about/people/
Certified in Adult Mental Health First AID USA
Certified Adult Mental Health First AID Instructor
Bi-lingual: English and Kiswahili
Now Accepting Undergraduate Honors Students
Education History
Institution and Location Degree Years Field of Study
University of Dar Es Salaam (MUHAS), Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania BScN (hon) 1994 Nursing
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. MS 2003 Family Science (Focus Area: Family Life Education)
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. PhD 2007 Family Science (Focus Area: Family Life Education
Wright State University, Dayton, OH MS 2010 Community Health-Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
Family science is the scientific study of family and close interpersonal relationships (NCFR, 2021).
What is Family Nursing?: https://internationalfamilynursing.org/association-information/position-...
CFLE: Certified Family Life Educator
Professional Development Training:
Certificate of Completion, NIH-NCI 2021 Multilevel Intervention Training Institute (MLTI), (Feb 25- July 22, 2021)
Cerfticate of Completion, Strategies for Teaching Family Theories, NCFR Webinar, April 15, 2020
Certificate of completion, 23rd Medical Family Therapy Intensive, held June, 13th, 2016, University of Rochester, New York
Certificate of Completion, 'Nuts & Bolts of Designing, Conducting, Analyzing and Funding' Intervention Studies workshop at the Ohio State University College of Nursing, 2013
Certificate of Completion, Family Research: Conceptual and Methodological Issues Conference, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing, Center of Life Long Learning, 2012
Aug 2021 to present: Professor, College of Nursing and Health, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Aug 2016 - July, 2021: Associate Professor, College of Nursing and Health, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Sep 2010 - Aug 2016: Assistant Professor, College of Nursing and Health, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
June 2010 – Sep 2010: Graduate Research and Skills Lab Assistant, College of Nursing and Health, Wright State University, Fairborn, OH
Dec 2007- Dec 2008 : Research Associate and HIV/AIDS- Sisters Empowered Sisters Aware (SESA) CDC project coordinator, Wright State University, Fairborn, OH
March 2007- Feb 2008: Clinical Registered Nurse, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, OH
Jan 2005- June 2006 : Clinical Registered Nurse, Mercy Regional Heath Care Center, Manhattan, KS
April 2004 - Aug 2004 : Clinical Registered Nurse, Capital Regional Medical Center, Tallahassee, FL
June 2001 - June 2002: Substitute teacher, The Kansas State University Child Development Center
Dec 1996 - April 1999: Nurse Tutor, Muhimbili School of Nurse Teachers, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Dec 1994 - Dec 1996: Graduate Intern Nurse, Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Research Statement
Main program of research focuses on advancing family nursing science. Currently in collaboration with Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), she is investigating social determinants of breast cancer among women with the ultimate goal of developing a mutlilevel community-based family intervention to promote breast cancer awareness in rural Tanzania. Other scholarly activities and interests focus on global health learning, peer mentoring, family health simulation and nursing knowledge development.
In addition to serving in various college committees, Dr. Eustace serves as a Secretary of NCFR International Section Secretary/Treasurer and is a Community Advisory Board Member of Bright Future Nurse-Family Partnership program in Dayton Ohio. She is also a team member of the Nursology.net website, https://nursology.net/about/ - a web site for nurse scholars, developed and maintained by nurse scholars. Specifically, the web site is a repository for resources about nursing conceptual models, grand theories, middle-range theories, and situation-specific theories, philosophies and associated methodologies. Dr Eustace is a reviewer for multiple nursing and interprofessional journals.
Students Advised
Faculty Advisor
- Cessna, A. (2024). Exploring the Systems-Related Factors Influencing Depression and Anxiety in the Private Healthcare System: A Nursing Student’s Perspective, Best Integrated Writing, 6. https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=107...
- Student Name: Ms Nigam Pratibha, Senior BSN student, Project Title: “Development and Use of Centering Pregnancy STIs/HIV prevention among Low Risk Pregnant Women: Project TO-R-CH.” Undergraduate Honors project
- Student Name: Ms Kristen Sevier. Honors project: Project Title: “Parent Education on Childhood Vaccinations: Implications for Nursing Practice.” Undergraduate Honors project
- Students names: Sarah Tolhurst & Kristen Sevier: Nursing Students presented at poster at The 43rd Annual Professional Nurse Educator Group (PNEG) conference will be held at the Hilton Columbus at Easton, October 21-23, 2016. Project Title: Family Cultural Assessment of the Burundi Families: Implications for Nursing Practice. Undergraduate Independent Study
- CHAVEZ, V. B. (2018). The Bello Chavez Family: A Reflection of Health in the Mexican American Community Through a Family Nursing Assessment. Best Integrated Writing 2018-Complete Edition, 1. WSU- Best Integrated Writing
- Rohrbach, R. J. (2014). “The Efficacy of Implementing a Shared Medical Appointment for Diabetic Patients in a Rural Private Practice” Adkins, E. H. (2014). “End of Life Discussions in Primary Care. [ DNP project- Committee member]
- “Identifying End Users’ Water Beliefs and Practices to Improve the Kadali Water Project’s Consumer Handwashing Program in Kadali, India” by Peter Savard. [DNP project- Chair]
- Eustace, R.W (2022). A Theory of Family Health: A Neuman’s Systems Perspective.” Nursing Science Quarterly. 35(1), 101-110.
- Mkanta, W. N., Eustace, R. W., Reece, M. C., Alamri, A. D., Davis, T., Ezekekwu, E. U., & Potluri, A. (2018). From Images to Voices: A Photo Analysis of Medical and Social Support Needs of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Journal of Global Health Reports, 2, e2018031.
- Eustace, R.W. & Boesch, M. (2018). A Teaching Strategy to Facilitate Nursing Students’ Translation of Global Health Learning from Classroom to Community. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 35(2). 57-64.
- Eustace, R.W., Wilson, J. Asiedu, G., Nyamhanga, T., & Mkanta, W. (2017). Community Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Role of Family in HIV Prevention in Iringa, Tanzania, Journal of Community Health Nursing, 34, (1), 10-20.
- Zhang, X., Eustace, R. W., & Lopez, V. (2017). Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Attitudes towards Simulation-Based Learning Scale. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(8), 471-476.
- Parikh, P. P., Brown, R., White, M., Markert, R., Eustace, R. W., & Tchorz, K. (March 2015). Simulation-based End-of-life Care Training during Clerkship: Assessment of Skills and Perceptions. Journal of Surgical Research, 196(2), 258-263.
- Eustace, R. W., Gray, B. & Curry, D. M. (2015). Family Nursing Intervention: What do Acute Care Nurses Think? Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 29(2), 125-142.
- Asiedu, G., Eustace, R. W., Eton, D. T., & Breitkopf, C. R. (2014). Coping with Colorectal Cancer: A Qualitative Exploration with Patients and their Family Members. Family Practice, 31 (5), 598-606.
- Eustace R.W. (2013). A discussion of HIV/AIDS Family Interventions: Implications for Family-focused Nursing Practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(7), 1660–1672.
- Eustace, R. W. & Ilagan, P. R. (2010). HIV Disclosure among HIV-positive Individuals: A Concept Analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (9), 2094–2103.
- Eustace, R. W. & Lugina, H. I. (2007). Mothers’ Perceptions of Midwives’ Labor and Delivery Support. African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, 1(1), 5 – 9.
- Eustace, R.W. (2019). Family Nursing. In Macmillan Encyclopedia of Families, Marriages, and Intimate Relationships. 320-321, Macmillan Reference USA
- Eustace, R. W., Nyamhanga, T. M., Ghuhiya, A. I., & Mushy, S. E. (2018). Family Life Education Development, Implementation, and Evaluation in Tanzania. In Global perspectives on family life education (Robila M & Taylor, A., Editors) (pp. 135-151). Springer, Cham.
- Eustace, R. W., Asiedu, G. B., & Mkanta, W. N. (2015). Sexuality Education in Africa. In Evidence-based Sexuality Education: A Global Perspective (Ponzetti, J., Editor), Routledge Publishers.
- Eustace, R. W (2011, Winter). Review of the book Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice and Research (4th Ed) by J. Kaakinen, J., V, Gedaly-Duff, D. P. Coehlo & S. M. Hanson. CFLE Network Online, 23.1
- Eustace, R. W. (2010). Factors Influencing Acculturative Stress among International Students: From the International Students’ Perspectives. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Eustace, R.W. (2018) Male Involvement: An Evolving Global Cross-Cultural Concept in Family-Centered Health Care. NCFR Report, Family Focus: Families and Cultural Intersections, p 6-7.
- Eustace, R. W. (2013, June). Global health service learning: An innovative teaching and learning strategy in nursing education. Zeta Phi Chapter-Sigma Theta Tau International, International Nursing Society, p. 5
- Eustace, R. W. (Fall, 2009). Temporary migration and the family: The case of international students. NCFR Report: Immigration.
- Eustace, R. W. & Rogers, N. (Fall, 2008). Hepatitis C: a silent epidemic among Ohio’s Inmates and Re-entry Populations, Columbus Bar Lawyers Quarterly, 38-39
- Eustace, R.W., Knowles, H., Holland, C., & Gunasekera, S. (2018). Kaseye Community Hospital Nurse Assistant Training Curriculum Report. Wright State University, College of Nursing and Health. (unpublished)
- Nyamhanga, T. M. & Eustace, R.W. (2017). 3600 Review of MUHAS Elective Programs. Muhimbili, University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). (unpublished)
- Eustace, R. & Stuber, M. (2024). Contributors, Implementation Tool Kit: The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. Community Health Assessment Project; Level 1, Domain3 – Population Health. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Washington D.C. Available at: https://www.aacnnursing.org/essentials/database/kit/i/community-health
- Foundations of Nursology Syllabus: https://nursology.net/2021/02/02/foundations-of-nursology-syllabus-anoth...
- Eustace, R.W., Stuber, & M., Helmbach, S. (2018). Family Health Simulation. Wright State University, Dayton, OH.
- Eustace, R. ; Stuber, M. A.; Heimbach, S. E.; Kelley, L. M. (2021). Geriatric Family Health Promotion Simulation Strategy. Innovative Teaching Strategies. Association of Community Health Nursing Educators.
- Eustace, R.; Stuber, M. A.; Heimbach, S. E.; Kelley, L. M. (2021). Teenage Family Health Promotion Simulation Strategy. Innovative Teaching Strategies. Association of Community Health Nursing Educators
- Turkel, M. C., Fawcett, J., Amankwaa, L., Clarke, P. N., Dee, V., Eustace, R., ... & Zahourek, R. (2018). Thoughts about Nursing Curricula: Dark Clouds and Bright Lights. Nursing science quarterly, 31(2), 185-189.
- Turkel, M., Fawcett, J., Chinn, P.L., Eustace, R. Hansell, P.S., Smith, M., Watson, J., & Zahourek, R. (2018). Thoughts about advancement of the discipline: Dark clouds and bright lights. Nursing Science Quarterly. 31(1) 82-85.
1. Eustace, R.W. & Mutalemwa, K. (2021). "Examining the Evolving Role of the BSN-Prepared Nurse outside Acute Care Settings: A Nursing – Shared Theory/Conceptual Model Approach | Nursology" https://nursology.net/2021/07/06/examining-the-evolving-role-of-the-bsn-...
2. Mutalemwa, K. & Eustace, R.W. (2020). Orem’s Self-Care Theory: A Critical Theory to Tanzania Nurses in the Wake of COVID-19 https://nursology.net/2020/07/21/orems-self-care-theory-a-critical-theory-to-tanzania-nurses-in-the-wake-of-covid-19/
3. Eustace, R. W. (2019). Are we Ready to Utilize Concept Analyses To Advance Nursology? Could This Be a Way Forward? https://nursology.net/2019/10/08/are-we-ready-to-utilize-concept-analyses-to-advance-nursology-could-this-be-a-way-forward/
4. Eustace, R. W. (2019). Opportunities for Advancing Nursing Knowledge: A Personal Journey of Appreciation. https://nursology.net/2019/02/12/opportunities-for-advancing-nursing-knowledge-a-personal-journey-of-appreciation/
5. Eustace, R.W. (2018). Interested in Contributing to Nursology.Net? The Innovative Way of Promoting Global Exchange of Nursing Knowledge. https://nursology.net/2018/12/18/interested-in-contributing-to-nursology-net-the-innovative-way-of-promoting-global-exchange-of-nursing-knowledge/
Area of Nursing Science: Family Research
- Eustace, R.W. (2018). Theorizing the Social Determinants of Breast Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Family Nursing Perspective [Invited Speaker]. Department of Economic Seminars in Local and Global Regional Economies, Wright State University , April 10, 2018.[Local]
- Eustace, R.W. (Sept, 2018). Family-Center Care: Implications for Family Nursing Practice [Invited speaker]. Dayton Children’s Nursing Grand Rounds, Dayton Children's, Dayton, OH. [Local]
- Tolhurst, S., Sevier, K. & Eustace, R.W. (2016). Understanding the Culture of Burundi Families: Implications for Family Nursing Practice. [Poster presentation]. The 43rd Annual Professional Nurse Educator Group (PNEG) Conference, Columbus Ohio, October 22, 2016.
- Asiedu, G., Eustace, R. W. et al. (2014). Coping with Colorectal Cancer: A Qualitative Exploration with Patients and their Family Members [[Poster presentation]. The 2014 Mayo You Investigators Research Symposium, March 22nd- 23rd, 2014, MN. [Local]
- Eustace, R.W., et al. (2013). Risk factors for HIV transmission: Findings from a cross - sectional study in Iringa, Tanzania [Poster presentation]. The 2013 Central Research Forum (CRF), Wright State University, Dayton, OH, October 24th, 2013. [Local]
- Eustace, R. W. (Nov, 2012). HIV is a family Disease [Poster presentation]. The 2012 HIV Update for Nurses, The Greater Cincinnati Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Mason, OH, November, 30th, 2012. [Local]
- Eustace, R. W. (2012). “HIV as A Family Disease”, moderated a panel discussion at the Rural HIV/AIDS Collaborative, Keeping It Real Conference [Panel presentation]. Hilton Garden Inn, Beavercreek, OH, September 12th 2012. [Local]
- Eustace, R.W. (2011). Birthing Experience in Africa. Sinclair. [Invited Speaker]. Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH. [Local]
- Eustace, R.W. (2018). Theorizing the Social Determinants of Breast Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Family Nursing Perspective [Invited Speaker]. School of Business Speakers series, Wright State University [Local]
- Eustace, R.W, Nyamhanga, T. Lee, E. (2018). Theorizing the Social Determinants of Breast Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Family Nursing Perspective [Paper presentation]. The Nursing Theory: A 50 Year Perspective, Past and Future Service and Academic Outreach, March 21-22, 2019, Cleveland, OH. (paper) [National]
- Eustace, R. W. et al (2015). What is the Role of Family in HIV/AIDS Prevention? Implications for Community-based Family interventions in Tanzania [Poster presentation]. The 3rd Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Scientific Conference, May 28-30, 2015 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. [National]
- Nigam, P, Eustace, R. W. et al. (2014). Development and Use of an Educational Manual to Increase Knowledge Related to STIs and HIV/AIDS Prevention among Low Risk Pregnant Women: Project TO-R-CH [Poster presentation]. The WSU CONH 40th Anniversary, Dayton OH. Presented at the 38th MNRS Conference in St Louis, MO [National]
- Eustace, R.W., Curry, D.M, Gray, B. Phillips, R. (2012). A US-based Study of Nurses’ Perceptions of Family Nursing Practice [Poster presentation]. The MNRS 2012 Annual Conference in Dearborn, MI, April 12-15, 2012. [National]
- Eustace, R. W., Nyamhanga, T. Lee, E. (2018). A Discussion of Social Determinants of Breast Cancer among Women in Tanzania: Advantages, Gaps and Future Directions in Family Scholarship [Poster presentation]. The 2018 Annual NCFR Conference, San Diego, California, November 7-10, 2018. [International]
- Marquis, G., Curry, D.M., & Eustace, R.W. (2015). Role of Family in Pediatric Care: A Case Study in Contrast: Tanzania and the United States [Paper presentation]. The 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Odense, Denmark, August 18-21, 2015. [International]
- Curry, D.M., Eustace, R.W., & Gray, B. (2015). Generalist Competencies for Family Nursing Practice-Application to a U.S Baccalaureate Nursing Program [Paper presentation]. The 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Odense, Denmark (August 18-21, 2015). [International]
- Eustace, R.W. Curry, D.M, Gray, B. Philips, R. (2013). Nursing Perceptions of Family Nursing Practice. [Paper presentation]. The 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Odense, Minneapolis, MN, June 19-22, 2013. [International]
- Eustace, R.W., et al. (2013). Risk factors for HIV transmission: Findings from a cross - sectional study in Iringa, Tanzania [Poster presentation]. The APHA 141th Annual Meeting and Exposition Boston, MA, Nov 2-6th, 2013. [International]
- Ford, J. Nyamhanga, T, Eustace, R.W. et al. (2013). So many people here take alcohol and AIDS is a big problem: Examining the factors influencing the HIV epidemic in Iringa, Tanzania [Poster presentation]. The APHA 141th Annual Meeting and Exposition Boston, MA, Nov 2-6th, 2013. [International]
Area of Nursing Science: Teaching and Learning
- Thomas, P. M. & Eustace, R.W. (2018). Power of Nursing: Building a Community of Resilience in Nursing Education & Practice [Poster presentation]. The 13thth ONA Nursing Professional Development Educators Conference, Columbus, OH, April 20, 2018. [Local]
- Fowler, B. & Eustace, R. W. (2016). Education Barriers Influencing U.S. Minority Healthcare Workforce: A Systems Thinking Perspective [Poster presentation]. The ONA’s 11th Nursing Professional Development Educators Conference, April 15, 2016, Columbus, OH. [Local]
- Eustace, R.W. (2016). Promoting Global Health among BSN Students: A local Experiential Learning Opportunity in Refugee Health [Paper presentation]. Brown Bag, Wright State University, University Center for International Education, Wed, October 12th, Dayton, OH. [Local]
- Eustace, R. W. & Boesch, M. (2014). Photovoice Methodology: An Active Teaching Strategy in Community/Public Health Nursing Clinical Practice [Poster presentation]. The WSU CONH 40th Anniversary, Dayton OH [Local]
- Eustace, R.W. Holland, C., Fowler, B, & Bottomley, M. (2020). Feasibility of a “Peers+” Peer Mentoring Program for At-Risk Pre-licensure BSN Students: Preliminary Results [Poster presentation]. The 44th MNRS Annual Research Conference. Chicago, IL, April 1-4, 2020. [National]
- Lloyd, R., Thomas, P. M., & Eustace, R.W. (2019). Power of Nursing: An Innovative Strategy to Promote Well-being and Resilience among Nurse Student and Nursing Faculty in the United States [Poster presentation]. The Summit on Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Healthcare Providers, Gold Humanism Summit, Florida, October 27-30, 2019. [National]
- Thomas, P. M. & Eustace, R.W. (2018). Power of Nursing: An Innovative Strategy to Promote Well-being and Resilience among Nurse Student and Nursing Faculty in the United States [Poster presentation]. The Summit on Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Healthcare Providers, Columbus, OH, Oct, 27-28th, 2018. [National]
- Eustace, R. W. & Boesch M. (2016). Assimilating a local “Global Health Nursing” Clinical Experience for Traditional BSN Students in Midwestern Ohio: Lessons Learned [Paper presentation]. The 2016 ACHNE/APHN Joint Conference, Indianapolis, IN, (June 3rd, 2016). [National]
- Mwalupindi, H, Rosen, M. & Eustace, R. W. (2011). A Teaching and Evaluation Strategy for Promoting Nursing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills: An Evidence-Based [Poster presentation]. The MNRS 2011 Annual Conference in Columbus Ohio, March 24-27, 2011. [National]
- Curry, D. (moderator); Anderson, K, Gray, B and Eustace, R. W. (panelist). (Jan, 2016). the Curriculum Evaluation Using the IFNA Generalist Competencies for Family Nursing Practice. International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) [Webinar]. Retrieved from
https://internationalfamilynursing.org/2016/01/08/curriculum-evaluation-using-the-ifna-generalist-competencies-for-family-nursing-practice/. [International]
- Eustace. R. W., Gabone-Mwalupindi, H., & Crawford-Hemphill, R. (2016). Advancing Transcultural Nursing through Visiting Scholar and Nurse Leader Programs: Lessons Learned [Panel discussion]. The 42nd Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Cincinnati, OH, October 12-15, 2016. [International]
- Eustace, R. W. & Boesch, M. (2015). Using the Photovoice Methodology to Assess Community Strengths and Weaknesses in Community/Public Health Nursing Education [Poster presentation]. The 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (October 31 - November 4, 2015). [International]
- Curry, D.M., Eustace, R.W., & Gray, B. (2015). Generalist Competencies For Family Nursing Practice-Application to a U.S Baccalaureate Nursing Program [Paper presentation]. The 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Odense, Denmark (August 18-21, 2015). [International]
Area of Nursing Science: Expert Opinion/Knowledge
- Eustace, R. W. (April 15, 2020). Updates on the New Proposed AACN Essentials for BSN Education [Webex presentation]. The College of Nursing and Health, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
- Eustace, R.W. (March 27, 2019). Nursology: The Use of a Website for Nurse Scholars. [Lunch and Learn CE, Paper presentation]. The College of Nursing and Health, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. [Local]
- Eustace, R.W. (Feb 27, 2020). Panel discussion between faculty members and students in the high-intermediate class of LEAP, the Learning English for Academic and Professional Purposes Intensive English Program. Nursing representative [Invited panelist] at the Wright State University, Dayton, OH. [Local].
- Eustace, R.W. (2016). A Career Journey to Become a Nurse: A Personal & Inspirational Story [Invited speaker]. The Wright State University Nursing Freshman UVC class, Thursday, October 27th, 2016, Dayton, OH. [Local]
- Eustace, R. W. (Mar, 2014). Describe nursing’s contribution to global health initiatives [Paper presentation]. The Wright State University College of Nursing and Health 40th Anniversary, Dayton, OH. [Local]
- Wilson, J., Eustace, R. W., Yahya-Malima, K., Ford, J., Nyamhanga T. & Mbekenga, C. (2012). Developing international multidisciplinary research collaboration: Lessons learned. [Poster presentation]. The APHA 140th Annual Meeting and Exposition San Francisco, CA, October 27-31, 2012. [National]
2022: The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Competency-Based Education for Practice-Ready Nurse Graduates proposal. Awarded $100,000 (Team: Dr Ann Bowling, Dr Marty Sexton, Dr Rosemary Eustace and Ms Marlene Stuber. Role: C0-I)
2020: Wright State University, CONH Seed Grants: Awarded $ 7500. Goal: To assessment of acceptability of implementing a community health worker–led breast cancer awareness and screening program in Ileje district, Tanzania. (Eustace, R.W. PI, Nyamhanga, T (local PI-Tanzania, Lee, E, Co-PI)
2018: Ohio Council of Deans and Directors 2018 Educational research Application: Awarded $2000 to complete study titled: Pilot Testing of the PEERS+ Intervention for At-risk Beginning Nursing Students in a Pre-licensure BSN Program. (Eustace, RW. Co-PI and Co-PI Holland, C. and Co-Is Fowler, B and Farra, S).
2016-2017: Wright State University, CONH Internal Grants: Awarded $5000 to conduct a study on Factors Influencing Disengagement In HIV Care Among HIV+ Black/African American Women: Implications For Culturally Sensitive Family-Focused HIV Interventions (Eustace. R.W. PI,; Wilson, J. Co-I,; Asiedu, G., Co-I,).
2014-2015: WSU- UCIE International Seed Grant: Awarded 1204.81 to conduct a study on Assimilating a Global Health Nursing Clinical Experience for Traditional BSN Students,” (Eustace, R. W. PI)
2011- 2013: WSU Research Initiation Grant: Awarded $9940 to conduct a Needs Assessment for an International Collaboration on HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. (Eustace, R.W. PI.).
2011 – 2012: Professional Development Grant: Awarded $3000 for a Service Learning planned Visit in Tanzania. (Eustace, R.W., PI)
2011- 2012: Faculty Seed Grant – Awarded a $5000 faculty seed grant by the College of Nursing and Health to conduct a U.S - Based Pilot S, Study on Nurses’ Perceptions of Family Nursing Practice. (Eustace, R.W., PI)
1998: University Research Grant Awarded TSH 10, 000 by the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences Academic Board to conduct a study on the caring and supportive behavior among midwives during labor and delivery in Dar-Es-Salaam. (1998). (Eustace, R. W., PI, Nyamhanga, T, Co-I & Lugina, H, Co-I).
1. Mentee: Tumaini Nyamhanga, PhD. MSc., BScN at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Research: External funding for an ongoing research project on “Development of a culturally appropriate breast cancer awareness and screening intervention program among Women 40-65 Years Old in Tanzania”
2. Mentee: Zhang, Xuelin., RN,MAN, Visiting scholar from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Research. Completed a project on “Nursing students Attitudes towards Simulation-based Learning.”
3. Mentee; Katunzi Mutalemwa, Tanzania
Scholarship: Nursology.net. Blog post writing "Orem’s Self-Care Theory: A Critical Theory to Tanzania Nurses in the Wake of COVID-19"
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
Dates Association
2010 - present Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing Zeta Phi Chapter
2010 - present International Family Nursing Association
Dates Association
2009 - 2016 Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE)
2001-2012, 2018 – National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
1996 – 1999 Tanzania Registered Nurses Association (TARENA)
Dates Association
Jan 2017-Dec 2019 Ohio Council on Family Relations
July 2007- Dec 2014 Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS)
2010 - 2012 Ohio Public Health Association
2003 – 2007 Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS)
Date Title of Award Granting Association
2020 Fellow, Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship program The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) (ALUMNI GRANTS)
2019 Teaching Innovation in Family Science Award (plus $1000 cash prize) Cognella Inc and NCFR
2018 President’s International Education Award Wright State University, UCIE
2017-2018 Faculty Peer Award for Excellence in Teaching Wright State University, College of Nursing and Health
2016 Fellow, Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program. The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP)
2015 Wright State University, Center for Service-Learning & Civic Engagement, Recognized for Excellence in Teaching with Service Learning. Wright State University, Center for Service-Learning & Civic Engagement
2014 Nominated by the College of Nursing and Health for the University Center for International education (UCIE) for the 2014 International Education Award UCIE, Wright State University
2014 Nominated by College of Nursing and Health for the 2014 Early Career Award Wright State University
2014 Wright State University, Service Learning & Civic Engagement, Recognized for Excellence in Teaching with Service Learning. Wright State University, Service Learning & Civic Engagement
2010 Office of Service Learning Award, $1000 WSU Office of Service Learning
2006 The Kansas Bio Scholarship $500 2006 Graduate Student Capitol, Research Summit in Topeka, KS
2005, 2006 Graduate Travel Grants, $500 Kansas State University
2006-07 Robert H. Poresky Scholarship, $1200 School of Family Studies and Human Services
1994 Certificate for Excellent Performance Awarded the late Joyceline Kimangano Prize for the Best Overall Final Year Student in the Faculty of Nursing, University of Dar-Es-Salaam Faculty of Nursing, University of Dar-Es-Salaam (now Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences -MUHAS)
1994 Certificate for Excellent Performance Awarded a University Prize for Best Student in the Final Degree Examinations during the 1993/94 academic year. Faculty of Nursing, University of Dar-Es-Salaam (now MUHAS)
Date Title of Award/honors Granting Association
April 2019
Faculty Advisor
Student: Peter Savard
Honor: Student’s DNP project won the Graduate Student Excellence Award Wright State university
Graduate School