Tracy Longley-Cook, M.F.A.
Associate Professor of Art
Tracy Longley-Cook's interests as a visual artist, educator and curator are strongly influenced by themes relating to transformation, memory, and perception. Through the use of experimental and traditional techniques, Tracy incorporates a variety of working methods into her photography, prints and books. She has exhibited her work internationally, and some recent publications include "The Book of Alternative Processes" by Christopher James, and "The Elements of Photography" by Angela Faris-Belt. Curatorial projects include "Emmet Gowin and his Contemporaries" at the Dayton Art Institute, and "The Fixed Shadow: Cameraless Images" at the Wright State University Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries.
1994-5, Maine Photographic Workshops, Residency Program, B.F.A., 1997, University of Washington, M.F.A., 2007, Arizona State University
Areas of Specialization