Advanced Features

Inserting an image

  1. At the bottom of your editing screen, you can upload your image into the Attachments field as shown in the image below (note: the tab is now called Photo & Files).
  2. Once your image is uploaded, you will use the id# found in the file information as seen below.
  3. You can now type the following "code" into the appropriate text field (e.g., Introduction, Body of a section, etc.) [image id=###] with the id number from above in place of ###.
    1. You can add a caption into the code: [image id=### caption="type caption here"]
    2. You can align the photo (left or right): [image id=### caption="type caption here" align=right]
  4. Below is an example of the code used to insert an image.
    [image id=1858 caption="Nate snowblowing his driveway in northern Michigan"]


Callouts showcase snippets of text like quotes or lists. Below is an example.

  1. Type the following "code" into the field where you'd like the callout to appear:
    [callout title="Title"] Your important information will be set apart from the body copy for easy scanning. [/callout]
  2. Replace the title and information with the text you would like to show in the callout.
  3. That's it!

Inserting a Video

  1. Type the following "code" into the field where you'd like the video to appear:
    [video url="YouTube URL" size="large" caption="Caption goes here."]
  2. Replace the text "YouTube URL" with the web address of your YouTube video. For example: ""
  3. You can adjust the size of the video by changing "large" to "small" or "medium".
  4. That's it!

Assigning someone else to manage your profile

You can assign another user the ability to update your profile through the following steps.

  1. Log in and edit your profile as normal.
  2. In the editing screen, click the "Advanced" tab near the top.
  3. Begin typing a name in the field under Profile Curators.
  4. A list of possible matches will drop down. Click your intended curator.
  5. Click "Save Profile" at bottom of page.

If you have any questions or concerns, click Web Team Support at the bottom of this webpage.