Stephen James Jacquemin, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae

Education History
Ball State University, Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences), 2013 Dissertation: Spatial, Temporal, and Ecological Correlates of Morphological Variation among North American Freshwater Fishes
Ball State University, M.S. (Biology), 2010 Thesis: Impacts of Glaciation on Contemporary Fish Assemblages
Ohio Northern University, B.Sc. (Biology, Environmental Science), 2008
Universidad de La Habana, Cuba (Environmental Management), 2006
Research: Population ecology of sharks and rays along the southern coastal shelf of Cuba
My teaching philosophy is founded on a passion for the sciences that has developed over a lifetime of interest in biology, research, and education. I believe that effective educators should both provide specific topical information as well as cultivate a desire to internalize overarching core biological concepts. I believe that a combination of traditional class lecture with experiential learning can unify theoretical concepts with practical application to promote a balance in student learning. I consider involvement in faculty research programs, internships, professional societies, and classroom working groups to be an integral part of enhancing subject understanding and professional development.
Some of the courses that I teach include Ecology, Biology of Food, Health and Disease, Cells and Genes, Organisms and Ecosystems, Invertebrate Zoology, Ichthyology, and Independent Studies.
Research Statement
My research interests focus on the ecology and evolution of freshwater fishes and gastropods as well as restoration and conservation of wetlands. I am particularly interested in understanding patterns of abundance (both spatial and temporal), morphology, ecological niche, as well as how wetland habitats contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. The primary mission of my lab is to promote the conservation of aquatic resources through increased understanding of the taxa and processes contained therein.
Much of my research revolves around the long term analysis of Ohio River Basin fish and gastropod assemblages. These assemblage studies have detailed population and community changes at both the taxonomic and functional level over the past century - primarily as a result of habitat alterations. Other projects branching from this theme include life history studies of large river fish diets and growth determinants.
In addition to exploring spatial and temporal patterns in aquatic assemblages, my research also includes conservation and restoration of wetland habitats. This work is particularly focused on how wetlands can contribute to nutrient reductions and improvements in water quality around the midwest.
Some of the field and analytical methods utilized in my research include various sampling techniques (e.g. electrofishing, seine netting), geographic information systems, stable isotope analysis, UV/VIS spectrophotometry, multi-metric biological and habitat measurement procedures, geometric morphometrics, multivariate statistics, phylogenetic comparative methods, and ecological niche models.
Students interested in research involvement should contact directly regarding lab openings and potential projects.
45. Doll JC, Jacquemin SJ. Accepted – In Press. Incorporation of feeding functional group information informs explanatory patterns of long-term population changes in fish assemblages. PeerJ. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9007
44. McGlinch GJ**, Jacquemin SJ, Lindsey LE. 2021. Estimating winter malting barley grain yield with fractional green canopy cover. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management X(X): DOI: 10.1002/cft2.20079.
43. Jaqueth AL, Jacquemin SJ. 2020. Potential of pasture grasses to reduce soil runoff in simulated spring seeding applications. Forage and Grazing Lands Brief. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1): DOI: 10.1002/cft2.20071.
42. Jacquemin SJ, McGlinch G, Dirksen T, Clayton A. 2020. On the potential for saturated buffers in northwest Ohio to remediate nutrients from agricultural runoff. PeerJ. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9007
41. Jacquemin SJ, Junker CR, Cubberley MS. 2020. Does a prolonged faculty strike in higher education affect student achievement in first year general education courses? Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy 11 (Article 6): 1-17.
40. Doll JC, Jacquemin SJ. 2019. Bayesian model selection in fisheries management and ecology. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10(2): 691-707.
39. Jacquemin SJ, Junker CR, Doll JC. 2019. The branch effect: understanding multi-campus enrollment and student success. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 67(1): 1-12.
38. Ebersole J, Jacquemin SJ. 2018. A Late Miocene (Hemphillian) freshwater fish (Osteichthyes) fauna from Mobile County, Alabama, USA. Historical Biology: 1-14. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2018.1530995.
37. Mitchell MG**, Ciampaglio CN, Jacquemin SJ. 2018. Convergent evolution in tooth morphology of filter feeding Lamniform sharks. Southeastern Geology 53(2): 63-80.
36. Nichols C*, Smith A*, Huelsman S*, Schemmel C*, Doll JC, Jacquemin SJ. 2018. Preliminary understanding of complexities in swimming performance of common minnow (Cyprinidae) taxa. The Ohio Journal of Science 118(2): 16-24.
35. Doll JC, Jacquemin S. 2018. Introduction to Bayesian modeling and inference for fisheries scientists. Fisheries 43(3): 152-161. Manuscript Ranked in the Top 20 Most Downloaded Fisheries (Am. Fisheries Society) Journal Articles of 2018.
34. Jacquemin SJ, Johnson LT, Dirksen TA, McGlinch G. 2018. Changes in water quality of Grand Lake St. Marys watershed following implementation of a manure application ban. Journal of Environmental Quality 47(1): 113-120. Study Selected for Journal Issue Cover Page Feature.
33. Bertsos MJ**, Ciampaglio CN, Jacquemin SJ. 2017. Spatial variation in tooth shape of Miocene populations of Carcharocles megalodon across ocean basins. Southeastern Geology 52(4): 179-194.
32. Ciampaglio CN, Jacquemin SJ, Fabian AJ. 2017. Morphological analysis of the Blastoid taxa Metablastus wortheni and Tricoelocrinus woodmani with emphasis on taxonomic implications. Southeastern Geology 52(4): 205-222.
31. Bell A**, Jacquemin SJ. 2017. Evidence of morphological and functional variation among Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus populations across Grand Lake St. Mary’s watershed area. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 32(1): 415-432. DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2017.1319429.
30. Junker CR, Jacquemin SJ. 2017. How does literature affect empathy in students? College Teaching 65(2): 79-87. DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2016.1255583.
29. Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2016. 100 years of hydrologic alterations and morphological variation in Cyprinidae fishes. BMC Ecology 16(1): 1-18. DOI: 10.1186/s12898-016-0104-x.
28. Junker CR, Jacquemin SJ. 2016. On the implementation of an interdisciplinary teaching strategy for an environmental literature course. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (ISLE) 23(2): 395-411. DOI: 10.1093/isle/isw038.
27. Jacquemin SJ, Ebersole JA, Dickinson WC, Ciampaglio CN. 2016. Late Pleistocene fishes of the Tennessee River Basin: an analysis of a late Pleistocene freshwater fish fauna from Bell Cave (site ACb-2) in Colbert County, Alabama, USA. PeerJ. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1648.
26. Jacquemin SJ, Cicimurri DJ, Ebersole JA, Jones M*, Whetstone Z*, Ciampaglio CN. 2016. Evidence that adaptations in functional tooth heterodonty do not occur in early cladodont sharks. PalArch - Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 13(1): 1-20.
25. Jacquemin SJ, Doll JC. 2015. Macroecology of North American suckers (Catostomidae): tests of Bergmann’s and Rapoport’s rules. Ecology and Evolution 5(18):3895-3904. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1637.
24. Dillon RT, Jacquemin SJ. 2015. The heritability of shell morphometrics in the freshwater pulmonate gastropod, Physa. PLOS ONE 10(4): e0121962. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0121962.
23. Cavanaugh J, Jacquemin SJ. 2015. A large sample comparison of grade based student learning outcomes in online vs. face-to-face courses. Online Learning 19(2): 1-8.
22. Jacquemin SJ, Doll JC, Pyron M, Allen M, Owen DAS*. 2015. Effects of flow regime on growth rate in freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98(4): 993-1003.
21. Ross B*, Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2014. Does variation in morphology correspond with variation in habitat use in freshwater gastropods? Hydrobiologia 736(1):179-188.
20. Jacquemin SJ, Doll JC. 2014. Body size and geographic range do not explain long term variation in fish populations: A Bayesian phylogenetic approach to testing assembly processes in stream fish assemblages. PLOS ONE 9(4): e93522. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0093522.
19. Jacquemin SJ, Bernot MJ, Smelser L. 2014. Twitter (social media) in the higher education classroom: a student and faculty assessment of use and perception. Journal of College Science Teaching 43(6): 22-27.
18. Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M, Allen M, Etchison L. 2014. Freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque) diet in the Wabash River: effects of body size, river location, and sex. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5(1): 133-140.
17. Krall D, Lim S, Cooper A, Burleson P, Rhoades D, Jacquemin SJ, Willmore D, Spears M, Willmore C. 2014 (Published Electronically 2013). Withdrawal effect of chronic amphetamine exposure during adolescence on complex maze performance. Addiction Biology 19(4): 634-642.
16. Jacquemin SJ, Miller C*, Pyron M. 2013. Identifying local scale food web variation using stable δ13C and δ15N isotopes in a central Indiana reservoir and downstream river. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 122(2): 62-68.
15. Gaston K, Jacquemin SJ, Lauer T. 2013. The influence of preservation on fish morphology in museum collections. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 43(3): 219-227.
14. Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2013. Effects of allometry, sex, and river location on morphological variation of freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunniens in the Wabash River, USA. Copeia (4): 740-749.
13. Perry WL, Jacks AM, Fiorenza D, Young M, Kuhnke R, Jacquemin SJ. 2013. Effects of water velocity on the size and shape of rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. Invited submission – Special Issue – Crayfish Biology, Ecology, and Conservation, Freshwater Science (JNABS) 32(4): 1398-1409.
12. Owen DAS*, Settinera A*, Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2013. On the contribution of allometry to morphological variation in a freshwater gastropod Elimia livescens. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 121(2): 163-166.
11. Pyron M, T Pitcher, Jacquemin SJ. 2013. Evolution of mating systems and sexual size dimorphism in North American Cyprinids. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67(5): 747-756.
10. Dillon R, Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2013. Cryptic phenotypic plasticity in populations of the freshwater prosobranch snail, Pleurocera canaliculata. Hydrobiologia 709(1): 117-127.
9. Jacquemin SJ, Doll JC. 2013. Long-term fish assemblages respond to habitat and niche breadth in the West Fork White River, Indiana. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22(2): 280-294.
8. Jacquemin SJ, Martin E*, Pyron M. 2013. Morphology of bluntnose minnow Pimephales notatus (Cyprinidae) covaries with habitat in a central Indiana watershed. American Midland Naturalist 169(1): 137-146.
7. Dunithan A*, Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2012. Morphology of Elimia livescens (Mollusca) in Indiana, USA covaries with environmental variation. American Malacological Bulletin 30(1): 127-133.
6. Etchison L*, Jacquemin SJ, Allen M, Pyron M. 2012. Morphological variation of rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus (Cambaridae) with gender and local scale spatial gradients. International Journal of Biology 4(1): 163-171.
5. Pyron M, Williams L, Beugly J, Jacquemin SJ. 2011. The role of trait-based approaches in understanding stream fish assemblages. Freshwater Biology 56(8): 1579-1592.
4. Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2011. Fishes of Indiana streams: current and historic assemblage structure. Hydrobiologia 665(1): 39-50.
3. Jacquemin SJ, Pyron M. 2011. Impacts of past glaciation events on contemporary fish assemblages of the Ohio River basin. Journal of Biogeography 38(5): 982-991.
2. Pyron M, Beugly J, Pritchett J, Jacquemin SJ, Lauer T, Gammon J. 2011. Long term fish assemblages of inner bends in a large river. River Research and Applications 27(6): 684-692.
1. Pyron M, Beugly J, Spielman M, Pritchett J, Jacquemin SJ. 2009. Habitat variation among aquatic gastropod assemblages of Indiana, U.S.A. Open Zoology Journal 2(1): 8-15.
Professional Affiliations/Memberships
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
American Fisheries Society
Tri Beta Biological Honor Society
2019 Outstanding Faculty Service Award (2018) – Wright State University Lake Campus
2018 Honorary Research Associate – Professional Affiliation with McWane Science Center, Birmingham, Alabama
2017 Outstanding Faculty of the Year (2016) – Wright State University Lake Campus
2016 Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges (OATYC) Award Nominee: 2015-2016 OATYC Teacher of the Year
2016 American Fisheries Society – Indiana Chapter, Best Professional Paper Award
2015 Southwest Ohio Council Higher Education (SOCHE) Faculty Excellence Award
2015 Wright State University Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence: Early Career Achievement Award
2015 Wright State University Presidential Award for Excellence: Outstanding Unit (Lake Campus)
2015 Outstanding Faculty of the Year (2014) – Wright State University Lake Campus
2014 Excellence in Teaching (Wright State Core Education) – Student Nominated (BIO 1070 Health and Disease)
2014 Excellence in Teaching (Wright State Core Education) – Student Nominated (BIO 1050 Biology of Food)