Stacey A. Hundley, Ph.D.
Dr. Hundley spends the majority of her time teaching and working with students in general education classes. “I want my students to have the most rewarding experience possible in our general education courses. I hope they leave my classroom with a better understanding of the earth and earth processes, which will guide them in their future decision making.”
She received The Award for Outstanding Achievement from the Ohio Section of The American Institute of Professional Geologists in 2016, “Stacey has worked tirelessly to promote the science of geology as a profession to the student member of the WSU chapter.”
In 2014 Dr. Hundley was one of twelve Wright State faculty selected to participate in teacher training for the new Student Success Center. This new building focuses on Student Centered Active Learning Environments for Undergraduate Programs or SCALE-UP classrooms. Dr. Hundley currently teaches The Dynamic Earth (EES 1050) and The Sustainable Earth (EES 1070) in this new innovative, technology-friendly building.
In 2011, Dr. Hundley received the General Education Excellence in Teaching Award for excellence in promoting General Education learning objectives.
Education History
Ph.D., Science Education, The Ohio State University, 2007
M.S.T., Earth Science, Wright State University, 1998
Graduate Student of Excellence Award, Wright State University, 1998
B.S., Environmental Biology, Ohio University, 1994
- EES 1050: Dynamic Earth
- EES 1070: Sustainable Earth
- EES 2510: Earth Systems
- EES 2550: Earth History
- EES 2600: Environmental Science and Society
- EES 3450 & 3460: Concepts in Earth Science I & II for Educators
- EES 4270 Process Geomorphology
- BIO 3700: Bioehtics
Research Statement
Dr. Hundley’s research involves evaluating teaching methods in introductory earth science classes for non-science majors. Her research focuses on comparative studies including interactive teaching methods and traditional lecture methods involving survey analysis and assessment of student outcomes.
Dr. Hundley serves as Faculty Advisor for the Environmental Sciences Porgram and Advisor to the EES Student Organizations: Students for Earth & Environmental Sustainability (SEES); Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE): Earth Science Honor Society, and WSU American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) Student Chapter.
Associate Director of Pi Epsilon National Environmental Sciences Honor Society
COSM Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
BIO Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Dominic, D. F., Hundley, S. A., and Bourne, M. G. (2022). EES 1050: Dynamic Earth Laboratory Manual-Wright State University. Hayden-McNeil, Plymouth, MI.
Hundley, S. A., Downing, P., Haman, K., and Mickle, R. (2016). Field Trips Connect Geology Professionals with Students. The Professional Geologist, Jan. Feb. Mar., 48-49.
Slattery, W., Hundley, S., Finegan-Stoll, C., & Becker, M. (1998). Cabling the net: helping teachers meet the challenges of science literacy and science education standards. Learning and Leading with Technology, 26 (1), 25-30.
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
The Geological Society of America (GSA)
National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)
Conference Presentions
Mickle, R. & Hundley, S. A., Gastropods, Cephalopods, and Trilobites Oh My! Presented at AIPG National Convention, Anchorage, AK. Sept. 2015.
Hundley, S. A., Exploring Earth Science through Explosions, Excavations and the Environment. Presented at AIPG National Convention, Prescott, AZ. Sept., 2014.
Hundley, S. A. (2003). Teaching Introductory Geology: Incorporating Student Preferences in the Classroom to make learning More Meaningful. National meeting of the Geological Society of America. GSA Abstracts with Programs.
Hundley, S. A. & Haury, D. L., Understanding Undergraduates: the Challenge of Teaching Introductory Science Courses. Presented at the National Science Teachers Association Midwestern Area Convention, November 2001.
Hundley, S. & Slattery, W. (1998). Earth Science Outreach Using the World Wide Web in Association with National and State Science Education Standards. Annual meeting of the North-central section of the Geological Society of America. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 30.
Hundley, S. A., Exploring Earth Science through Explosions, Excavations, and the Environment. Presented at Clark County Public Library, Enon, OH, July, 2014.
Hundley, S., Slattery, W., Walters, C. Yikes! I’ve Just had and Out-of-School Experience. Presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual convention, April 1998.
Slattery, W., Hundley, S., Tomlin, J. H., Ramey, L. K., Batista, B., & Becker, M. (1998). Teachers Will Teach As they’ve Been Taught: Pre-service Teacher Earth Science Education as a Key to Developing K-12 Curriculum Sustainability. National meeting of the Geological Society of America. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 31
Slattery, W. & Hundley, S., At Your Fingertips: K-12 Science Activities Correlated with the Ohio Proficiency Test Outcomes. Presented at the Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) annual conference, February 1998.